I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2600: The end of the war (11)

At midnight, the cold wind hits, and the storm is rolling...

A cavalry team that has just left the battlefield is resting in a relatively dense woodland. They are not others, but a cavalry that is somewhat out of breath chased by the Jie Ren.

And they were relatively beautiful two hours ago, and they even had to break through Jin Jun's line of defense to obtain the last treasure. However, after the tragic battle, the fact is already in front of them, that is, they simply have no ability to eat any cavalry team.

Then they themselves became the target of the Jie people.

"Master General, you, don't complain anymore! You know, this time, we have already lost more than half of our losses! In addition to not getting any treasures, I am afraid that even if you return to the base camp, you will be subject to severe military law!"

"You, what do you mean! Is it possible that we will stand on our own because we have suffered a lot of losses!"

"Master General, the villain doesn't mean that! You know, the villain is a person who has been with the general for many years, how could he have thoughts of harming the general! In fact, even though we are defeated, we still have some security supplies in our hands!"

"You, let's talk about it, don't you still want to rebel in the end! Tell you the truth, I won't do such a thing, not to mention that the general's family is in the base camp, even if we want to be independent , These thousands of people alone are useless! Let's make adjustments and continue traveling south!"

"This, this, yes!" Although the counselor wanted to say a few more words at this moment, the expression of the person who saw the general was very serious, and he simply stopped talking.

However, just when everyone was hiding in the woodland and getting ready for a rest, the fast horses moved from far to near.

"Report, report to the general, it's not good, the chase is approaching again!"

"What, so fast, and still chasing them! They are deceiving too much! We pass the command of the general, this time we will not run! Since we want to fight, let's fight, after all, they have two thousand soldiers. Horse, we can also fight!"

"Sir General, you can't! In fact, this time the Jie people are already overwhelmed by the whole army, and it is not something we can resist!"

"What, something like this would happen? Could it be that they are not afraid of death? How dare they go so deep into the hinterland of the Central Plains!" At a certain moment, the commander general also yelled after he knew the Jie people's marching intentions.

After all, at this time, how could he not know the other party's thoughts.

"Master General, it seems that they want to eat us! Otherwise, they won't be chasing on the march overnight!"

"Yes! Master General should think carefully this time! If the villain is not wrong, their ultimate goal is probably our supply of guarantee materials! Although not too many, it is also very impressive!"

"You, you want Ben to give up his supplies directly! This, this is the food of our entire army, if there is a loss, I am afraid the consequences will be more serious!"

"Master General, now it seems that if we don’t have food, can we still borrow some nearby! If we walk with the food, I’m afraid, I’m afraid we will be caught up by the Jie people! At that time, maybe it’s not food that can solve it. It’s a problem!” While speaking, two counsellors had already fallen down in front of the cavalry commander.

Faced with such a scene, the person who looked like a general laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, you guys are really interesting! You were able to think of such an idea! No wonder, after all, you were scared by the Jieren! Tell you the truth, you would never give up supplies! Because we didn't give up. Reason! According to Ben General’s order, the whole army will bring the materials and continue southward! If they are really caught up, then fight with all one's strength! As for whether to give up the materials, no one should mention it! Otherwise, don’t blame Ben. General Law is ruthless!"

auzw.com "This, this, yes! I will understand!"

"Just understand! Although you are the confidants of the general, you can't mess up our military's mind! In fact, have you ever thought about it, even if we give up food, the result will be the same! Who will lend you the food? Without food, we cannot escape the death penalty when we return to the base camp!"

"That, please calm down the general's anger, I will understand!" This time, feeling the decisive meaning of the general, the counselor beside him also said slowly.

In this way, because the Jie Ren chasing soldiers were found behind him, the cavalry team didn't rest well, so they rushed south again.

The long night seemed to be long, but in fact it had already passed half of the night. At a certain moment, when a Central Plains cavalry team had just arrived on a relatively flat plain, they also stopped moving forward.

Because at this moment, the torches behind you can already be seen flashing quickly with the naked eye, and the sound of shouts that resemble a wave makes people panicked.

"According to this general's order, the former army becomes the latter army, the latter army becomes the former army, this general will fight the Jie people to the death tonight! They are not going to **** our supplies, then let them come and go! "

"General, you, you take the people and go by yourself, and you will eventually lead someone to stop the Jie Ren!"

"This, this, why do you speak so much! Could it be that we really can't fight against the Jieren!"

"Master General, if you don't leave now, I'm afraid you will never have a chance again!"

"Yes, but I'm going to leave, what do you do! No, let's go together!" Although the commanding general is already in a mess at the moment, he still wants to show generosity on the surface.

However, at this moment, the light of the torch in the distance suddenly moved, followed by a long-range arrow feather attack.

In the face of an attack, the Central Plains Cavalry Team, which had just adjusted its formation, also started a passive challenge mode.

In this way, when it was not too much, the two cavalry also started fighting in an empty area.

Because the Central Plains Cavalry Sergeant was unsure at the beginning and not strong in fighting spirit, the Jie Ren cavalry team can be said to have a direct advantage.

"Brother, you have seen it too. They are still afraid of us! Otherwise, with their thousands of soldiers and horses, it would be very difficult for us to defeat them in a short time! Well now, they have no fighting spirit, as long as In a quarter of an hour, our army will win!"

"Yeah! The old man can see this clearly too! I really didn't expect that our power is already so strong! There is just one problem that makes the old man more confusing!"

"Brother, what's the matter, you might as well speak out and listen!"

"Second, third, have you ever thought about this problem, why Jin Jun is not afraid of us!"

"This, this, it's hard to say, after all, judging from the several confrontations in the north, it is still difficult for us to take advantage of it! Alas, regardless of this, we should solve the guy in front of us earlier, after all, there may be other things here. Cavalry team!" For a while, after hearing such words, a general Jie Ren said slowly.

In this way, because the Jie Ren has already made up his mind, the impact is like a tiger going down a mountain, and it is not something the opponent's cavalry can resist. Perhaps this is the true strength comparison of the two cavalry!


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