I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2717: Back to Jincheng (18)

Faced with the breakfast carefully prepared by Zhen Jiufeng, Jin Shangyu was quite happy, and a group of people were also sitting around the round table, enjoying the rare morning happiness.

During the meal, everyone also talked and laughed. Some reported good news and others reported worry. The person who reported worry was Feng Luoyun who had just arrived in Jin's mansion in the morning.

"Boss, you have eaten and drunk, shouldn't it be time for the little brother to talk about business!"

"It turns out that Luo Yun has something serious to talk about, then, let's avoid it!"

"No, no, it's actually not a business thing! No, at 10 yesterday afternoon, the boss told everyone to come up with a countermeasure to the north this morning! Even now, most of the personnel in the combat center have arrived, you say they Are you motivated?"

"Boy, there's such a thing! It seems that everyone is very fond of the strategy against the enemy this time! Well, let's go over and take a look!"

"Boss, brother, what I mean is to make you plan early. To put it bluntly, you can't get to the scene and there is no basis yet!" At a certain moment, just over the breakfast of Jin's mansion, Feng Luoyun also visited himself early. The reason for Jin Mansion was revealed.

After listening to Feng Luoyun's words, everyone didn't react too much. After all, everything here needs Jin Shangyu's decision in the end.

"Mother, you ya ya, now you are concerned about the North's affairs! If you contact the bits and pieces before, I am afraid that some people still don't want to lose their strength! No matter, if you want to do it, just do it!" At this moment Although Jin Shangyu of Jin Shangyu didn't directly say anything, everyone was able to know the general idea.

"Shang Yu, since you have made up your mind in your heart, then have a good breakfast, and then study the so-called business!"

"Okay, sister! You guys, don't hurry up! However, Miss Murong still needs to go to the combat command center with me in a while!"

"I know!" Murong Yuyan also responded blankly after hearing Jin Shangyu's arrangement.

And Jin's breakfast ended in such a small embarrassment.

In fact, this can't be blamed on Feng Luo Yun for coming over to report. Most important figures of Jin Jun will gather in the combat command center today.

As for things in the north, everyone is also very concerned.

In this way, although Jin still wants to accompany his woman at home, he can't wait for things now!

"Well, Sister Jiufeng, just stay at home, my son will be back soon!"

"Alright, don't talk about these useless words! It's more important to study the business! Remember, everything must be in accordance with the heart, not too short-sighted!"

"Okay, thank you for your advice! Every eldest son, Miss Murong, can we set off!" While speaking, Jin Shangyu also took the lead out of the gate of Jin's mansion.

At this moment, Murong Yuyan was very cooperative. Although there was no verbal communication, she still followed Jin Shangyu closely.

auzw.com "Boss, what to do in such a hurry, it is better to talk about your ideas, after all, there are more people and more ideas!"

"Luo Yun, this time thank you for coming to the ward in advance! But now we don't need to study the northern affairs, because this son has already made a conclusion!"

"I know the boss will know it! But, brother, I still want to know what the boss thinks!"

"It's very simple, Bingfa Yuwencheng! I really want to see what their Jie people want to do!" This time, even Murong Yuyan could feel Jin Shangyu's powerful fighting intent. It is a kind of spirit of seeking a war with one heart, and wanting a battle!

"Boss, no, I want to fight Yuwen City! You know, the Jie people are attacking the Tuoba Xianbei tribe! Can our attack on Yuwen City really work!"

"Will you know when the time comes? Let's go, let Jin Jun's soldiers study this matter!" While talking, Jin Shangyu also increased his walking speed again.

Not too long, the three also came to Jin Jun’s combat command center.

Although a guard sergeant nodded to the three of them every time he walked through a place, the current Jin did not put his mind on it at all.

Because he released his perception a little bit, he had already discovered that the combat command center was unusual.

"Mother, you girl, these guys came early enough! Oh, even the kid Moore is back! It just so happens that I want to know the recent events in the north!" At a certain moment, it was in Jin Shangyu's mind. When secretly wondering what, the three of them also entered the combat command center.

The huge square hall usually gives people a very spacious feeling, but now it is filled with the noise of everyone, and there is no sense of tallness at all.

"Let me say, this time we should stand still. As long as we persist, I believe the Jie people will not dare to do anything! As for the North, after all, are we still far away from us! The Murong Department and Duan Department, we can make plans too late!"

"This, this, this is what I think! Of course, if the lord wants to fight, I will definitely be the charge general!"

"Okay, you guys, don't talk about it anymore, come here, the lord has already arrived, please be more self-respect!" Although Li Zhao's voice is not too loud at this moment, he heard the word "lord" and the people in the hall are also He quickly returned to a quiet state, as if they had done nothing before.

"Lord, you are here at the right time, and now all that should have come has arrived! As for today's matter, please let the lord make a decision directly! I believe you will not have any opinions!"

"I'm waiting for the lord's arrangement! If there is a battle, I will charge ahead!"

"Well, you guys, don't do that. If you have something to discuss, after all, do we want to talk about democracy? Of course, it should be discussed. Yesterday's research is not too different! So now I want to listen to everyone's opinions! "

"Everyone, you guys have all heard. Although our Huayu has a bigger turf and more soldiers and horses, the rules are still to be observed. So Li is the last one to say. If you have anything, please speak in person. !" For a while, because of Jin Shangyu's speech, the atmosphere in the whole hall suddenly became tense.

After all, people here still know who Jin Shangyu is. Of course, as far as Huayu's overall living conditions are concerned, everyone is quite satisfied.

"Okay! Since the lord and Lord Li said this, then I will say a few words first! I will think that although the northern matter is of great importance, it has not yet hurt the interests of Huayu! So I think it is still The same should change!"

"This, this, in fact, there are such considerations in the next! The main reason is that we are too far away from them. If there is a war, it will take a long time to send the troops to the north, and at that time, we don’t know about the war. What kind of situation will it develop into!" While talking, Jin Shangyu also saw many people come forward to give their opinions. These opinions are also very straightforward. After all, Li Zhao has already stated his attitude just now, that is, to study the northern issue in one go.

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