I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2704: Return to Jincheng again (5)

In Jin Chengcheng, the flow of people is still constant, but Jin Shangyu at this moment is quite calm, because Murong Yuyan reminded him that he had figured out some things.

"Mother, you shit, you were originally a small traverser, but now you have become the master of Huayu by accident! Forget it, people should pay attention to us, so I can't talk indiscriminately. Human heart!" After figuring out some joints, Jin Shangyu also continued to follow the team slowly.

At a certain moment, just before the group of people came to the city gate of the inner city, the superpowers who were chatting with the chasing wind and Feng Luoyun just showed a very surprised look.

"Um, Chasing the wind, every general, you are too that one here! It turned out to be such a big city! It's not right, how is this different from other places!"

"What's the difference! Please tell me, brothers!"

"It's not the same, it's not the same! It's just a moment and a half, we still don't know! No, it seems that the city wall is different, why is it so thick! It seems that the material is not the same!"

"Brother, what you are talking about is on the point! In fact, the city walls here are really different from the outside! They are constructed with three layers of materials! Ordinary siege weapons don't even want to destroy them! Of course! Now, even the most powerful heavy siege weapon in the world can hardly break it in a short time!" As he speaks, in fact, the chasing at this moment is full of pride.

And Murong Yuyan, who followed behind, didn't have such a reaction, after all, she had seen it before.

"Jin Shangyu, it seems that your inventions are getting more and more! Take the city defense facilities here. Not only are they constructed with extremely powerful materials, even the defense weapons here are not available!"

"Don't, don't worry, if you want, I will send someone to you at that time! I heard that the defense of Murong City has also undergone qualitative changes in the past few years!"

"Well, I really want to thank you Mr. Jin! No, how could this girl thank you! After all, in their eyes, you are the king of Murong Xianbei! To put it bluntly, doing this is normal behavior. !"

"No! Beauty, this, how to put it this way, it seems like this son should do it!"

"I should do it! Forget it, this girl is too lazy to discuss with you for such an obvious and direct question! Let's go, I should be able to enter the city! I don't know how your two old brothers will meet you in this Huayu Lord!" In fact, Murong Yuyan at the moment also showed a very strange expression.

In this way, because the eyes of the strong players were attracted by Jin Cheng's uniqueness, the team walked slowly. But anyway, half an hour later, they still entered a relatively spacious street in the inner city.

"Mother, it's not good, I still met! Forget it, if you come, you will be at ease! Who told them to be out of good intentions!"

"Why, can't it be avoided! In fact, Mr. Jin doesn't have to avoid it. After all, sometimes, the majesty of the king still needs to be maintained!"

"Girl, don't make fun of this young man anymore! If you can, the ghost would be willing to be the king!" Although the two voices are not loud, the chasing and Feng Luoyun at this moment still know what Jin is thinking.

Because at this moment, they already saw a team of about five hundred people waiting on the other side of the street. The two people standing at the front of the team are not others, they are Li Zhao and Ge Feng.

"Luo Yun, this time is enough for our boss to play for a while! Why would he not be able to bear such a big scene!"

"Yeah! This is the scene he least wants to see! But there is no way! After all, Huayu also needs a strong returning king!"


"Forget it, let's be a spectator!" This time, after a little analysis, every Luo Yun and Zhuifeng will know what will happen next.

It's just that the two of them don't want to be involved here.

"The final general Ge Feng sees the lord!"

"Li Zhao has seen the lord!"

"Brothers, please get up soon! Why are you starting this set again! Didn't you say it before!"

"Master, don't worry! In fact, this is also a scene deliberately arranged by our brothers!"

"Brothers, this, what is this for!"

"The lord doesn't know anything! This is the kingly way! Now the people of Huayu have become more than tens of thousands. If you don't establish the power of my king, the future development will be even more difficult!"

"Mother, is this obviously formalism! But the two guys said that they have a sense of justice! No matter, under all the eyes, it is better for Laozi to keep silent and talk less!" At a certain moment, it was in Li Zhaoyu When Ge Feng expressed his thoughts, Jin also stopped talking.

After all, he doesn't want to stay here for too long. After all, it may be a situation where the water is not drained for a while. At that time, even if he has the combat power of the gods, how can he not be surrounded by the people here?

In this way, because of Jin Shangyu's temperament and the understanding of Li Zhao and Ge Feng, Jin Shangyu finally passed this seemingly spacious but somewhat crowded street with ease.

At a certain moment, under the gaze of the people around, Jin Shangyu and others were also led by Li Zhao and Ge Feng to the Jin Jun combat command center.

This is a huge composite building, surrounded by fully enclosed concrete high walls, and a gate that integrates defensiveness and ornamentalness, which attracts many powerful people in awe.

"That, Shang Yu! Don't blame our two old brothers, after all, the people in Jin Cheng need to know that their king has returned full of blood."

"Yes, right, right, now our Huayu is no longer a small place, we need such guidance! Of course, this is also the king's way!"

"Certainly, anyway, I can't say you guys! I'll all be seated! Let's study the business first! After all, in Pingyang City, Brother Jin also told some things! I just don't know what the two brothers think about the north. !" Just when he arrived at Jin Jun’s combat command center, Jin Shangyu signaled everyone to sit down so that he could study the countermeasures earlier.

After feeling Jin Shangyu's eagerness, Li Zhao was the first to respond.

"Shang Yu! Actually, we don't have a good way to deal with the North matter! The reason for this is because we don't understand the real situation! If we act rashly, it will inevitably affect the overall strategic balance!"

"Big Brother Li is right. Actually, I think the same way with Big Brother Jin and Big Brother Mo! So, what should we do now! You can't do nothing at all! After all, the Huns are most likely to do something!"

"Yeah! The Huns have a very strong style of action! They will really attack if they want to attack! Of course, as a countermeasure, we also asked General Jin Bufan to send 50,000 troops to Pingyang City a few days ago! "For a while, just after everyone took their seats, everyone started to discuss how to deal with the North.

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