I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2618: Weird Sand Ridge (15)

And at this moment, the sound of the rumbling horses galloping from far to near, and after a while, everyone can see the cavalry in the distance.

This time, the powerhouses including Jin Shangyu also showed a relatively relaxed expression. After all, just now, their army also led the convoy into the Fenshaling Ridge.

"My son, let's go too! After all, staying here is not a safe thing!"

"Big Brother Yi, don't worry, we are still useful here. You know, they are also observing whether we are walking fast or slow, and even they are still considering whether to pursue us!"

"It turned out to be so, then, what shall we do now! Don't just stay here right away!"

"Brother Yi, you are right. Although our number is small, is it a barrier to stop here!" While talking, Jin Shangyu at this moment has actually slowly suppressed his thoughts, and his eyes are even more deadly. Staring at the coming army in front of you.

Here, Jin Shangyu and other strong men are still here, and there is already a very dense cavalry team in the distance. The person in the lead was an old man, but seeing his heavy armor, he seemed to lead soldiers to rush to Jin at any time.

"Hu...stop, the army can stop!"

"General, why stop pursuing them! Even if they are on the Fenshaling Ridge, they don't necessarily run far! With our speed, we can still catch up with them!"

"What do you know, don't you see the group in front of you in your eyes!"

"It turns out that the general refers to those dozens of people! They are probably the dead ghosts left behind by Jin Shangyu and others. As long as my army takes one step, they will die!"

"Not necessarily! You know, although the number of dozens of them is smaller, from the expressions of each one, there is no trace of fear at all! If this general guessed correctly, they should be Jin Jun Super killer!"

"General, what do you mean is that they sent Jin Jun's dark talented corps too! Impossible, we have already obtained the most accurate information before, this Jin army is just cavalry!" At a certain moment, Just as the cavalry team just stopped moving forward, an old man who looked like a counselor also said to the general in the middle position.

However, after some dialogue, the old man as the main general already had doubts about the Jin in front of him. In other words, he did not believe that the dozens of people in front of him were a team that acted like cannon fodder.

"General, otherwise, let our team go out and test it out. If they are ordinary people, it is estimated that they will be wiped out by our people in a short time! If it is really like what the general said, we should be prepared! "

"This, this, that’s fine, let them go and see if that’s the case! You guys, this time you can follow the general to protect the general, but this time, I hope you can do something in the past. !"

"Hahaha, it's finally time for a few of us to show our talents! Don't worry, the general, isn't it just a few dozen people! I want to come, it won't take long!"

"You have to be careful, after all, Jin Junzhong has a lot of masters! It is rumored that even their one-domain master Jin Shangyu is a master!"

"Okay, a few of us understand!" At a certain moment, under the gaze of the leader, three figures quickly flew towards Jin Shangyu and the others.

"My mother, the three of you dare to come over and fight against Lao Tzu. It seems that you really don't know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is! Good, good, good come, let you see what an expert is!" Once, seeing the three super powers flying across from him, Jin Shangyu not only showed no signs of worry, but he felt better.

After all, for him, such a lineup is really a bit weak.

"Lord, they are here to test, but they will also make heavy moves. Please be careful!"

auzw.com"Thank you for the reminder of the three brothers. Although they are great, they are really nothing here!"

"Brother Tianyin, what the son is saying is that, in fact, you just came here, some things are still not clear! Don't worry, they are really not great masters!"

"Brother Yi, although the old man is how old are you, but the old man can see that you are indeed a master!"

"Brother Tianyin still thinks too much, in fact, there are many experts besides me! We don't need to move this time, let them move their bones, son, what do you say!"

"Okay, just listen to Big Brother Yi!" Seeing Yi Jianzi's words at this moment, Jin couldn't say much, and could only nod in agreement.

"Master Jin, it seems that your team is getting stronger and stronger!"

"Why, I am envious or jealous! There are still other emotions in it! In fact, there is no need to worry about beautiful women! If you are interested in a master, you can borrow you for a few years! How, what about this idea! "

"This, this is what you said, Lord Jin, can't you go back!"

"Don't regret it! Even if you borrow this son to take a trip, it's okay! Of course, at that time, your Miss Murong will have to take care of everything!"

"You, you..." At a certain moment, when Murong Yuyan was very envious of the powerhouses in front of him, Jin's words made the latter a little speechless.

"Mother, what's the situation? Why did you say such words in a silly way, Jin Shangyu, Jin Shangyu, do you really have some thoughts in your heart!" This time, after feeling the emotional change of Murong Yuyan, Jin also thought quickly in his heart.

However, just when the pair of handsome men and beautiful women were at odds, the three figures had already come to the front of a group of strong men.

"Hahaha, who am I to be! It turns out that there are some dying people, old and old, young and young, that's not right, why are there women here!"

"Boss, look, she's still covering her face, is she an ugly monster! If that's the case, you girl, don't take the mask off, we are scared!"

"Shut up, who are you and why you are here! If you are more clear, we may let you go. If you dare to say a word, wait for the judgment of death!"

"Oh, you dare to speak to the deity like this! It seems that you don't know how to write death words! Think about it, let alone the army behind us, even if it is the three of us, as long as we move our bones, we can wait for you All killed! Don't you understand the current situation!"

"Evil thief, don't stop talking! How dare you talk nonsense here! Looking for death!" While talking, before Jin Shangyu, Yi Jianzi and others could say anything, someone shot out.

"Oh, you two old guys, do you want to come here to die!"

"The dead are you!"

"Hahaha, we don't kill the unnamed, we will report it!"

"The second elder of the southern capital!" As he spoke, in fact, the two elders of the southern capital at the moment were already both shooting.

Faced with such thunderous methods, the three of them did not dare to be big, and they were fighting directly with the second veteran of Southern Capital almost at the same time.


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