I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2697: Inside Binh Duong City!

At the beginning of the Hua Deng, the night was illusory, but Jin Shangyu and others just entered the city of Pingyang but were not in the mood to appreciate everything here.

Because in the conference hall at this moment, Jin Bufan is telling the current trend.

"Everyone, you are all the capable people recently accepted by my brother Jin Shangyu! Since you are capable, you have to use your abilities! Actually, you are not afraid of all jokes! Even the next one is Jin Shangyu accepted into Jin Junzhong! Of course! Now, you may still be a little strange to the deity!"

"This, this, General Jin, we are something strange to you, no, we should be more curious! After all, in the legend you are the king of the death forest, where you are the king, and no one can surpass your status! But why do you want to join Jin Jun!"

"Good, good! The old man asked! It is actually very simple, that is, Jin Shangyu is a benevolent, and the benevolent will be invincible! Even if he is small now, he will definitely return in the future!"

"What a strong return! With the words of General Jin, we are also convinced!"

"Hahaha, with everyone helping me, I believe Jin Shangyu's great cause will come true!"

"Mother, you girl, this young man has done ideological work for them before! Why, my old brother has to brainwash them! Alas, it seems that this cheap brother is better! "At a certain moment, just as Jin Bufan spoke quickly with many powerful people, Jin Shangyu also muttered to himself.

In fact, as Jin Bufan said, in this dark and black world, the most sincere thing is benevolence and justice!

Of course, all humanity and justice must be based on moving people. Just like when Jin Shangyu conquered the Death Forest, if he hadn’t saved Jin Bufan in a blunder, and relieved Jin Bufan’s great sorrow during the Beiying Army’s internal fighting, I’m afraid no matter how good his kindness is, he will eventually It can only be your own taste slowly.

In this way, because Jin Bufan's speech is relatively direct and his ideological education ability is relatively strong, shouts of shouts are also heard from time to time in the entire hall.

If everyone didn't know that this was the combat command center in Pingyang City, they might have mistakenly thought it was in the lobby of the cottage.

"Well, I said eldest brother, you have said so much! Why, do you want to starve our brothers out!"

"Smelly boy, you know how to pick up your brother's minor faults! Alright, now that the major issues are basically not too much difference, come, come, let's raise a glass together! Celebrate Grand Master Jin's safe return, and a happy return!"

"Right, right, right, General Jin said it is good! Let's respect our king together!"

"Cough cough, cough, don't be like this, let's be a brother! How to make it happen, it has become that kind of relationship again!"

"Shang Yu, you, you have to adapt to everyone's rhythm. We can't let all of us adapt to you alone!"

"Brother Jin, can't you be my own brother! What's the name and what is this! Nothing, drinking, let's not talk about anything else!" For a while, seeing that he could not convince Jin Bufan at all, Jin was also the same at the last moment. Drink up.

At this moment, Jin Bufan was very bold, and he also raised his glass directly!

"No! Well, I said the boss, I'll kill it all at once!"

"Oh, you, what do you mean by this sentence! It's not about preparing to drink five big bowls in a row! If this is the case, this son will also be accompanied!"

auzw.com "No, it doesn’t mean that! Just ask! Come on, everyone, let’s go together!" Although the chasing wind at the moment wanted to say something, but thought of myself There are five bowls of spirits with Jin Shangyu, and in the end the latter also no longer speaks.

Mo Jingtian, who hadn't spoken much for a while, finally stood up after drinking a bowl of wine.

"Mother, you girl, this old man has been pulling his face all the time. Is it because he is a little bit resistant to Jin Bufan's arrival! If this is the case, Lao Tzu is really hard to deal with!" Although there is no emotional change , But at this moment Jin Shangyu still noticed the changes in Mo Jingtian's figure.

"Well, everyone, you are all big people who just came here!"

"Don't don't, don't talk like that, in fact, we are just ordinary people! If it were not for the help of the son, we are still alive or dead still unknown!"

"Well, you guys, don't be humble anymore! Actually, I'm not really flattering you! After all, you are really big figures in your respective forces! Of course, from now on, we will all be centered on Shang Yu ! As long as the affairs of Huayu are done well, the good things in the future will take over!"

"Brother Mo, thank you!"

"Lord, don't say that! As General Jin said, in fact, he is also a general under Jin Shangyu! From this perspective, you should not have any ideological burden!"

"No, this old brother Jin just taught them a lesson, and in a blink of an eye, General Mo Da will have another lesson! That's it, I really can't stand it anymore!" At one point, Jin Shangyu understood that it was not shocking at this moment. After thinking about it, the whole person mumbled to himself again.

In this way, with the constant understanding and acquaintance between people, coupled with the pride and excitement of pushing a cup and changing a cup, before midnight, there is already a harmonious atmosphere in the whole hall and deep brotherhood.

At a certain moment, just after midnight, the situation in the entire hall also changed dramatically. The people who were able to yell before have also appeared drunk one after another.

But the first thing that can't hold it is the leader of the chasing wind.

"Well, the two brothers slow down, you must let him drink more water then!"

"If we go back to the lord, we know! I just don't know where Master Herd lives!"

"This, just send it to me!"

"Yes!" This time, before Jin Shangyu could speak, Mo Jingtian, who was sitting next to Jin, also slowly spoke.

The two Sergeants Jin Jun also stopped talking. After a while, they helped the chasing wind into a relatively wide house!

Of course, in the following time, except for Jin Shangyu, Mo Jingtian and others who were still insisting, the others, including Jin Bufan, slowly walked out of the discussion hall.

"Lord, there are not many people now! Or, let's have a few more drinks!"

"Brother Mo, Shang Yu knows your mind! In fact, there are some things, we still have to look at the overall situation, it is best to focus on the future!"

"Shang Yu, you don't have to say any more, brother, I understand your thoughts! In fact, there is no deep hatred between Jin Bufan and I! Of course, this time he was able to come to Pingyang City, it was indeed the old man's accident. ! But you have also said very clearly that if the old man is still playing tricks in such a situation, he is not worthy of being your brother!"

"This, this, Shang Yu is really happy that Brother Mo can think this way! It's too early, or Brother Mo should take a rest earlier! As for us, aren't there two ear rooms on the left and right? One night is all right!" At a certain moment, when Mo Jingtian was using Jiu Jin'er to speak his own heart, Jin Shangyu also signaled him to rest earlier.

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