I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2706: Back to Jincheng again (7)

Although it was almost dusk, Jin Shangyu was not too anxious, but began a careful conversation with Shadow.

After all, the latter is Jin Jun's true king of dark hands. Under his and Zhuyu's leadership, the internal and external security of Jin Jun will rise to a new level.

"Brother, this time, we have this alarm sound transmission system, which will greatly reduce the chance of surprise attacks by the enemy! Let's put it this way, as long as it is close to Jincheng fifty miles, our people will be updated in the fastest time. The enemy’s sentiment comes back! Not to mention real-time information, it can’t be too much difference!"

"Mother, you girl, this is just a simple wind barrel sound transmission method. When I have time, I must lay the telephone line! Then let the ancients see how I play in the blood world. !"

"Big brother, are you listening! Is there a lot of shortcomings in what we did? In fact, even with this sound transmission system, it is still passing some ordinary events. I want to tell things. It’s harder to understand more!"

"No, no! In fact, I am already very satisfied! I believe such an early warning system will be useful! Miss Murong, do you want to build one in the north in the future! Rest assured, free installation, professional training!"

"Poor mouth! But that's what you said! Shadow, I'll find you to do this job then!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu's voice just fell, Murong Yuyan said with a slight smile.

In this way, because there are many things that need to be exchanged with Shadow, a few people stayed in Jin Jun's combat command center for a long time.

In the end, Jin Shangyu also mentioned some more sensitive things.

"Good brother, I know that you have paid the most in the past few years, and most people don’t know about the things you have done! Don’t worry, as long as it’s your business, I will take care of my brother! But, just don’t Know when you and Miss Zhuyu are going to get married!"

"Big brother, this, this, don't worry, after all, our affairs here haven't stabilized yet! The troubled times are so long, why bother to worry about it!"

"Good brother! But can't you wait for that girl Zhuyu, you two can meet and love each other again, this is a great fate!"

"Well, I said Mr. Jin, when is this, I still talk about these things, or else, let me tell the truth first!"

"Thank you, you can see, this son is not in a hurry yet, but Miss Murong is in a hurry! That's right, it should be a matter of business! Actually, I have something to discuss with my brother!" Jin Shangyu also showed a strange look.

Hearing the words of his lord, Shadow also slowly asked: "Brother, what are you talking about?"

"It's very simple. You also saw it next to us. There are also twelve super powers who returned to Jincheng with us. Their combat effectiveness is very different. Although they are not as capable as you, they are also among the super dead. Master!"

"In fact, the eldest brother didn't tell me, Shadow also observed them! Judging from their facial expressions and spirits, they are indeed masters of the masters! I don't know what the eldest brother said about them!"

"I want to hand over nine of them to you. After all, if our Darkhand Army grows, internal and external security will reach a new level!"

"This, this is a good thing! Please rest assured, the shadow must have a good relationship with your brothers, so that they can be integrated into Jin Jun as soon as possible!" At the end, the shadow also solemnly said with a fist.

auzw.com"Good brother! Just work harder! As for the remaining three people, they are three older brothers from Beihai, known as the three males of Beihai! From their name, you It is also possible to know that their unique skill is underwater kung fu!"

"Oh, it turns out that the three old brothers' tricks are not on land! That's right, otherwise, with their skills, it would be difficult to get into the eyes of the big brother!"

"Good guy, your brother, I haven't said anything yet, so you can see everything. Thinking about it now, your progress over time is probably also huge! Come, come, here are some good medicines, and you Take it slowly and take it slowly, I believe it will have unexpected results!" At a certain moment, after Jin Shangyu confessed his affairs, he also took a small bottle from his waist and handed it to Shadow.

"This, this is the legendary high-level pill! Brother, this is too precious!"

"Okay, let me tell you the truth. These are all retrieved from the treasures in the depths of the desert. Don't worry, brother, I still have a lot here! You can use it with confidence!"

"Thank you, big brother!" At this moment, when someone Jin said such words, Shadow also smiled and accepted a small bottle that looked very inconspicuous.

In this way, with the delivery of a good elixir, Jin Shangyu can be regarded as accomplishing one thing.

"Shadow, or else, you also go to Jin's Mansion together, I guess they have already prepared dinner!"

"Brother, you, you know, I don't want to participate in such an occasion, you should take Girl Murong back soon!"

"That's it! Okay, let's go together, you return to your place, I return to my place!" While talking, the three also walked out of the Jin Jun combat command center slowly.

As soon as he walked out of the door of the building, Shadow nodded and floated away. Only Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan stood in front of the building, looking at each other.

"Lord Jin, it seems that your cohesion is still very strong, even a super big man like Shadow treats you as a brother!"

"Girl, what are you talking about! Shadow and I are really the kind of brothers who have fateful feelings!"

"Tell me, you still brag! Forget it, don't mention them! However, you really plan to help us build a sound transmission alarm system!"

"Why, don't you believe it! As long as you study for a while, you can go over and teach you after you upgrade! Of course, all the materials will be sufficient by then, and Miss Murong will not be troubled!"

"This, this is almost the same! Let's go, if you don't go, someone will kill you and catch you back!"

"No, beauty! Forget it, listen to you, let's go!" Although he wanted to say a few more words, he looked up at the sky that was approaching dusk, and Jin also took Murong Yuyan and quickly faced him. Go to the house.

Here, Jin Shangyu finally finished handling Jin Junzhong’s affairs and was about to return to his home. At this moment, Jin’s mansion had long been a lively scene with lights and festoons. Not only were people walking back and forth in the mansion, even Jin, who was usually not busy, The small kitchen in the house also changed at this moment. The laughter was mixed with the spatula clashing, and there was no way to hear what it was like, but one thing was very real, that is, people’s faces were filled with With joy from the heart.

Of course, there is also a room that is relatively quiet at this moment, and there is a person sitting there. But seeing her voice pity and tears, people will have an urge to step forward to comfort her.

She is no one else, but Ran Yuyi, one of the hostesses of Jin Mansion.

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