I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2587: At dawn (five)

In fact, there is no need for Jin Shangyu to say that most people here know the identity of the three males in the North Sea and the second elder in the southern capital, because in the previous battles, these people have already shown a kind of fierceness to coexist and die with the old man Jin.

"Brother, you guys have also seen that this time there are still so many powerful people attached to Jin Jun! This, what is going on! You know, each of them is powerful in their respective forces. Character!"

"What do you know, this time, let alone them, it is difficult even if we can live to see our wives and children!"

"You, what do you mean! Jin Shangyu wouldn't be nice to us on his face, but he had already secretly played a secret hand! No, no!"

"Brother, you still think too much! Speaking of it, you really don't understand! When you and I came out, how were the arrangements and how to say it! Can we return as we are now!"

"You, you mean them! Yeah! It seems that God won't let us survive!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu arranged for the three males of Beihai and the two elders of Nandu to enter his team, some people in the crowd started to whisper. Talk about it.

Of course, such a small whisper can still be received by Jin.

"Mother, you girl, now think about it, these guys are really a bit sad! Go back, they are afraid of being held accountable, their lives will not be saved, and even their families will be hurt! If you don't go back, it is really There is no good place to go! Forget it, although Lao Tzu likes to be superior, he can't make it difficult for others. Those who actively stay and keep their hearts are welcome. Lao Tzu raises both hands to welcome. Sorry, brother, this is not a shelter!" At one point, when Jin Shangyu felt the verbal communication in the crowd, he was also thinking about countermeasures quickly.

After all, the current situation looks good, but there are still some risks! And this time, besides getting a lot of treasures, Jin Shangyu's biggest gain is that there are many strong men attached.

Here, Jin Shangyu was still thinking of something in his heart, and a figure flashed out of the crowd at this moment. But seeing him in white clothes, there is also a little embarrassment on his handsome face.

"Well, I said Brother Rufeng, that's wrong, you should be called Brother Yu now!"

"Xiaotian, just say it if you have something to say, our brothers don’t need to be like this! I didn’t tell the truth at the time, but it was because of some things! Of course, in the final analysis, my brother lied to you once, I hope you don’t take it to heart! Come and play in Jincheng, you are always welcome there!"

"Well, actually, Xiaotian wants to go to Jin Cheng too! To tell the truth, Xiaotian had already spotted Jin Cheng long ago!"

"My son, you, you, you have to think about it! After all, the lord owner is still waiting for you at home!" This time, when Yuan Tian spoke out his own heart, he stood behind him The two elders also said with some embarrassment.

The reason why they are embarrassed is because they also know Yuan Tian's dependence on Jin Shangyu, and even have long been willing to take refuge in Jin Cheng.

But the two of them couldn't follow the trend, otherwise they would not be able to confess when they returned to Yuanmei Villa.

"Um, two brothers, in fact, you are right to say that! Don't worry, Jin will not do anything to sorry the old owner! After all, Xiaotian is my brother!"

"This, this, Young Master Jin can think so, our two old brothers have thanked Lord Son for the owner here!"

"Don't, don't do this! Actually, you have also paid a lot this time! If others don't take some treasures and go, you can take them with ease. Jin will not say anything more!"


"This, we really don't take it!" At a certain moment, seeing that Jin Shangyu was so generous to the people of Yuanmei Villa, the two old men standing behind Yuan Tian were also embarrassed again.

After all, they also saw the fact with their own eyes just now, that is the treasure here, almost no one dares to take it away.

Even Huo Yun took away the treasures from his body. As for the Dongdong of the large camel team, he was also unable to take it away.

Facing such an embarrassing situation, Yuan Tian also smiled slightly and came to Jin Shangyu's side.

"Brother Yu, Xiaotian speaks the truth, not a momentary impulse, please accept Brother Yu!"

"Yuan Tian, ​​you fellow, speaking of it, you are still the future owner of Yuanmei Villa! How can you make such a decision! Besides, although your Zhuangzi is not official or business, your status in the arena is still very high. Don’t worry, if you have time in the future, you can come to Jin Cheng to play! As for the attachment, don’t mention it again!"

"Brother Yu, you, you don't look down on the kid! Yes, it must be like this. Xiaotian's martial arts is very inferior. Compared with you big people, it is a cumbersome existence! But, Yuan Tian really wants it. Go to Jincheng! As for Yuanmei Villa, if my father can take care of it, that's the best, if it can't be maintained, so be it! After all, the current world has reached the turbulent autumn, no one can be alone!"

"Little guy, I really didn't expect this little guy to think so far! That's all, everyone said so, it hurts me if I say more!" At this moment, after hearing Yuan Tian's heartfelt words, even Grand Master Jin also secretly agreed with Yuan Tian's ideas in his heart.

Of course, under the scene now, someone Jin would still say something on the scene, after all, he couldn't directly keep the Villa Master Yuan Tianshao by his side.

"Uncle Yu, or else, just accept him! After all, he is sincere! Besides, if he is not sincere, Wan Yu will take care of him!"

"Xiao Wanyu, you call him Uncle Yu! Obviously he is not at the same level as my son! If you dare to talk like this, you are looking for a fight!"

"Brother Xiaotian, you, you are too naive. If you really change your name to Uncle Yu now, I guess my uncle will keep you!"

"You, you brat!" At a certain moment, after Zhang Wanyu got in, the whole scene became relaxed.

This time, because of Zhang Wanyu's transition from it, Jin Shangyu finally said what he should say now.

"Well, let's go, Xiaotian, you will go back to Yuanmei Villa with your two old brothers first! As for when you want to go to Jincheng in the future, you can go directly! Until then, if you still want to stay in Jin Cheng, brother, I won't say much! How about it!"

"This, this... is it something wrong!"

"Young Master! Since Lord Jin speaks like this, let's follow the arrangements of the son! Besides, didn't they also say it? As long as you go back to Yuanmei Villa, is it possible to go to Jincheng by yourself in the future!"

"This, this, okay, since you said that, then, let's set it up, let's go, let's go now, as for the baby, we can't take one, it's our Huayu thing!" For a moment, after Yuan Tian listened to Jin's suggestion, he also led the two guards slowly towards the distance.


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