I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2719: Back to Jin Cheng (20)

An impassioned speech also instantly detonated the entire combat command hall. Many generals are still shouting long live the lord.

Of course, Jin Shangyu can think of such a result, but the reason why he has to do this is to maximize the morale of Jin Jun generals.

"Good, good! Since everyone is a man of iron and blood, the boyfriend has decided directly! Hope this time the decision is our common decision!"

"Lord, just give the order directly!"

"Okay! Brother Li, General Ge, in fact, my countermeasure is to send troops to Yuwen City!"

"I want to fight Yuwen City! Well, that's the central city of Yuwen Xianbei tribe. Now Liyin is garrisoned!"

"Yes, General Ge said so! It's there!"

"Lord, why is this! In fact, this may also be a common question for everyone!" At a certain moment, after Jin Shangyu said his own countermeasures, the entire combat center burst open.

Maybe everyone could guess that Jin Jun might act, but none of them thought that this time the battle target turned out to be Yuwen City!

Of course, Jin Junzhong is quite familiar with Yuwen City. After all, they have helped Murong Xianbei cavalry before defeating the Jieren and Yuwen family's coalition forces.

It was also at that time that Young Master Yuwen Wushuang defected to Jin Cheng and became a member of Jin Jun.

"Hahaha, Brother Li, General Ge, and brothers, you may be thinking why! In fact, the reason is also very simple, as long as we hurt Li Yin, the Jie people will not ignore it! And if the main force of the Jie people is Dare to change the direction of the attack, and it can be considered to have solved the siege of the Tuoba family!"

"My lord, this is what I said, but when the time comes, the Tuoba family won't appreciate it, aren't we going to establish a strong enemy for nothing!"

"Brother Li, in fact, one of the fundamental reasons for my idea of ​​launching Yuwen City is that the location there is relatively special! Think about it! As long as you win Yuwen City, you can connect Murong Xianbei's site with Yuwen City. Together! In this way, even if the Jie people repel the Tuoba Xianbei tribe, we have not suffered too much! If the main force of the Jie people comes to fight, we just have to withstand it! After all, there are times when fighting requires some risks. Yes!" Although the explanation is not too clear, Jin Shangyu at this moment can be regarded as expressing his attitude, that is to use troops against Yuwen Dacheng!

At this time, Li Zhao, Ge Feng and other talents are considered to be slowing down.

In particular, Li Zhao said eagerly: "Master, you have to use troops against Yuwen City. I have no objection, but once the Huns are killed from the northwest! How to deal with it!"

"Brother Li, please rest assured that when I leave, I will confess with Jin Bufan and Mo Jingtian! As long as the Huns dare to move, they can fully meet the enemy! I believe the Huns will not dare to head-to-head with Pingyang City. of!"

"This, this, it turns out that the lord has already strategized and decided to win a thousand miles away! No matter what, Li has nothing to say!"

"Yes! The lord is already more mature now, and there are follow-up safeguards for everything you do. The old man also agrees to this combat plan!"

"Okay! Now that everyone agrees! Then, the son will be on the spot!"

"No, there, the lord is on the top, please be worshipped by Wushuang!" This time, when Jin Shangyu finally saw the approving eyes of everyone, a voice that was not too loud was also heard.

"It's General Wushuang! I don't know what the general wants to say!"


"Speaking of which, I, Yuwen Wushuang, I want the lord to attack Yuwen City the most! After all, there are the people I hate the most! But, I really have to tell some things next! If the lord will attack Yuwen City after hearing it, Wushuang will definitely Be the vanguard officer!" Although the voice is not too loud, because the person who is speaking at this moment is the former Yuwen family elder brother Yuwen Wushuang, the generals dare not say much.

"Mother, you ya ya, what's the situation! No one else has anything to say, what else is your kid coming out to say! You can just call back to Yuwen City together! It's useless to say more!" After Yuwen Wushuang's mood changed, Jin also quickly thought about something in his heart.

After all, it is still somewhat inappropriate for Yuwen Wushuang to stand up now, but because the other party's identity is relatively special, Jin Shangyu is not so good to say anything!

"Well, General Wushuang, please talk to your face if you have any words! After all, the lord's plan is already set, and it is not good to change the original intention for something indifferent!"

"Yes! In fact, what I want to say next is that Yuwen City is built among tall hills. There is a dangerous terrain near it, and there are defensive positions far away!"

"Well, General Wushuang, can you insert a word!"

"Lord, please speak!"

"Brother Wushuang, in fact, you want to say that Yuwen City is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and you are afraid of losing my good boy Jin Jun! Thinking about it now, Brother Wushuang has such a mind, it has proved that you are truly responsible for Jin Jun! But the other way around Speaking, this young man also has to tell everyone one thing, this time of battle, not only must be a big victory, but also as few dead people as possible!"

"This, this, since the Lord’s heart is determined! If Wushuang talks about other things, it is wrong! Ask the Lord to give the order, and the final will be a pioneer!" At a certain moment, after Jin Shangyu once again emphasized the power of Jin Jun, Yuwen Wushuang did not. Talk again, because at this moment, he had already believed in Duke Jin before him.

And time slipped by little by little in such weirdness.

At a certain moment, just as Jin Shangyu was preparing to take the stage, Ge Feng came slowly with big strides.

"Lord, you, who do you plan to let go! After all, this time is not a trivial trouble! If you, Mr. Jin, don't dislike the old man, Ge Feng is willing to send troops there!"

"No, that, I said, General Ge, you, don't you want to do this too! After all, this son has not issued any military orders! You come to fight now, tell him what to do!"

"Lord! In fact, it's okay for General Ge Feng to be a general. After all, his commanding experience is quite rich!"

"Brother Li, it's not that Shang Yu doesn't want to use Ge Lao, but Jin Cheng can't do without him!"

"Shang Yu, what do you mean by this! Since joining Jin Junzhong, the old man has not personally set off to kill the enemy! Does the lord really think that the old man is already quite old!" Jin Shangyu said something more, then Ge Feng was also shaken, and said what was in his heart.

In the face of such Ge Feng, let alone Jin Shangyu, even if it is replaced by someone else, it is not easy to refuse. After all, the comprehensive commander strength of the latter is also there. If the ability is not good, how can it be as famous as Jin Bufan in the world!

However, just when the scene was a little embarrassing, a voice came slowly.

"Hahaha, so many people! I thought something was wrong, it turned out that the lord was going to be a handsome man from Taiwan! Ling Yun is not a talent, and he is willing to lead the army to attack Yuwen City!

"Ling Yun! It's the commander of Ling Da, he, how could he come back!"

"Yeah! Isn't Grand Commander Lingyun stationed at the northern border!"

"Okay, don't say it, this time I should be able to let General Ge take a break, after all, the ability of Ling Yun's commander is still well known!" At a certain moment, Ling Yun appeared in Jin Jun's combat command center. At that time, the people standing here also started the mode of whispering.

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