I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2598: Fighting again (9)

For a while, the appearance of the Jie Ren cavalry also disturbed the situation here. Not only was the cavalry leader who had attacked Jin Jun worried in his heart, even if it was Mo Jingtian, he showed a complex look at this moment.

"Is the Jie Ren taking action true!"

"Master General, this is the truth! Brothers have all seen that the Jieren not only fought roundabouts, but they are also a cavalry team with more than two thousand troops!"

"Well, what the **** is going on? Isn't it possible that Jie people don't want to fight with us? No matter what, the biggest target of Jie people should be Jin Jun! Why is there such a variable!" Because he was surprised at the fact that the Jie people sent troops, Mo Jingtian at the moment also began to mutter to himself.

Here, both parties are surprised at Jie Ren's move, and Jin Shangyu at this moment has no emotional changes, just smiled, which is regarded as a response to this incident.

"My son, why are you laughing and not talking! Is it possible that the Jie people will help us do things? It's impossible!"

"Brother Yi, this is of course impossible! But you should know that our strength is very strong! In addition, you should have not seen Brother Duan for a long time!"

"My son, you, don't you mean that Brother Duan has already started to act!"

"Is this, you can just ask General Mo!"

"Okay, well, then, the old man will go over and take a look!" This time, when Yi Jianzi heard such words from someone Jin, he also quickly moved towards Mo Jingtian's direction.

At the same time, a figure appeared beside Mo Jingtian. That person was not someone else, but the old man Duanbu.

"Brother Duan, it turned out to be your credit! It seems that what you said before is correct, after all, it is necessary to guard against the dark hand power of the Jie Ren!"

"Yes! In the past half an hour, they actually sent three masters to inquire about the news! However, as long as there are old men here, they will not be able to penetrate! Of course, because the situation we are facing now is more complicated. So the old man did not kill them, but asked them to go back and become a signal soldier!"

"Well, no wonder the Jie people are determined to attack those who want to get their treasures! Thinking about it now, it is all the credit of Duan Lao!" While speaking, Mo Jingtian at this moment is also solemnly facing Duan Laogong. Handed over.

However, at this moment, Yi Jianzi's hearty laughter also echoed in the twilight.

"Brother Yi, listening to your laughter, you should have learned something!"

"Brother Duan, you are such a great character! However, the really great character is our lord! You know, the lord let someone Yi come over!"

"Oh, I still haven't avoided this kid's eyes! Now it seems that Mr. Jin probably still has a lot of secrets!" At a certain moment, when Yi Jianzi finally knew the reason for Jie Ren's move, he also said something. thing.

Here, Jin Junzhong, including the old man in Duan Bu, has finally begun to realize a problem, that is, Jin Shangyu is too magical. Sometimes it magically leaves them speechless.

"Mother, you girl, it seems that sometimes I still talk too much, Brother Yi, you are pushing my son into the hot pot!" Although I know that Yi Jianzi has no bad thoughts, At this moment, Jin is still muttering to himself.

It's just that the most uncomfortable person right now is the cavalry commander who just wanted to break through Jin Jun's line of defense.

"General, we can't do this anymore. If we don't leave at this time, I'm afraid we really won't be able to leave!"

"Yes! Lord General, although from the perspective of the situation, Jin Jun did not launch a real attack on us, but the Jie Ren's attack is still relatively strong!"


"Finally, let the order go on, and the whole army will retreat southward! Alas, how could it become the current situation! Tell me, where did the general go wrong? Yes, it should be the cunning and changeable Jie people It's a big event for Lao Tzu!" Although they had already chosen to go south at the moment, there were waves of war horses neighing behind them.

Especially behind the cavalry team, someone has been overtaken by the Jie Ren cavalry. And the new battle is fought again.

"Brother Shocking, do you think they can attack us again now!"

"This, this, of course not! Anyway, they should be based on survival now! I just don't know if the Jie people can spare them!"

"Brother Shocking, don't worry, with the Jie people's acting style, it is impossible to come home empty-handed this time! You know, there are still some material guarantees in this cavalry team!"

"Brother Duan, you mean to say that the Jie Ren will continue to pursue south until he breaks it, and finally obtains all the opponent's supplies!"

"It's not too much difference! Next, it's your choice, General Mo!" At a certain moment, when everyone saw that the enemy who had just attacked had been chased into the dark night by the Jie Ren, the old man Duanbu also smiled slightly and said .

The reason for saying this is because now Mo Jingtian can make his own choice.

"Brother Duan, Shocking has already thought about this matter! We can't stay here for a long time now, let's move on!"

"Okay! This is a choice, but if we do this, it is estimated that those Central Plains cavalry will really be overtaken by the Jieren!"

"It seems that Old Duan thinks a long way! That's right, as soon as we leave, the Jie people can throw all their troops on! Let's pass the command of this general, and the whole army rushes overnight!" For a while, he understood Duan. After taking care of the old man's thoughts, Mo Jingtian at this moment also quickly issued orders.

In this way, when not too much, the Jin Jun mixed team also held torches and continued to move toward the northeast.

"Why, you Elder Jin has no idea at all! After all, you are the king here!"

"Girl, haven't you said it before, everything here is under the command of Big Brother Mo! As for whether to move forward, he has his choice, let's follow! As for you, a beautiful lady, if you are tired, you can rest in the carriage !"

"This girl is not sleepy! This girl is a little worried about those sergeants who fled south!"

"Girl, when did you become so kind! They just attacked our enemy!"

"What's wrong with the enemy, as long as it is against the Jie Ren, this girl will sympathize with them! Of course, this is their fate too!"

"Beauty, when did you even start to believe in your fate! That's all, we really don't have time to care about their life and death! The current thing, just like Brother Mo arranged, is the right way to move on!" Feeling After Murong Yuyan's mood changed, Jin also smiled slightly and continued to ride forward.

At this moment, two people in the Jie Ren cavalry team showed a strange smile.

"The third child, did you see that they really rushed overnight! Thinking about it now, Jin Jun must understand our thoughts!"

"Yes! I don't know if the cavalry led by the second brother can defeat the Central Plains who are going south!"

"Yes, definitely! Because we can also join the chasing team now!" As he spoke, a general-like person in the Jie Ren cavalry team at this moment also said unhurriedly.


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