I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2586: At dawn (4)

Of course, after hearing what Yu Qili said, Yu Xiruo and Mei girl also darkened, as if something was missing all of a sudden.

"Why, you two still want to say something! It's not that you have your own ideas, don't want to go!"

"Brother, what are you talking about! If you want to leave, let's go! Girl, take the six elephant beasts, let's go on the road! Son, you, take care, if you don't pass this way!"

"No, that, I said Miss Rain, even if you want to leave, you have to prepare some food! Brother Mo is ready over there, you can bring it yourself! In addition, the baby in the camel team, you can also Take some!"

"Thank you, son, we will bring the food, as for the baby, we will not take one! Brother, say yes!"

"That, listen to you!" Although Yu Qili wanted to say something at this moment, he also weakly responded when his sister said such words.

But no matter what, at least Di Ren didn't take away a treasure.

"Mother, you girl, what is this for! It looks like this girl doesn't want Laozi's baby to be separated by outsiders! Alas, it's hard for her too!" After feeling the change in Yu Xiruo's mood, Jin Someone is thinking quickly in his heart.

Of course, at this moment, Tuoba Ye, who was sitting on one side, also slowly stood up.

"Prince Jin, my Tuoba Xianbei branch is leaving too! I hope we can become true friends in the future!"

"Brother Tuoba is joking, this time your performance, this young man will remember! Don't worry, we will become good friends!"

"Okay! Then, Tuoba will not say much! Of course, we will take away the food prepared by General Mo. As for the baby, you don't have to speak, my Tuoba family does not lack this!"

"Brother Tuoba is a real person! Well, if this is the case, then the son will not leave you too much! But there are some things that need to be brought back to the clan to be balanced! After all, I Jin Shangyu is not just Jin Chengzhi. Lord, Na Murong Xianbei and Duan Bu are also my home!"

"Understood! Alas, it's really God's will! When will your Elder Jin be able to treat Tuoba Xianbei as his home!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu's voice slowly fell, that Tuoba Ye also let out a long sigh, and then headed towards Mo Jingtian's barracks.

In this way, after a short quarter of an hour, Yu Qili and Tuobaye left here with their own people.

Of course, because of Murong Yuyan's retention, Yu Xiruo and Mei girl still did not leave immediately, maybe they really want to bid farewell to Jin alone, but it is unknown.

However, at this moment, Jie Ren Yuanlie, who had not spoken much, finally spoke.

"Jin Shangyu, you, you are indeed a character, and I, Yuan Lie, are about to admire you!"

"Oh, how do you say this! Please also the leader of Yuanta to speak directly!"

"Jin Shangyu, the grievances between you and me can be regarded as mutually offset! You admit or not admit this!"

"My son admits it! Please speak directly if you have anything!"

"Okay! From now on, as long as the deity meets Er again, it is a mortal enemy!" As he spoke, Yuan Lie also showed a touch of decisiveness.

Faced with such a strong Yuanlie, Jin Shangyu also smiled slightly and said, "What a goodbye is a mortal enemy! My son agreed! Let's talk, do you want to go now, or have other ideas! Of course, in my eyes Within this, no one can attack your Yuanda leader, this is still guaranteed!"

"Leave now! Yuanhong, Yuanhua, what are your thoughts? If you are willing to go with Yuan, we will return to the group together! If you two have other ideas, the deity will not ask one or two!"

auzw.com "This, this, forget it, let's go together!"

"Jin Shangyu, you heard that too. People in my clan have already made a choice! As for your food, we don't need it either! Because people in my clan never worry about food!"

"Really, then, the son of the book will also remind you that if you do something that violates the heavens and harmony, don't blame Jin's subordinates for being merciless!" While talking, Jin Shangyu's face changed drastically at this moment, a brutal murder. The meaning of cutting also came out from around his body.

Seeing such a scene appearing among the people, those strong in other forces did not dare to say anything, but quietly followed the development of the situation.

Of course, even if it is regenerating, Jin Shangyu can still control his emotions.

"Young Master Jin, don't worry, we know what to do! There will be a period later!"

"Brother Yuanhong, if that's the case, my son will not give it away. I hope you can return to the clan safely!"

"Thank you for your concern! Let's go!" As we spoke, the strong Jie people this time also went straight to the northwest.

About a quarter of an hour later, their figures disappeared under the horizon.

"Shang Yu! Really let them go!"

"Lao Duan, some things are like this. Since they have chosen, they must stick to it. No matter what they do, at least they chose us in the previous battle! So now is not the time for us to take action! Of course, if we meet again in the future They must be a life and death battle!"

"Well, it seems that this is the only thing today! I don't know what those guys who haven't stood up are like!" At a certain moment, after the Jie Ren team left here under the leadership of the three masters of the Yuan family, Duan The old man's words also started slowly.

Although these words were just whispering to Jin Shangyu, a group of strong people could roughly guess what the other party meant.

"What are you going to do! Stay here or leave by yourself!"

"This, this, of course I stay here, because we are the son of the son!"

"Yes, yes, we forgot, you three North Sea heroes have already returned to Huayu! Well, the second elder of the southern capital, you should also belong to Master Jin!"

"Look at what you said, our two brothers have long been from Huayu, just sitting here and resting for a while!"

"It turned out to be like this!" Although they had guessed this a long time ago, when they said it out of their mouths, other strong people were a little uncomfortable.

Because the immediate thing is already very embarrassing. The saying is that they can go with them and leave later, but if they do, I'm afraid they will feel uncomfortable.

After all, at that time, Jin Jun was originally a family, and they could only be outsiders, not even partners.

After another quarter of an hour, Jin Shangyu finally spoke again.

"Everyone, now you should not think too much difference! Don't worry, how you choose, this son will not have any opinions! As for the three old brothers of Beihai Sanxiong, and the second old man of Southern Capital, you can go to Brother Mo. After all, can't a family live in two places!"

"I will understand!"

"The three of me also understand!" Seeing that Jin Shangyu had already solemnly announced their identities, these people also slowly got up and walked in the direction of Mo Jingtian.


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