I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2718: Back to Jin Cheng (19)

Within Jin Chengzhi, the combat command center and the human head transmission room also seemed a bit different. Of course, there are also some people suggesting to send troops to fight the Jie people, or even fight the Huns. But in any case, such discussions are still more intense.

"Mother, I still don't see it! There is such a lively scene in Jincheng! Well, it seems that there are more people, and there will be more ideas! Back then, there was only one big city, and when there was danger, it could be said that it was people. Everyone is vying for the first place, everyone is daring to fight! Now the cake is bigger, but everyone is beginning to fear!" After a short glance, Jin Shangyu also understood the basic ideas of these people, that is, seeking stability, seeking stability, and even It is seeking a good life.

Of course, for Jin Shangyu, this thought of his subordinates is not an act of rebellion, but a normal reaction of a stable mind.

However, when everyone expressed their opinions, Ge Feng also took a step forward and slowly said to everyone: "Everyone, since everyone has expressed their thoughts and opinions, this is a good thing. What do we think? I have to say it! Actually I don’t want to hide it from you, even the old man, I am inclined to seek stability! But when I thought about it last night, some things are not as simple as we seem to be!"

"General Ge! You can speak directly if you have something! Don't worry, you just have to say it boldly today, and the lord will decide afterwards!"

"Master Li is right. The old man is going to tell his true thoughts directly! After repeated thinking last night, the old man thought that the current situation could not be solved by a single word ‘stable’!"

"General Ge, you are our pride and our role model, so please be able to speak more clearly!"

"Good, good! In fact, the truth is very simple. Just like people begging along the street, if they can eat leftovers every day, they will burn a lot of fragrance! But when they don’t worry about eating and dressing every day, they probably won’t. Thinking about the previous situation again, I think about a more comfortable life! No one even thinks about how they changed from a beggar to a food and clothing person now!" Although Ge Feng at this moment is a bit vulgar in his words, he listens to everyone. But there is a rare shock in his ears.

After all, this example is too appropriate for them.

"Mother, you girl, it turns out that Ge has such a patience! Take it, I take it! It seems that he and Brother Li did not sleep well last night!" Feeling Ge Feng is different from yesterday Jin Shangyu also muttered to himself in his mind about the changes in his thoughts.

At this moment, Li Zhao, who was standing on the side, did not say much, as if he had already understood what was in front of him.

"Everyone, you can stand here. To put it bluntly, they are the backbone of Jin Jun! Even the most important person! So the old man thinks that now I am not looking at things in the north from an early age! After all, some of us have a smaller structure point!"

"Yeah! What the old general said makes sense! We really didn't think about the overall situation before! It's just that we can't directly use troops against the north! After all, doing so will disrupt some balance!"

"Balance, what is balance? Before there was Jin Cheng and Jin Jun, wouldn’t there be a balance too! And now! In other words, this balance is used to break! Now everyone is here, and the old man also Speaking clearly, there can only be one voice in Jin Junzhong! Of course, the voice is the lord!" This time, before the people below have finished speaking, Ge Feng's strong voice is already resounding inside and outside the hall. .

For a time, because of Ge Feng's continuous speeches, the whole scene changed from before.

Although Jin Shangyu did not speak, he also understood that a subtle change may have taken place in it.


As a bystander, Murong Yuyan stood on one side solemnly. The reason why she didn't come forward and say something, firstly, she was not from Jin Junzhong, secondly, it was a miracle that she could stand here. Of course, the last reason is that she doesn't want Jin Shangyu to be embarrassed!

"Ah, ah, ah, everyone, you have all expressed your ideas! Old General Ge also expressed his own opinions! Now with Li's ideas, the lord should make the final decision! No matter what the lord takes out What kind of coping method will be implemented unconditionally! This is also the rule!"

"I will understand!"

"Just understand! Lord, do you think it's time to say something!"

"Mother, what else are you talking about! You old brothers, one sings a black face and the other sings a red face! I have already controlled the situation, what can I say!" For a while, everyone in the hall stopped. Linguistically, when he just wanted to hear Jin's decision, the latter also fell into muttering.

"Master, you, don't be silent anymore! After all, this matter is not trivial! You still have to show courage to make a decision!"

"Thank you, Brother Li, don't worry, Shang Yu knows what to do! Now most people have expressed their opinions, then, then, please let General Moore talk about the recent northern affairs!"

"The final command! In these days, we have received dozens of messages. After analysis and sorting, the final will think that the current extension of the Xianbei tribe should be very difficult!"

"Why do you say this! You know, the Tuoba clan is a powerful tiger and wolf division, and their combat effectiveness is not below the Jie Ren!"

"Lord, what you said is not bad, but judging from a lot of information, the Tuoba family may still be facing internal disputes! Maybe this is the real cause of the great changes in the north!" Jin Jun’s intelligence collector, General Moore, also reported what he had obtained.

Although much of this information is obtained through analysis and reasoning, Jin Shangyu understands that such information may sometimes be real information.

After listening to General Moore's report, let alone Jin, even the people standing in the middle of the hall didn't know what to say.

Because it may be the first time they have heard of such information, after all, General Moore, who is responsible for collecting information, will not leak information at will.

"Brother Li, General Ge, and you guys, you have all heard that, now the situation in the north has changed a lot! If we don't interfere, I am afraid that the northern Tuoba Xianbei tribe will eventually be gathered by the Jie people! At this time, the pressure faced by Murong Xianbei and Duanbu will be unprecedentedly strong!"

"Shang Yu is extremely right! But what General Moore said is also a guess! If it is correct, there is no problem; if the guess is wrong, will it affect some things!"

"Brother Li said well! In fact, our current situation is still a bit smaller, so we only see the right and wrong information! Conversely, if we look at the North from the overall situation, it is simple, the North is us Whoever wants to move, let's beat him! It's that simple!" While talking, Jin Shangyu at the moment also showed a very strange smile.

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