I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2695: Controversy between Shenfa (2) Reens.

It was an ordinary competition, but now it has a different ending. From the beginning, everyone thought that Chasing the Wind would win, to the final Jin Shangyu's super **** performance, everything made the witnesses here a little puzzled.

Even the well-informed Murong Yuyan was stunned not knowing what to say.

"No, that, I said beautiful women, I don't know who the two of us won!"

"Yes, girl Murong, you have to tell the truth! This time, the boss really lost under this commander!"

"You, can you two shut your mouth first! Anyway, let this girl think about it!"

"Think, what else is there to think about, this young man must have won!"

"Master Jin, you, you are quite confident! Yes, your speed is very fast, but the chasing is not bad! If this girl is really allowed to decide, then it will be a tie!" At this moment, Murong Yuyan also lengthened her voice deliberately.

However, just before Murong Yuyan's voice was over, the whole crowd started a mode of cheering, as if celebrating something great.

"Mother, isn't it, it's so heart-to-heart, isn't Lao Tzu's status so low here! Alas, forget it, it's a tie, it's a tie, who told Lao Tzu to keep a hand!" At a certain moment, it was in Murong Yuyan. When announcing the results of the competition, Jin also mumbled to himself.

And the chasing wind at this moment has long become a hero in everyone's hearts.

"The leader of the chasing wind is so powerful that he can draw a tie with the lord!"

"That's it! If you go so fast, I believe the lord has already lost this time!"

"No, that, I said, brothers, why do you mean something else!"

"No, no, we really have no other meaning. After all, it is the greatest miracle that you and the lord can draw a tie!" At the end of the day, the chasing wind at the moment was also on the spot.

Now, Jin feels a rare touch of relief. After all, such comments still make him very happy.

In the following time, everyone expressed their hearts. Some people want to learn new ways to lighten the body, and some people want to study the mystery of martial arts together.

Even the North Sea Sanxiong, they also attach great importance to the current opportunities, because they also want to improve their land combat capabilities.

"Young Master Chasing Wind, or else, you can pass some exercises to our brothers now!"

"It's easy to say that these things are nothing! Come on, let's talk about the match between me and the boss! Since Girl Murong said it was a tie, it is a tie! Boss, you said a tie, how should we deal with it!"

"This, this, is it easy! Let's have five bowls of wine each! How about it!"

"No, you, you are such a bullying leader! Girl Murong, you, why don't you care about him!"

"Boy, don't talk nonsense if you are a man! Isn't it just five bowls of spirits!"

"Yes, no reason! Isn't it just a big drunk in Pingyang City? This son recognized it!" At this moment, just when Jin Shangyu's voice fell, Zhuifeng had already accepted Jin's opinion.

At this moment, Murong Yuyan also smiled slightly, which was regarded as a response to these two people.

At a certain moment, when a crowd of people waited for another long time, the official road in the distance became wider and wider.

auzw.com "Brother Mo, it seems that we will be able to reach Pingyang City in half an hour! I really didn't expect that after only a few years, there could be such a good road!"

"Yeah! Think about the road to the city before, it can't be compared! However, we still have to thank the guy Wei Yu! Without his help, it would be impossible to have such a Tongtian Avenue outside Pingyang City!"

"Oh, this kid is right. Although he didn't touch him in the Death Forest just now, he is really busy!" This time, when the group was about to reach Pingyang City, Mo Jingtian and Jin Shangyu were also both Talking about something while walking.

And time slipped by little by little in such weirdness.

At a certain moment, just as everyone was looking forward to reaching Pingyang City earlier, a few fast horses rushed from the official road.

"Lord, there seems to be some situation! Look at their appearance, they should be very anxious! Could something happen in Pingyang City!"

"Brother Mo, don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with Pingyang City! They come, and most of them welcome us! After all, you, the City Lord, haven't returned for a long time!

"The Lord's words are heavy! But their faces are still a bit strange!"

"Of course it's not an acquaintance! There are still big people in Pingyang City today!"

"Shang Yu, the old man knows that you are very capable, or else, let me tell you a little bit more! See who is here!"

"My eldest brother Jin Bufan!" In fact, Jin Shangyu also showed a very strange expression at the moment.

At this moment, Mo Jingtian didn't say anything for a long time after hearing the words "Jin Bufan".

After all, he still knew who Jin Bufan was, but this time, this person was actually sitting in the big city of Pingyang, which surprised Mo Jingtian more or less.

"Brother Mo, are you surprised! After all, most people think my eldest brother is in Jincheng!"

"Shang Yu, you are right! When they were in the Death Forest, didn't Jin Buyu and General Li Mu also say that Jin Bufan was still in Jincheng!"

"Brother Mo, in fact, some things may have happened during this period, but we don’t know it! Since my eldest brother has sent someone to greet us, let’s speed it up!" For a while, I experienced it for a while. After Mo Jingtian's mood changed, Jin also said slowly.

And after a few breaths, the galloping horse stopped in front of Jin Shangyu and the others.

"Report, report to the Great General, I am ordered to welcome the lord and the general, and the leader of the chasing wind!"

"Well, don't talk about it one by one! We already know! Is General Jin Bufan sitting in Pingyang City?"

"In response to General Mo, General Jin is discussing matters in the city. Because the matter is more urgent, he did not go out of the city to greet him. Only a few of us will come to meet him. Please forgive me, sirs!"

"Okay! It's okay, you can list it on both sides! Lord, it looks like you are still as expected!"

"Brother Mo, you can figure out some things, that's the best! But there must be a reason for Big Brother Jin to be here!"

"It's okay! Even if General Jin is really stationed at Pingyang City, the old man will not say much!"

"This, this, forget it, when I enter the city, I see him, maybe everything can be figured out!" At a certain moment, after Jin Shangyu felt a slight change in Mo Jingtian's mood, his mouth also slowly Persuaded.

But the latter is just like the words just now, without much reaction at all, just observing the geographical environment in front more carefully!

Of course, at this moment, people including Zhuifeng, Murong Yuyan, Beihai Sanxiong and others also understood the fact that there might be something going to happen in Pingyang City.

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