I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2616: Weird Sand Ridge (13)

Faced with such a strange change, even Jin Shangyu did not expect it. After all, the old man Tianyin was able to give his life a blow for his brother, and it could be regarded as touched by Jin.

"Mother, you girl, it turns out that these three guys are also a bit bloody! No matter, it's time to make a move, I can't let the three of them turn around!" At a certain moment, the battle in the cave entered When it came to a critical stage of life and death, Jin Shangyu was also thinking quickly in his heart.

Here, Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan are ready to take action at any time, but the current cave has long since become a one-sided situation.

"Three **** guys, they killed a good brother Lao Tzu! You guys said how to die!"

"My lord, all three of them have to die. We must avenge the dead brother!"

"Hahaha, hatred must be reported! But the three of you should also listen to Lao Tzu! If you get caught now, maybe Lao Tzu will consider letting you live a little longer!"

"Bah, you **** guy, if it weren't for Yuanhua who was secretly calculating us, how could the present situation arise!"

"Hahaha, you are so sad! At this point, the three of you think you have a high status in the clan! To put it more bluntly, you are just the three dogs in our clan! You eat and drink well, is it because your ears are good! Brothers, do you think it is not right?"

"Yes, yes, that's it!" For a while, after the old man Tianyin was wounded with a backhand by Yuanhua, the whole scene also seemed a little messy.

At this moment, the three Tianyin brothers seemed to have figured out something.

"Big brother, in fact, what Yuanhua said is not wrong! For so many years, they have been using our brothers!"

"Finally, I don't know the truth about this, brother! It's just that there is no regret now!"

"Hahaha, the three of you are so innocent and cute, you still think about taking regret medicine! To tell you the truth, I don't have it here. If there is, then it is the soul medicine for you on the road!" Yuan Hua has already given birth to a lore.

Faced with this situation, the old man Tianyin wanted to gather his strength and make another desperate blow, but after several efforts, he ended up vomiting blood!

"Brother, you, don't try your best anymore, let's accept our fate! Why did we choose the wrong one at the beginning!"

"Yeah! The choice these years is our brother's own path! Even if it is a dead end, we must go on!"

"Hahaha...Are you three guys still very witty! Actually speaking, you really are not working well every day! Die, die in the hands of the deity!" The seven masters of the Huns have already fallen down with their weapons.

Facing this mortal blow, the three Tianyin brothers also slowly closed their eyes.

However, just as Yuanhua and the others laughed and were about to kill with one blow, the two figures also shot in from outside the cave.

"Who dares to take care of our good things!"

"Good thing, if you think that killing is also a good thing, then you are sorry!"

"You, you are!"

"My son is the one you want to capture alive!"

"You, you are Jin Shangyu..." At this moment, before that Yuanhua could finish speaking, a blood hole appeared in his throat.


At the same moment, the hungry warrior, who had just laughed again and again, had already slowly fallen to the ground.

"Girl, it seems that your posture is faster, but your shots are a bit cruel!"

"Master Jin, there is still time to say these things, let's see how the three of them are doing!"

"Yes, it's important to get things right! Three brothers, what's the situation! Can you open your eyes!" While talking, in fact, Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan at this moment are already floating in Tianyinyin. In front of the three brothers.

In the face of everything that happened between the lightning and flint, the three brothers of the Tianyin Hermit were also terrified. After all, they would never have thought that there would be someone who would rescue them in this line of life and death.

Because for them, there shouldn't be a single person in this mountain.

"Hey, what is going on, son, did you save our brother!"

"Brother, speak more slowly. I just heard them call him Jin Shangyu! No, he is Jin Shangyu, the lord of Huayu!"

"Three brothers, you guessed it right. In fact, this son is Jin Shangyu, but he is not as magical as you said, and he is not the master of a domain. He just wants to take everyone for a few days!"

"Master Jin, you, you are such an extraordinary person! Well, since you can come here without letting our brothers perceive it, it means that the son is a truly brilliant person! Our three brothers have served, It's all up to the son to kill or pluck!" Knowing that the person in front of him is Jin Shangyu, the lord of Jincheng, the boss of the three brothers of the Tianyin Hermit also said slowly.

Faced with such words, Jin Shangyu also secretly smiled in his heart, but on the surface he still maintained a relatively calm side.

"My brother is serious! Although you have done a few years for the Huns, you still need to survive. This son knows what is right and what is wrong! Of course, if the three older brothers are willing to come to Jincheng, we will do it too. Welcome with both hands! If you don't want to go to Jincheng, you can leave by yourself! My son won't say anything!"

"This, this, son of great grace, I really don't want to pay for it!"

"Brother, what else do you report! Since the son is willing to take us in, let's go to Jin Jun!"

"Yes! Big brother and little brother think so too!"

"Fine, just by the two brothers! The lord is here, please wait for me!"

"Don't don't, Shang Yu, thank you three brothers, but this kind of worship when you meet, don't do it again in the future!" While talking, in fact, at this moment, Jin Shangyu quickly helped the three Tianyin hermit brothers up. .

Seeing this scene, Murong Yuyan, who was standing on the side, also smiled slightly, and the heart she was holding fell down.

In the following time, the three Tianyin brothers also introduced their situation to Jin and Murong Yuyan.

Although Jin Shangyu had been clear in many situations, he listened carefully.

"My son, in fact, this time the three of our brothers are ashamed! You know, we were sent here to interfere with the son! But no one thought that the son would really pass this sandy ridge!"

"Big brother, in fact, there is actually no way for us. After all, you know that it is the most time-saving to pass from here. I am afraid that there are many cavalry looking for us at the edge of the desert! Although it is very dangerous to walk here, but because of The threat of the Huns, I believe that ordinary forces would not dare to approach here!"

"The son is really great! The old man really took it this time! Thinking of our three brothers who think they are magical people from heaven, now it seems that compared with the son, it is really insignificant!" At a certain moment, in Jin Shangyu After telling the reason why Jin Jun took this route, the old man Yin also said with a slight smile that day.


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