I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2596: Fight again (7)

Taking advantage of the twilight, Jin Jun was ready to use a strong assault speed to quickly pass through the gap between the two cavalry. At this moment, in fact, the two cavalry teams also discovered Mo Jingtian's cavalry team at the same time.

Of course, except for one cavalry that increased the impact speed and wanted to divide and encircle Jin Jun, another cavalry team did not do so.

"Everyone, the current situation is quite good. It seems that Jin Shangyu did not escape, or did not enter the so-called safe zone!"

"Yeah! They were slammed by us this time! I really don't know how the senior management arranged it, why there is no news from a few adults! Is it really like the legend that they surrendered Jin Jun!"

"Don't talk about it anymore. In this case, we brothers can chat, but we can't talk to outsiders! You know, they are the big people in the family, and our brothers can't compare with them!"

"Yeah, let alone that Yuanlie is the man who is the leader of the Darkhand Legion, even Yuanhua is not something we can offend! I heard that his status has improved again!"

"Of course, after all, Yuanhua has a deadly big size! And it is said that he has a very close relationship with Yuanhong Dae!"

"Does this still need to be said! Alas, this person is more angry than others! Now that the Yuan clan has great military divisions and countless young talents, it seems that our brothers will have to be at the mercy of others for the rest of their lives!" At a certain moment, just as a cavalry soldier approached the Jin Jun cavalry team more and more, the three generals in it also moved forward quickly while talking.

The reason why they didn't launch an attack was because their horse scouting had already discovered that another cavalry team was also playing Jin Jun's idea.

Here, the two cavalry teams have their own things, but Mo Jingtian is very nervous at this moment. After all, he himself knows the fact that the entire team has entered the gap between the two foreign cavalry. In other words In other words, if the two cavalry want to cooperate, Mo Jingtian's situation will become very unfavorable.

Of course, he has also considered this situation, and that is to accept the current facts. After all, detouring from other places may bring more crises.

"Report, report to the general, we have reached the most dangerous zone! You have also seen that the neighing of the horses on both sides can already be heard! If they are now fighting together, we will face the disadvantage of being attacked on both sides! "

"I will understand, you will check again and report again! In addition, you said before that they are two cavalry, so besides dealing with us, is there a new possibility for us!"

"Master General, you mean let them kill each other! This possibility is also possible! But it is difficult to do, after all, there are us among them! Unless, we can get out of here as quickly as possible! Otherwise, it is impossible to achieve. The kind of possibility you said!"

"So it's like this! Okay, go ahead, you will have your own decision!"

"The final commander!" As he spoke, a partial general had disappeared quickly into the twilight, but at this moment, Mo Jingtian was looking forward and looking forward, and he didn't know how to deal with it for a while. thing.

However, at this moment, the figure of the old man Duan Bu also appeared before Mo Jingtian's war horse.

"Brother Duan, you are here! Didn't you say that, you can rest on your own, even if there is a situation, as long as you can protect yourself! After all, this time, in essence, it is considered a real military exercise! "

"Brother Jingtian is really an obedient person, and Shang Yu has agreed to your idea! But the old man thinks that although this is okay, do we have to express our thoughts? Just heard them say that it seems that we are The Cavalry of the Central Plains and the Cavalry of the Jieren are caught in a piece of woodland!"


"Forget it! Of course, the situation may be more complicated now, because the Central Plains Cavalry has already launched an attack on us. Judging from their attack strategy, it is estimated that they want to divide our army into two or even into Several small parts will be wiped out one by one at the end!"

"It turns out that Brother Jingtian has already noticed it. This is a good thing, but how do you plan to deal with the Jie people! Although they have nothing to do now, it does not mean that they will not take action! You must know that these guys are extremely cruel!"

"Thank you, Brother Duan. Actually, it's very simple to deal with them, that is, we do our best to hurt another cavalry! As long as they see our strength, it is estimated that the situation will change greatly!" Mo Jingtian also showed a very confident smile.

Facing such a Mo Jingtian, the old man Duan Bu smiled and agreed. But after a short look, he still surfaced his thoughts.

"Um, actually the old man shouldn't talk too much!"

"My brother is joking, you can show up, but you can also look at it!"

"Brother Shocking, you, your idea is very good! But you still don't know the characteristics of the Jie people, that is, there must be strong dead soldiers in their cavalry team!"

"Oh, there is such a thing!"

"Exactly! Especially for this important thing to go to the desert to determine, they will inevitably send powerful dead men, so I just want to remind my brother to take precautions!" At the end, the old man at the moment is also slightly again. Smile.

This time, after hearing the words of the old man Duan Bu, Mo Jingtian also showed a weird smile.

"Brother, I understand, you want to help my brother! Okay, brother, I'll take note of this situation! Then, please pay more attention to my brother! If their master comes over, you can send it directly for your brother. Drop it!"

"Okay! Helping you is also helping Shang Yu, and these are also the orders of my prince! So there is no need to be embarrassed, Brother Shocking! As for Shang Yu, he may have his own ideas if he doesn't do anything! In short, the old man will not Let Shocking Brother suffer!"

"Jingtian thanked my brother here!" At a certain moment, when Mo Jingtian felt the enthusiasm of the old man Duan Bu, he was full of emotion in his heart.

After all, he still knows a little bit about the relationship between Duan Bu and Jin Jun. Of course, it was the first time that Mo Jingtian had experienced something like this initiative to attack Jin Jun.

In this way, under Mo Jingtian's orders, the whole Jin Jun also reacted quickly, not only increasing the forward speed, but also deployed powerful crossbowmen on the south side of the middle.

When the twilight became more and more dim, with the sound of the horses neighing, the fierce cavalry battle began immediately. Especially as the attacking party, the cavalry seemed like a tiger descending the mountain, not taking Jin Jun's defense seriously.

"Brothers, charge, just divide their cavalry into two parts, and we will get the treasure!"

"Yes, yes, it's what the general said! Go ahead, they have gone through too many battles before, and now they can't fight us at all! Let them see our strengths then!" The cavalry coming from the south has formed a powerful attacking phalanx.


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