I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2707: Back to Jincheng again (8)

The twilight became deeper and deeper, but the ode to joy in Jin's mansion just sounded

"Brother Yu, you, just come back! Just come back safely! Thank God for your blessing! Yuyu thanked you here!" Sitting in a small room alone, Ran Yuyu now has tears in his eyes. .

Because she was waiting for Jin Shangyu to return safely, she had waited too long. Even in the early morning every day, she was afraid that bad news would come from Jin Jun’s combat command center. That kind of very tangled feeling is always lingering, making her feel complicated and difficult to calm down.

However, this time, he finally waited for the best news, and the man he loved was going home safely.

"Sister Yuyi, or, let's go down first! I guess the eldest brother will be back soon!"

"Mayfair, you, you should understand what my sister is thinking! That's all, since I'm back, let's go! Let's go and see!"

"Sister Yuyi, these days are really hard for you! If there is no news for your eldest brother, I am afraid you will get sick! But now it is fine, eldest brother will go home soon, and you can accompany him well! "

"Mayfair, don't make fun of me! Think about it, our identities are all the same, if it wasn't for Brother Yu who had saved me from the wicked under the tremendous pressure! I am afraid I would have been with ghosts and gods! "

"This, this is true! It's like my eldest brother took me away in the Golden Valley Garden back then. Alas, I'm a little afraid to think about it now. If Jin Feier hadn't met my eldest brother, I might be ruined in my life!" The second woman also slowly descended from the second floor to the lobby on the first floor.

There, everyone was ready for a long time. There were beauties such as Duan Yunyan, Lvzhu girl, and Mr. Wenshuo wandering back and forth in the hall, as if they were worried, and they seemed to be expecting something in their hearts.

"Well, Mr. Wen, you seem to have something on your mind!"

"This, this, it's okay! Shang Yu will be back in a while! Let's wait here for a while! But I heard that this time there will be a girl Murong coming with you!"

"Yes! We've all heard of this! Girl Murong is also a big man. I heard that she is one of the masters of Murong Xianbei's tribe!"

"Yuyu, you are right, she is really a very powerful person! But Yunyan, you have to keep a good attitude!"

"Old Wen, look at what you said, it is our pleasure that the son can return safely, how can Yunyan make everyone happy!" As he spoke, Duan Yunyan also stood up slowly and said.

Faced with such an answer, as the chief steward of the Jin Mansion, Mr. Wen Shuo was quite relieved.

After all, Duan Yunyan is from the northern part of Xianbei, and Murong Yuyan is from the northern part of Murong Xianbei. There is a very complicated relationship between the two of them, so Wen Shuo had to say something in advance.

At this moment, Zhen Jiufeng seemed to have thought of something, and the whole person quickly left the lobby on the first floor of Jin Mansion.

"No, that, what did Sister Jiufeng leave so eagerly for! It's not that he found something!"

"Yunyan, Jiufeng should be in the small kitchen, after all, it's time to start working on his specialty!"

"No, it turns out that Sister Jiufeng has to cook by herself! This is too much for Duke Jin's face!"

auzw.com "Yunyan, you may not know it, now Jiufeng's craftsmanship is very good! Forget it, everyone will see real food in a while." At a certain moment, it was in Wenshuo When the old man's voice just fell, they also saw the door of the Jin Mansion move slightly, and then they walked into a man and a woman.

The handsome man, the handsome man, has a pair of eager eyes, as if he wants to see everything in the house at once. On the other hand, the woman dressed in black clothes was not so ostentatious, and she felt very low-key.

"It's them, it's the son who is back! Hurry up, go out to meet you!"

"It's really Brother Yu! Brother Yu, you are here!"

"Buddy, I'm finally back!" At this moment, not to mention everyone sitting in the hall, even Zhen Jiufeng, who was in the small kitchen of Jin's Mansion, put down his shovel.

Faced with the mixed reactions of the people, but they were full of longing eyes, Jin Shangyu was also a little dazed. After all, he had not returned to his home for so long, he, he was really homesick.

"Well, Mr. Wen, Yuyi, Yunyan, Lvzhu, Feier, you are all here! Good! Great! All of you are good!"

"My son, what are you talking about! In fact, you are the best when you come back! Of course we are all here!"

"Yes, yes, it's what the old man said! Come, come, go in! This is Miss Murong, you have all met before!"

"Jin Shangyu, our sisters are very familiar with it. What do you mean by that!"

"Well, you know it! Come, come, let's go in together!" While talking, Jin Shangyu just wanted to introduce Murong Yuyan to everyone, but after hearing the words of Duan Yunyan and others, Mr. Jin I don't care about things here.

In this way, before too much time, the hall of Jin Mansion has become a sea of ​​joy.

Someone asked questions about Jin's trip to the desert, and some asked about Jin's health. In short, people were asking questions around Jin Shangyu. It's just that the problems are different.

"Mother, you girl, this is really a happy trouble! But if life is on schedule, what can I expect from my husband!" While feeling full of emotions, Jin Shangyu also tried his best to tell everyone what he had experienced. listen.

Of course, there are some situations he can't talk nonsense about, such as the battle against the peerless strange man Ge Shenzi on Yunshadu.

The reason why this matter cannot be said is because God's identity is too special, and all the signs are showing the fact that the latter may really have broken into that great realm.

Of course, things like this kind of advanced, even for ordinary people, are somewhat illusory, and it's best not to talk about it.

"Well, everyone, you all care about the son, and you have a lot of questions to ask. This is a good thing, and it's normal! But let's see what time it is now! To put it mildly, I guess the son and Murong The girls are hungry! Come on, let's get ready to have dinner! After all, there has been no such excitement in a long time!"

"Yes, yes, it's what Mr. Wen said right! Brother Yu, or else, go to the small kitchen and check it out! After all, there are many surprises there!"

"What's the situation! Oh, my son understands!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu heard such words from Ran Yuyi, he also understood in his heart.

In this way, following the words of Wen Shuo and Ran Yuyi, the people here finally started to prepare dinner. At this moment, Jin Shangyu was very obedient and walked slowly towards the small kitchen of Jin's house.

"Mother, you girl, I really didn't expect that the former Queen of Jin would become the chef in the small kitchen of Jin's house. It's time, luck, and fate! No, she seems to be trying Make a new style of cuisine! Okay, let me help you, my little brother!" This time, just as Jin Shangyu released his perception a little bit, he also understood what was happening in the small kitchen of Jin's house. .

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