I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2597: The war is back (8)

Once the fierce battle started, the Jin Jun cavalry team showed their toughness. But seeing them all in high spirits, the entire formation did not change at all because of the opponent's impact.

When the opponent's attack was fired by Jin Jun's first round of crossbow arrows, a lot of them were killed.

"Master General, what should I do? It seems that they have been prepared for a long time, are we taking a step back!"

"Retreat, how to retreat! It is not our problem now, but they have crossbow arrows in their hands! But I would believe that their crossbow arrows are also counted! As long as we hold on, victory will still belong to us!"

"This, this, yes, the end general will tell them to continue the attack now!" At a certain moment, on the edge of a woodland, a person who looked like a little general quickly ran towards the attacking team in the distance.

In the middle zone of Jin Jun, there is a cavalry team that has been repelled many times, but they still have not stopped the impact. Perhaps in their opinion, as long as they can consume the opponent's arrow feathers, it is successful.

"My son, you have seen it too. The other party doesn't want anything else, just fill it with someone! If this continues, it is estimated that our arrow feathers will be used up!"

"Brother Yi, this son knows your thoughts, you are afraid that they will eventually gain an advantage on the battlefield through hand-to-hand combat!"

"Forget it! After all, their cavalry team is still relatively strong, and on the other side of us there are Jie Ren cavalry standing by!"

"Brother Yi, don't worry, I believe Brother Mo will handle these things properly!" Knowing Yi Jianzi's impatient mentality at this moment, Jin did not say much, but quietly followed the changes in the situation.

Here, Jin Shangyu and Yi Jianzi are still chatting, and at this moment Mo Jingtian has received the same message.

"You said what should be done now!"

"General, since they are not afraid of dead people, let them die by themselves, after all, our arrow feathers are still enough!"

"Okay! If that's the case, then so be it! But you also have to tell your brothers, don't be too serious, you can lie to them when appropriate! You say, yes or no!

"Yes! The final commander!" This time, after hearing Mo Jingtian's reply to the order, one of the generals quickly conveyed the order.

In this way, because Jin Jun's arrow feathers are very abundant, he also took a great advantage in the battle. Not only did he successfully destroy the enemy in the future, he was wiped out on the front position, and even the opponent's commander found something wrong. .

"Mother, they have enough arrow feathers. It seems that the general underestimated them! Jin Shangyu, you are really treacherous! You brought so many arrow feathers from Jin Cheng! Alas, pity those who died Brother! Forget it, if that's the case, let the whole army press on! Pass the command of the general, this time we must attack in an all-round way! Don't break through from the middle position! As long as you can defeat Jin Jun, you will attack from wherever you go. !"

"Master General, don’t be too impatient! You know, the latest information that you just got, the Jie Ren cavalry team is on the other side of Jin Jun, but they haven’t launched an attack until now. This, what this shows, shows that they I want to reap the benefits of the fishermen!"

"This, this, that, what do you say!" As he spoke, in a gloomy area, the general who commanded the army was also caught in a dilemma.

Because even if he understands some things now, it is very difficult to retreat.

Of course, at this moment, they would not consider retreating. After all, in front of their eyes is Jin Jun's caravan transporting the baby, how could they treat the baby without anything.

"Master Jin, it seems that you still know more! Otherwise, you wouldn't be so calm!"


"Beauty, what do you mean by this! You know, this son has been here, how can he know so many unknown things!"

"Unknown, unknown to others, but for you, Mr. Jin, it's innocent!"

"Beauty, can you say that! After all, Brother Mo is commanded here!" Afraid that Murong Yuyan would tell his secrets, Jin also deliberately changed the subject.

In fact, at this moment, Jin Shangyu and other superpowers really didn't do anything. They just stood in the defense zone and watched the situation change.

And because Mo Jingtian was hit in the middle, he also stopped moving forward. In other words, in other words, the current Jin Jun mixed team is already sandwiched between a piece of woodland by two cavalry teams.

It was too late, it was fast, just when Mo Jingtian was preparing to stabilize the situation, the opponent's new round of attacks had already arrived, and this time it was even stronger than the previous attacks. Because this time, almost all the main cavalry forces were put on the battlefield.

"You have heard clearly for this general! Don't the Jie people stand still! Then let's just get rid of Jin Jun's edge! As long as we get the baby first, I believe the Jie people will not dare to move, after all, they have now reached a relative Remote areas, and here, they have the most enemies!"

"Master General, that said, yes, but if we can't defeat Jin Jun, what should we do! By that time, our army will suffer heavy losses, and it is most likely to be eaten by others here!"

"Yes, Lord General, we still can't conduct this kind of gambling-style tactics here! Once we fail, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"This, this, you have such an analysis! Why do you want to look up Jin Shangyu's tactics, and underestimate this general's tactics!"

"I'll wait for the army to think twice!" At one point, when the general's mood changed a bit, three counsellors already bowed their hands to the latter.

Faced with such a situation, even the commanding general of this cavalry squadron could not make up his mind at this moment.

However, when these people were relatively entangled, the situation of the battle already appeared that they did not want to see.

"Report, report to Lord General, just now, our people have been defeated across the board! Whether to break through, please order from Lord General!"

"What, how can it be defeated across the board! You know, we are a cavalry squad of thousands of people! Haven't they been defending before! Are they now starting to fight back!"

"Return to Lord General! Actually, we were not defeated by Jin Jun!"

"What, what do you want to express! It's not the Jie people who come around and attack us!"

"This, this... Exactly!" Although he knew that if he said this fact, his general would be very angry, but now, the person who looked like a little general did not dare to hide it.

After hearing such a message, the expressions of all the people sitting on the tall horse changed drastically.

Because they understand better than anyone else, the reason why Jin Jun didn't take the initiative to attack was to preserve his strength and walk through here at the least cost.

On the other hand, the Jie people’s strategy is different, because their goal may not be the powerful Jin Jun, but their cavalry team that also has some heavy lifting.


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