I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 511: Luo Yun will take a word!

In the suburbs of the imperial capital in winter, although the cold wind hits, in an invisible plain, people often feel a spring feeling. Not for anything else, just for the fresh earthy flavor that comes out from time to time here.

"Mother, I'm not to blame! This is what you want to ask!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu was asked by two beautiful women not to want it, he also smiled slightly, but from his laughter, two The woman also felt a touch of weirdness.

"You, you are so bad that you even said these things in front of others!"

"Yes, Brother Yu, we can live together at home, but this is a military camp! What do you make those sergeants think!"

"Look, you guys, really think a lot! What's wrong with this! People Luo Yun called you sister-in-law, what are you afraid of! Besides, it's not the first time we slept in a bed!"

"You! I'm ashamed!" Seeing Jin Shangyu's words become more reasonable, Ran Yuyi's face was red with shame.

Of course, in the face of such a situation, Duan Yunyan, the little princess from the northern Xianbei tribe, looked calm and calm. Although there was a blush on his face, I still enjoyed the feeling on the whole.

"Mother, this woman from the Central Plains is different from that in the North. It seems that this cultural difference is so great that the difference in life it brings is also hidden! Well, if this is the case, let Lao Tzu smooth out this cultural difference!" At a certain moment, after feeling the emotional changes of the two women, Jin Shangyu also muttered to himself.

In fact, while talking, Jin Shangyu had already brought his two daughters to the Central Army's account in the Royal Farm.

"Brother Yu, this tent is so big! No, there are tables in it, so it's not like eating here too!"

"Well, Sister Yuyi, it may be the first time you have come to the barracks! Actually, this place is a very important place, and most people are not allowed to come in! As for the tables and chairs, it can also be said to be a place to eat. It’s the place where people gather for meetings!"

"Oh, it turned out to be such an important place! Then, let's rush in, isn't it a bit bad? Look, there is no one else here!"

"Beauty! What's the situation! It's impossible to figure out the situation again! Brother tell you again, here is the final say! Don't say it is this little military account, everything here is temporarily under the control of Lao Tzu Got it! My big beauty!" At the end of the talk, Jin also slowly dropped his eyes on Ran Yuyi's body.

This time, Ran Yuyi didn't rush to speak, but silently nodded, indicating that he understood, and then began to transfer in the army account. For a while, look at the large long table in the middle, and then look at the simple map hanging aside.

Looking at the beautiful Ran Dabei with a smile on her face and in a good mood, Jin felt a bitter pain in her heart.

"Oh, this girl looks fresh. It seems that I didn't take good care of her and didn't open her eyes. I will treat you well in the future!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu and Duan Yun Yan also sat down slowly.

"Brother Yu, Yunyan, look at it, there is still a corner door here! It's amazing!"

"Sister Yuyi, let's see it later! In fact, it's such a big place. After a long time, you know everything!"

"Really! But, after all, it's the first time I saw it today, so let me take a good look!" Seeing Duan Yunyan saying this, Ran Yuyi also spoke out his own heart.

auzw.com Seeing Ran Yuyi's careful inspection of every object, Jin Shangyu's heart is more of his love for this beauty besides some emotions.

Here, a man and two women say a few small love words from time to time, which is considered to be quite content. However, at this moment, there are waves of footsteps outside. Of course, only Jin can hear such footsteps.

"Two beauties, keep your voice down, Luo Yun is back!"

"He's back, why didn't we hear it! Your ears are too good!"

"Yes! Brother Yu, are you scaring us! There is no sound!"

"Um, two beauties! Brother just said it! If you don't believe me, you will know everything in a short while!" Seeing his own words, did not attract the attention of the second daughter, Jin Shangyu did not say too much. Just smiled slightly.

However, at this moment, Ran Yuyu and Duan Yunyan, who were still smiling just now, were stunned on the spot.

Nothing else, because they really heard the footsteps outside this time.

"Um, brother, your residence has been arranged! Don't worry, there are brothers, everything is fine!"

"Boy, there is nothing wrong with it! Let’s talk about everything these days, I want to see everyone’s achievements too! Still the same thing, do a lot, do a good job brother, Reward!"

"Big Brother's kindness, I appreciate my brothers! However, everyone also asked me to say a word to Big Brother! I don't know if it should be said or not!"

"Don't mess with Wen Zou Zou! Let's talk! We brothers still use this set! Quickly, brothers want to say something to Lao Tzu!" Seeing that Feng Luo Yun suddenly said that he wanted to talk to himself , Jin also motioned to him to speak quickly.

Facing Jin Shangyu’s urging, Luo Yun was also slightly relieved at that time, and then said softly: "Big brother, have you forgotten the oath of the brothers? Luo Yun said that you are the biggest here, we are all your people!"

"Well, I said Luo Yun! Don't get excited! Of course this elder brother knows, tell me what is going on!"

"In fact, there is nothing, but the brothers discussed together. They said that you should not use rewards for everyone to work! What they mean is that whether you have rewards or not! Even if you are poor and have no money, they I will follow you too!" At the end, Luo Yun's eyes became more determined.

"Mother, no, I just want to inspire! Why these ancient people are so affectionate! This is too that! Well, since they really want to follow me, this is also a good thing!" At a certain moment, Just after Jin Shangyu finally understood what the other party meant, his heart was full of joy.

Because Feng Luoyun's words have fully demonstrated the fact that the three thousand sergeants here have become his Jin Shangyu's people!

"Well, brother, why don't you say a word! It's impossible, at this time, you still can't make up your mind!"

"No, no! Not what you expected! Luo Yun, actually, brother, I was moved by what you said! Okay, you tell my brothers, I have accepted their love! But since they don’t want to receive it With those rewards, let’s improve the overall quality of life here! If you do this, brothers won’t have any ideas!

"Well, it seems that Big Brother really considers everyone! Okay, let's do it! The silver you sent will be used to improve the quality of life of the sergeant!" Seeing that Jin Shangyu came up with such an idea, then Feng Luo Yun's voice was also moved and trembled.

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