I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 510: Farming show!

Outside the imperial capital city, in the royal garden, a large group of sergeants were watching something. Through the layers of sergeants, one can also faintly see a man and two women trying to control a double-headed plow!

Of course, this handsome young man is Jin Shangyu, and the two women are Ran Yuyong with nervous faces, and Duan Yunyan, the very excited little princess of the Xianbei tribe.

"You guys, slow down! I, I really can't do it! Brother Yu, hurry up, stop!"

"Beauty, isn't this what you want to play! It's an experience! Remember the brother's words just now, you have to hold down, and you can't leave your hand, otherwise you won't be able to open the land here!"

"Okay, I'll do my best! But you have also seen it, this thing called a plow has already come out!" Just before Ran Yuyi's voice, the two horses controlled by Jin Shangyu and Duan Yunyan also used the double-headed plow Pulled out of the mud completely.

Of course, such a scene also evoked shouts in an instant. Because just now, hundreds of sergeants were watching here.

"Come on, adults! Come on, adults!"

"What are you shouting! You haven't seen the double-headed plow coming out! How can you plow the land!"

"What do you kid know! Do you really think that the adults are teaching us to cultivate the land! To me, the adults are just playing with others! Don't be so serious!"

"Well! You see General Feng is watching us!" At a certain moment, when everyone was talking, some people also saw Feng Luoyun's expression change.

Speaking of it, Feng Luoyun has been operating here for many years, so there is still some majesty in the hearts of these sergeants, otherwise they would not be quiet a little bit because of a look.

The sergeants watching here have their own thoughts, but the three Jin Shangyu who are at work are all ugly.

"Mother, you girl, after only walking a few steps, I pulled out the double-headed plows. It seems that this girl Yuyu is really inexperienced! It's a big beauty in our family. It's amazing, and it's also able to hold the furious horse!" Just as Duan Yunyan tried to control a horse, Jin Shangyu was also muttering to himself.

Of course, just as those sergeants thought, Jin's real purpose is really to let his two women practice farming!

"Brother Yu, Brother Yu, let's play, this girl won't accompany me!" At a certain moment, when Ran Yumen staggered and fell into the field, her mouth also said the above words.

"Well, what are you guys doing? These two horses are yours! Go, Yunyan!"

"Okay! Brother Yu, go and take a look at Sister Yuyang! I'm fine!"

"Okay, you be careful!" In fact, Jin Shangyu's figure moved laterally to Ran Yuyi's side while speaking.

Of course, after seeing this scene, the surrounding sergeants were also rushing to lead the horse. And Duan Yunyan also handed over a war horse to a sergeant.

"Yuyang, are you okay! It's all bad brother, so I have to take you to some farming! This is a good one, but we also fell to our big beauty!"

"Brother Yu, it's okay, it's just a bit of dirt on his body! It's really okay! But this thing called a double-headed plow is really hard to control!"


"Really! Just be fine! That, Yunyan, you are here too! Didn't the rein be tightened just now!"

"Don't worry, Brother Yu, don't you also know that the little girl is from the north! These little horses can't help this girl!" Seeing Jin Shangyu caring about himself like this, Duan Yunyan is also very useful, a small mouth Even more slowly.

In this way, a big farming show came to an end in such an embarrassing scene.

Of course, although the land was not really sorted out, the joy of participation still made the two women very happy.

"Mother, let me see! This person is just idle. If you are doing the work in this countryside every day, let alone fun, I guess you will have a headache seeing these double-headed plows!" At a certain moment, Just when the two beauties, Ran Yuyi and Duan Yunyan, were very happy, Jin also sighed from the bottom of his heart.

However, just as Jin Shangyu settled the two women and slowly stood up, Luo Yun also weakly said to Jin, "Well, I said eldest brother! In fact, you have already mastered it very quickly. You know, some sergeants plowing land for the first time are even worse than this!"

"Well, brother! Brother knows what you want to say! It doesn't matter! In fact, we just came to have fun! However, brothers are really suffering! This point is clear in my heart, Jin Shangyu! Don't worry, we all It's a good brother! Time is still long! Brothers, don't you think it is!"

"The eldest brother is really right! The younger brother thinks too much!"

"It's okay, don't you see that everyone's enthusiasm is quite high! It's just that I don't know what the harvest will be next year! Sometimes I can only do my best to obey the fate!" When I thought of this weather problem, in fact, At this time, Jin Shangyu could only express his silent protest like this!

After all, today’s catastrophe, in the final analysis, is the work of nature without beauty, otherwise there will not be so many people displaced!

For a while, because of Jin Shangyu's instigation, the mood of the whole crowd was very high. After seeing this scene, General Luo Yun didn't say much, but stood silently beside Jin Shangyu until Jin Shangyu was dismissed. After the crowd, he said softly: "Big brother, in fact, there is actually something. I want to ask my brother in advance!"

"What's the matter, it's so mysterious, I have to talk about it alone!"

"Actually, nothing! Just tonight, how do you want to sleep!"

"Oh, you brat, I was talking about this! A trivial thing! The accommodation here is very tense! So, I will prepare a tent for your brother! Of course, it can't be inside. Too small! Otherwise you would know!"

"Yes, yes! Then, that little brother, go and prepare first. You and your two sisters-in-laws will take a rest in the army account!"

"Mother, when did I start calling my sister-in-law? This question is not a trivial question! But what do people call my sister-in-law? Forget it, sooner or later, you don't need to get a certificate anyway in this era, no Is it just missing a huge wedding!" At a certain moment, I heard the word "sister-in-law" from Feng Luoyun's mouth. To be honest, Jin was really not used to it.

But thinking about it carefully, only such a name is worthy of the current situation.

"Brother Yu, what are you whispering? Why can't we hear it!"

"Yeah! Isn't it just farming? It's like a military secret!"

"Well, don't guess the two beauties! Actually, it's nothing!"

"It's nothing, I mumbled for so long! Say it, hurry up!" Seeing Jin Shangyu hesitating to say something but stopping, Yunyan also eagerly asked.

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