I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2696: See Jin Bufan again!

In this way, as everyone's mood became more complicated, the entire team could be regarded as seeing the big city of Pingyang in front of them.

The huge fortress, because of the long distance, does not have the kind of visual coercion that it gave people before.

As the number of pedestrians increased, it once again confirmed the strength and confidence of this ancient city. The hustle and bustle of the crowd looked alive under the warm sunset sun.

At this time, Jin Shangyu was also full of emotions. After all, in these years, from nothing to having his own big city land, everything seemed to be in a dream.

Of course, for him as a traverser, what kind of change occurred is a matter of reason.

At a certain moment, when the crowd slowly came to Pingyang West Gate with the crowd, many sergeants rushed over.

"I'll wait for the lord, general and others to change horses!"

"No need! These guys can still last a while! Who asked you to come over!"

"If you go back to General Mo, it is General Jin Bufan!"

"Oh, it turned out to be like this! I know it! You can all return! The lord doesn't like this, he will explain it to General Jin then!"

"This, this, then we would like to thank General Mo! Actually, we just want to come and see the lord!"

"Mother, these sergeants are really interesting! They said what they were saying directly! But I just don't know why my elder brother suddenly came to Pingyang City!" This time, a little bit of emotion occurred in Jin Shangyu. When it changed, he was muttering deep in his heart.

In this way, because of Jin Shangyu and Mo Jingtian's perseverance, the generals and sergeants who finally came out to greet everyone also reluctantly answered their accounts.

After walking through familiar streets and alleys, and then took a short cut and walked a few streets, about half an hour later, the former City Lord's Mansion also appeared in front of everyone.

"My lord, when I arrive, I don't know what General Jin is studying here, why is it so mysterious!"

"It's okay, my eldest brother is really busy now! But, when we come here, he can take a short rest!"

"This, this, does the lord have guessed this level long ago!"

"No! Just think about it! Brother Mo, let's go, it's time to witness my elder brother's style of dealing with things!" At a certain moment, when Mo Jingtian was slightly confused, Mr. Jin also explained some things again. Out.

After all, he didn't want any misunderstanding between Jin Bufan and Mo Jingtian.

However, just when everyone came to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, the red lacquer gate that was still closed before also made a sizzling sound, and the next second was pushed open in a large area.

"Hahaha, brother Shang Yu, I didn’t expect that you came back in such a timely manner! It seems that some things were handled properly! There is also General Mo, the commander of the wind, and girl Murong, you are all working hard! Come, come, hurry Take a seat! The general’s welcome banquet has been prepared for a long time!"

"Oh, you turned out to be the eldest brother! Please be respected by the younger brother!"


"Boy, what are you worshipping! After all, where is your identity!"

"Okay! If that's the case, then we don't need to be polite! Since the eldest brother has prepared the banquet long ago! Shang Yu is respectful, it is better to live! Come on, Brother Mo, chase the wind, let's go in together!" In fact, the group of people at this moment has been led by Jin Bufan into the main chamber of the city lord's mansion.

There, everyone raised their eyes slightly, and they could find that the good wine and dishes were ready.

At this moment, Mo Jingtian did not speak, as if thinking about something in his heart. As for the other super-powerfuls who came here with Jin Shangyu, they were very careful. Almost all of them said polite words, and no one said much.

"Mother, you girl, my eldest brother appeared here, that must be a new situation! These people are some old fritters who are not surprised, and I hope they can truly integrate into Jin Jun in the future!" In fact, just when Jin Shangyu and Jin Bufan had a very happy conversation, he was also thinking about something in his heart.

In this way, when it wasn't too much, everyone was seated one after another.

"My lord! Since everyone is sitting down, then, even if I am Jin Bufan, I must be worthy of the lord!"

"Big Brother, why are you doing this! After all, isn't this also a place for drinking and eating!"

"The lord doesn't know anything. Just last month, after discussions with Li Zhao, Ge Feng and others, I finally decided to strengthen the power of Pingyang City! After all, the north has changed too much!"

"Big brother, actually you don't want to tell me, the younger one has to ask too! Quickly tell me what happened in the north! Along the way, some people say that the Jie people started with the Tuoba, and some people don't know the strategic intentions of the Jie people!

"Shang Yu, in fact, the Jie people have really attacked Tuoba Xianbei! And it's still a kind of big attack! I believe that the current Tuoba is already extremely passive!" In fact, Jin Bufan at this moment It also revealed some information.

Of course, after hearing these messages, everyone reacted differently. Murong Yuyan frowned slightly and was anxious. Mo Jingtian was indifferent and relieved. The rest of the strong also had their own ideas.

"Brother, you, you mean that the Jie people are launching a battle for treasure in the desert on the one hand, and on the other hand they attack the Tuoba in the north! But why do you want to strengthen the military power of Pingyang City!"

"Lord, do you think! Why are they attacking the Tuoba Xianbei tribe! It's nothing more than trying to further squeeze the living space in the north! Even their biggest back-hand is to unite with the Huns to shoot together! By then, Pingyang City and The Death Forest will be the forefront of the fight against the Huns!"

"It turned out to be like this! Then, according to Big Brother's idea, what should we do the most now! Is it to rescue Tuoba's family, or to stay on hold, so as not to change!

"It's hard to say! Because when I was in Jincheng, Master Li, General Ge and I analyzed this issue for a long time! After thinking about it, there was no good result in the end! After all, we are now in a relative relationship. In an embarrassing situation!"

"Big brother, what are you going to say about the situation we are facing now!" For a while, after Jin Shangyu heard such an explanation, the whole person also had some emotional changes.

However, in the end, someone Jin still signaled Jin Bufan to continue.

"Master, you have stayed in the desert for too long, so you are not sure about the current situation, which is normal! Take our position, although there are Murong Xianbei and Duanbu in the north that echo each other , But if you check the map carefully, you will know that there are still Yuwen City from Yin, Liu Kun's army, and even the Jieren and Tuobas are watching us!"

"Right right right! Big brother is extremely analytical!"

"The southwest direction, I won't talk about it, you should know when you come from there! As for the south, the biggest pressure is Jia Mi's army!"

"Mother, I thought that when I returned to the land of Huayu, I would live a peaceful life! Now it seems that there are some things that you can't do without participating!" At a certain moment, Jin Bufan tried his best. When the general situation of the world came out, Jin also muttered to himself.

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