I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2617: Weird Sand Ridge (14)

In the unknown stone cave, Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan were born, and they also rescued the three brothers of the Tianyin Hermit in a desperate time.

It was that Yuanhua and the seven others were very unlucky, not only lost their lives, but also did not even spread the so-called news. Because the two great warriors they had sent out to report had already been tied to two big trees by someone Jin, it was impossible to escape there in a short time.

"Lord, please be worshipped by our three brothers again!"

"Well, it seems that you are treating this young man as a member of other forces. To be honest, in fact, there is no such rule in Jincheng, as long as everyone is happy! That, beauty, should you say it too? A few words!"

"This, this, three people, in fact, what Jin Shangyu is telling is the truth, he really doesn't want you to always worship! The three should be more detailed!"

"Yes, yes, it's what this girl said! I don't know what the girl is called!" At one point, when Jin Shangyu shifted the topic to Murong Yuyan, the other party also asked a relatively ordinary question.

"Well, you just call her Murong Girl! Actually, we also stopped two Xiongnu warriors just now. I guess they are going to go back to report!"

"What, the lord actually stopped the two of them, that would be great! In this way, the army will arrive here when the twilight descends at the earliest! Because it was agreed before, no major incident, that is Come here at this time!"

"Oh, there are such things, no wonder they are very anxious!"

"In return to the lord, there are actually two powerful Huns cavalry intercepting from the two wings of Fenshaling. The target is you!"

"Really! It seems that they really put a lot of effort! Forget it, if that's the case, then we should also study how to pass through the Fenshaling!" While speaking, Jin Shangyu at the moment has an understanding of the current situation. Up.

In this way, after a few people adjusted slightly in the cave, Jin Shangyu was ready to return to the brigade with the three of them.

However, when everyone just got out of the stone cave, Jin Shangyu asked what he was most concerned about.

"Um, Brother Tianyin, why do you want to gather here to listen? Is there anything else to say! Or is this cave special!"

"This, this, since the lord asked, the old man will just say it! In fact, this cave is a natural rock cave, and we have long discovered that it has a certain degree of magnetism. I believe there should be a lot of magnets at the bottom of the cave. Right!"

"It turned out to be like this! It's okay, let's go back soon!" After knowing the basic situation here, Jin Shangyu didn't ask much, but directly led everyone to quickly score Shaling.

Speaking of this Fensha Ridge is a continuous mountain range. The reason why it was controlled by the Huns early was that they wanted to operate something here, such as preventing mutual support between the major forces in the Central Plains, and so on.

In this way, because Jin Shangyu basically completed his reconnaissance mission, he also reached the Fensha Ridge two quarters later.

At this moment, he also showed a look of helplessness.

"Jin Shangyu, we are going to rendezvous with the brigade, why do you still show such a look!"

"Girl, in fact, our people are really being targeted by others! I don't know if we can achieve a quick separation!"

"What do you mean, how come this girl doesn't understand!"

auzw.com "It's very simple, because now a cavalry team has decided to fight with us!" In fact, Jin Shangyu at the moment has also increased his speed.

Here, Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan took the three brothers of Tianyin Hermit to prepare to rendezvous with Mo Jingtian. At this moment, General Mo was already in a complex mood and looked nervous.

"Brother Duan, do you think they will fight with us to the end!"

"It should be! After all, they have not used any formations at all. This first impact was the entire army's pressure! It seems that their generals are also very powerful! Knowing that this is not a long-stay place!"

"Yeah! It seems that we can only fight with all our strength now! It would be nice if the lord could come back earlier!" For a while, as Mo Jingtian hadn't waited until Jin returned, there was only one way for Mo Jingtian at this moment. It is to defend in place, waiting for Jin Shangyu's return.

However, just as the sound of the galloping horse in the distance got closer, a familiar figure also appeared in front of Mo Jingtian's horse.

"Brother Mo has been waiting for a long time! My son is back!"

"Lord, you, you are finally back! What's the situation on Fenshaling? Is there a Huns ambush!"

"That, let's not say it, they have also attacked, and we don't have to face them head-on at the moment, and quickly send the whole army into the Fenshaling!"

"Go directly to Fenshaling!"


"Okay! The final officer will start acting now!" Although I was puzzled by Jin Shangyu's order, at this very sensitive and endangered time, Mo Jingtian chose to trust someone Jin.

It was too late, and it was fast. Under the gaze of Jin Shangyu and others, the entire Jin Jun mixed team was divided into three parts and quickly marched towards Fenshaling.

Of these three parts, the first part is an assault team composed of 1,000 cavalry, the second part is a large carriage convoy, and the last part is a cavalry defensive formation composed of elite Jin Jun.

"Master, you, follow along and leave!"

"Brother Mo, your method of commanding the army is still very powerful, you can complete the rearrangement of the army in such a short time! Don't worry, I will be fine here! Until you have to move forward quickly, after all Fenshaling is still the site of the Huns!" This time, after hearing Mo Jingtian's words, Jin also said with a slight smile.

Seeing that Jin Shangyu was so confident, Mo Jingtian also patted Jin on the shoulder, and then led the army to Fenshaling.

"Mother, how could I leave early! Anyway, I should stay here to see if they will die! If you want to die, I will let them know how powerful Jin Jun's dark hands are!" When the army retreated slowly and orderly into the Fensha Ridge, Jin Shangyu was also muttering to himself.

The reason for this was because Jin Shangyu saw the dark-handed squad formed by Yi Jianzi. Although the number was small, the combat effectiveness was still considerable.

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if there are fewer staff, aren't there still Duke Jin and Murong Yuyan here.

"Master, our three brothers just listened to it, they seem to have discovered our tactical intentions!"

"Oh, it turned out to be Brother Tianyin! Yes, yes, this son has forgotten your abilities! Okay, since they know our tactical intentions, I believe they will not necessarily launch an attack with all their strength! Let's go, As long as they don't do anything, we will treat them as if they are here for a walk to watch the scenery!" While talking, in fact, at this moment, Jin Shangyu led Yi Jianzi and others to slowly follow Jin Jun's army.


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