I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2599: Fight again (ten)

Speaking of it, the reason why Jie Ren’s cavalry team would take the initiative to attack that powerful cavalry team is because they received a reliable message that Jin Jun cannot be defeated here, at least they are currently incapable. beat.

"The two generals, the old guy with the same surname just now also made it clear. Not only did our three adults follow Jin Jun to fight against other forces, but even the big forces such as Diren and Tuoba had put the treasure on Jin Shangyu. Body!"

"Yeah! It seems that the information we inquired before is still accurate! Forget it, let’s not mention this. Now that Jin Jun has nine infinite beasts, and there are a group of super strong guards, we are not Go touch this mold!"

"My eldest brother is saying that it seems that the three major figures in the Yuan clan really dare to take risks, and I don't know how they will deal with them if they know that they have done this!"

"The third child, that's why you don't understand. The three of them are not ordinary people. Come, then Yuan Hongben is the guardian of the Holy Land Handicap, and it is rumored that he is the confidant of that big man; although Yuanhua usually doesn't Xianshan is not leaking, but they are the main dark-handed power at the top, and even when it comes to individual combat capabilities, few can compete against him! As for Yuan Lie, who is not old, his status in the clan is still detached. Otherwise, he will not dare to confront the first two everywhere!"

"Brother, if this is the case, then we have to really get some benefits, aren't they fleeing south! Let's chase and go, don't think we dare not set foot in the Central Plains!" In fact, the Jie Ren cavalry team Already, under the leadership of two generals, they rushed to the south quickly.

At a certain moment, as the sound of ten thousand horses was getting smaller and smaller, Jin Shangyu's cavalry team also slowly stopped moving forward.

"The general has an order. The whole army camps on the spot. You can make a bonfire, but you can't build a camp!"

"I heard that, I can rest, beauty, or else, just use this!"

"Of course you need to use it. You gave it to others to use before. How could this girl not use it now!"

"You, you girl, didn't you use it together before! My son has been cold outside!"

"You, you deserve it!"

"Mother, you girl, this woman's mind just can't figure it out! Lao Tzu clearly remembers it clearly, it was their two big beauties who had to squeeze into a small tent, but now they put the blame on this son Body!" For a while, when Jin Shangyu felt the inexplicable emotions emanating from Murong Yuyan, he was also thinking wildly.

Of course, just when Jin took the small tent from his waist and prepared to set it up for Murong Yuyan, several people also came slowly.

"Well, I said Shang Yu! Your kid is really amazing, and there are still tents!"

"Don't make fun of Mr. Duan. Actually, this is Miss Murong's thing! Mr. Duan is just helping!"

"Really! Why did we see that it was taken out of your waist from afar!"

"This, this, forget it, let's do what you say! Come here, since it's here, let us have a few drinks! Anyway, there are some things to say!"

"Okay! Just wait for your words!" This time, just after Jin Shangyu set up the small tent, the old man said with a few laughs.

In this way, because the old man Duanbu, Yi Jianzi, Zhang Wanyu and others came over one after another, Jin also took the initiative to find a bunch of bonfires, and then sat there with everyone.

"Lord, believe what happened just now, you know everything!"

"Brother Mo joked, what's the matter, this son is really not sure!"


"Really, then, let me just talk about it! In fact, this time I can smoothly pass through the two cavalry teams. The most successful person is Brother Duan! You know, if it wasn't him Leading the target of Jie Ren to others, we are still fighting now!"

"Really, then, then let's thank Duan Lao, come and come, for Duan Lao to fight the three masters, let's drink a bowl!" At a certain moment, Mo Jingtian told the glorious deeds of Duan Bu. When he came out, Jin also raised his bowl quickly!

In the face of Jin Shangyu like this, although some people wanted to say a few more words, they could see Murong Yuyan on one side looking at this place very seriously, and in the end everyone didn't say much.

The people who want to talk most here are Zhang Wanyu and Yi Jianzi.

"Sister Beauty, you, did you find something!"

"Smelly boy, what are you talking about! This girl just doesn't want them to drink too much! As for you boy, who has grown a lot taller, don't you really want to take a sip!"

"Beauty sister, Wan Yu doesn't like to listen to these words. What's the meaning of drinking? In fact, the most interesting thing is to discover something that I haven't discovered before!" While speaking, Zhang Wanyu actually smiled at Murong Yuyan at the moment.

Facing Zhang Wanyu like this, Murong Yuyan, who was standing on the side of the small tent, also changed his expression. Although he wanted to ask a question, he still didn't speak.

It was when Jin Shangyu and the crowd's voice of wine spelling attracted Zhang Wanyu, that he could break the awkward situation before the small tent.

"Lord, although the final general took the brigade out of the encirclement, he still received the help of Duan Lao! So, our actual military exercise is still discounted! Of course, from a certain level In terms of the above, the opponent's combat effectiveness is still relatively strong!"

"Brother Mo, in fact, every one of us knows this! Speaking of which, there is a reason why you should regard this battle as a real military exercise!"

"Oh, there is a reason, please let me know!"

"It's very simple, we still have nine masters here who haven't played out!" While speaking, Jin also showed a very strange look at the moment.

Then Yi Jianzi laughed directly.

"My son, you, don't you mean the nine-headed beasts! That's right, if they really participate in the war, it is estimated that even if we fall into the Jedi, we can break a path!"

"Brother Yi is right, that's them! Of course, this young man will not let them go into battle before the last resort!" Seeing his eldest brother Yi Jianzi directly said "No Phase Beast" three That word, Jin also nodded in response.

Here, Jin Shangyu's mixed team has already started the rest mode at midnight, but the three generals of Jieren are very busy at this moment. Because they have already seen the scale of victory leaning towards them.

"Eldest brother, third brother, you have also followed! It seems that Jin Jun must have left first, otherwise you will not be able to get through!

"Yes! Actually, when you started the pursuit mode, Jin Jun rushed to the northeast overnight! From this point, it can be seen that Jin Jun's command general is quite powerful!"

"Brother, in that case, let the three of our brothers eat the fat in the mouth!"

"Okay! The order goes on, the whole army is marching at full speed, and the cavalry team in front must be eliminated before dawn." At a certain moment, when the two teams of Jieren came together, the new combat order was also quickly conveyed.


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