I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2705: Return to Jincheng again (6)

Jin Cheng, the combat command center, still kept talking, but Jin Shangyu knew that he, the master of the domain, was required to make decisions at critical moments.

In fact, Jin Shangyu knew this a long time ago, but now he wants to listen to the opinions of the generals as much as possible. After all, the truth that three heads put one Zhuge Liang on top of it, Jin still understands.

"That, lord, sir, actually there are a few words to say next!"

"Wushuang, just say what you think! It doesn't matter, this is all your own!"

"Thank you Lord! Actually, you all know that I, Yuwen Wushuang, is a member of the Northern Yuwen Xianbei Department! Of course, the Yuwen Department is no longer there. Even our most proud Yuwen City is occupied by Li Yin. !"

"General Wushuang still has to keep his mind down, after all, the current world has changed a lot!"

"Thank you Li Li for his comforting words! It is impossible to say that there is no hatred in your heart! But from a rational point of view, most of the northern affairs are still related to the overall situation of the Central Plains! This, this is the next guess!"

"Mother, you damn, this Yuwen Wushuang is really amazing, and it hits the key point in one sentence! Now it seems that something is going on in the north, but in the final analysis it is caused by the chaos of the Central Plains!" After his quick thinking, Jin Shangyu also thought quickly about something in his mind.

At this moment, Yuwen Wushuang also slowly said: "You guys, although I dare not say something, this matter must be related to the Huns! Everyone knows before that the Huns have launched a big offensive, even the capital city. Sooner or later it will fall into their hands!"

"You girl, this kid is getting better and better! He can predict the historical event of the imperial capital city being broken by the Huns! Well, it's not time to praise him, let's see how others react!" Although he did not directly respond to Yuwen Wushuang's words, Jin Shangyu also appreciated each other from his heart.

At this moment, Ge Feng did not put forward any opinions in favor, but took a step forward and put forward his own opinions!

"Master, everyone, in fact, General Yuwen's analysis does sound very interesting! But, but we can't guess here, after all, we must make the final decision through strong intelligence collection!"

"General Ge, having said that, we are more than a thousand miles away from the north, and we cannot know what happened there in a short time! And with such hindsight, how can we make the right choice!"

"Luo Yun, the old man's intention is to focus on the north! After all, we already have two generals, Mo Jingtian and Jin Bufan, in Pingyang City. Even if the Huns want to do something, there are two of them, so we can protect ourselves. There is still strength!"

"General Ge, this is a fact, but once we shift our focus to the north, what about the Jia Mi Army in the south, and how will Liu Kun in the middle area deal with it! Not to mention that the current royal dispute has reached a fierce state. !" In the end, Feng Luoyun at this moment did not follow Ge Feng's words, but took the initiative to speak out his views.

Jin Shangyu is more pleased that his brother is so serious, but from the perspective of the super powerhouse who just came to Jin Cheng, such a scene is really rare.

Once they came here, they knew that Ge Feng's status was very high, and if such a person spoke, they would definitely not have other opinions.

Come on, because this is Jin Jun’s combat command center. To put it bluntly, the people here will decide the direction of Jin Jun’s attack.

Therefore, in such a general environment, Feng Luoyun was able to speak his own words, which in itself was a huge psychological impact for the strong who just came here.

You know, among the various forces, even the former Dajin imperial court must abide by unwritten regulations, that is, some people can speak, some can curse, but others have no courage to express even if they are dissatisfied in their hearts. come out.

However, among Jin Cheng, the super strong who recently joined Jin Jun also felt Jin Jun's democratic atmosphere.


In this way, after an hour of discussion, Jin Shangyu finally ended the debate.

"Well, Big Brother Li, Elder Ge, and everyone, since everyone has said what is in their hearts, then, then this young man must think about it! We will discuss it tomorrow!"

"Okay! My lord, in fact, our lord hasn't gone home yet! So, now everyone can leave! Also, don't be absent when discussing matters tomorrow! After all, some things will be settled tomorrow!"

"I'll understand!" With the sound of echoing slowly falling, the largest hall in Jincheng also became empty after half an hour.

"Shang Yu, you, you have also heard it. Now everyone has a lot of ideas, but overall there are still two directions! One is to go north to use troops, the other is to stand still!"

"Brother Li, you have worked hard! In fact, everyone has said what is in their hearts, so it is too early to make up your mind now! It is better to wait for Moore and the others to return the latest information!"

"Alright! I don't know where you are going next!"

"Go home, of course you want to go home! After all, you have already leaked the wind!"

"Hahaha, some things are still visible to the son! It's just that it's not right for you to ask our brothers! Shadow, you, you should report your work well!" In fact, Li Zhaoyu at the moment Ge Feng also slowly left the combat command center.

At this moment, the shadow standing in the corner came over with a little embarrassment.

Speaking of it, there are only Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan left in the hall now, and the shadow who has not spoken.

"Shadow has seen the lord!"

"Good brother, you didn't speak before, I'm afraid you want to talk to me alone!"

"If you go back to the lord, that's what your subordinates meant!"

"Look, when this son rushed to the desert, we were still worthy of brothers. How come we have become like this now! Is it true that Li Zhao and Ge Lao were talking nonsense!"

"No, no, if that's the case, the shadow will call you big brother! In fact, what I want to talk about next is the construction of the Darkhand Army!"

"Oh, it's finally about business! If my brother guessed right, your experiment was successful!" At a certain moment, just as Shadow's voice fell, Jin Shangyu said thoughtfully.

Faced with such Jin Shangyu, as the supreme commander of Jin Jun's dark-handed army, Shadow also changed his face slightly, but such a change happened in an instant.

"Brother, you are right, our method of sound transmission is still successful! This time, the forefront masters found you the first time! Of course, you may have discovered them too! It’s just that they passed a transmission. The method of sound quickly transmitted the message of the Lord’s return to Jin Cheng! That’s why Lord Li and General Ge went out to greet you!"

"It turned out to be like this! Good, good! I really didn't expect that you, handsome brother-in-law, would have such a technique! Although we have studied it before, it is just an idea!"

"Brother, you are the one who has done meritorious service! If it weren't for the sound transmission theory you mentioned earlier, brother, it would be useless if I tried to break my brain!" Laugh out loud.

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