I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2585: At dawn (3)

On the shore of the desert in the early morning, although there is no thatched house before, dozens of bonfires still ensure the heating needs of everyone.

On the side of the large camel team, there are ten giant beasts lying on their stomachs. Although they still have a lot of blood on their fur, judging from their state, the midnight rest can be regarded as regaining some physical strength.

At this moment, Jin Shangyu is relatively busy, because Mo Jingtian is studying some relatively sensitive topics with him, and that is how to deal with these superpowers who were once enemies.

"Shang Yu, you have to think about it! Although my brother, I am also an upright person, I can never find a good opportunity like this one!"

"Big Brother Mo's mind, Shang Yu understands that it is still the same sentence, what should be said is still to be said, those who should be released must be released, and even those who need to be treated must be treated!

"Hey, Shang Yu is still too kind! But that's right, if you were not such a person, I am afraid we would not have followed you in the first place!"

"Thank you Brother Mo for your reminder! Don't worry, let Shang Yu take care of the things here! You, you can help gather them all together! Some things should be explained in person!"

"Okay! You wait here!" Jin Shangyu, who knew at this moment, had already made up his mind, so Mo Jingtian didn't say much anymore, and quickly went to the direction where the powerhouses were resting.

After about a few minutes, many powerful people also slowly gathered. If it weren't for Jin Shangyu's busy cleaning of his small tent, the powerful people would have come up to say hello.

"Jin Shangyu, can you hurry up, no one is here!"

"I said beauty, my son's technique is already very fast! How fast can it be! You know, you two are sleeping in it! It's a bit slow to clean up now, it won't work!"

"Um, son, in fact, you really should be faster, you know, they seem to be watching us!"

"Girl, isn't it? Really! These guys, what's so good! Okay, I'm finally packed!" While talking, Jin Shangyu also shrank the small tent into a small bag and stuffed it around his waist.

But Na Murong Yuyan and Yu Xiruo smiled slightly at the strong people, and then slowly stood behind Jin not talking.

"I have waited and thanked the son for his life-saving grace! If there is no son's life to save, I will not have a chance to survive!"

"Well, do you want to have a unified caliber! Thank you, in fact, you have paid a lot! Of course, this time we can live until now, we still have to rely on God’s luck! Let’s do this, since everyone is here Now, just sit on the side of the bonfire. There are some things that my son still has to say! Maybe some of you can also think of what I want to say!"

"This, this, Mr. Jin, please speak directly if you have something, let's listen!"

"Bro Yuanhong, in fact, everyone knows that even now, we are not safe. After all, some forces are still looking for us around here!"

"Yes, yes, we also understand this!" Seeing Jin Shangyu's words like this, Yuan Hong also responded slowly while touching his Feiyun Diao with his hand.

"Bro Yuan Hong, and you guys, in fact, it's actually the day of separation! You should also know that it is good for everyone if we walk separately! As a result, you are afraid that Jin Shangyu will change his mind anytime, anywhere Eat you! Secondly, you are also afraid that we will be targeted by some people again, or even eliminated!"

auzw.com "Yes, you Jin Shangyu is right! In fact, if you don't tell me, people from my clan will leave and return to the clan!"

"Brother Yu said this somewhat straightforwardly, but it is indeed the young man's mind! I don't know what everyone thinks!" This time, when Yu Qili spoke directly, Jin Shangyu also simply said his own. In my heart.

Facing such a Jin Shangyu, although everyone had been psychologically prepared, they still had mixed emotions in it.

After all, they are now in a weak position. Once they are taken by other forces in a scattered operation, the consequences will be very serious.

However, as Jin Shangyu said, staying here, they still have to take huge risks, such as whether Jin Jun will take this opportunity to directly incorporate them!

For a while, because everyone's minds were different, the embarrassing scene appeared slowly.

It was Yu Qili who broke the embarrassment in the end.

"Everyone, your thoughts, Yu someone understands, but have you thought about it? How long have we been out? I dare not say anything else. Do you know what kind of situation is in your ethnic group? I'm afraid this For a few months, we were all blind and deaf!"

"This, this is true! But if we leave here now, will we be targeted by others!"

"Okay, don't think about it, how could it be targeted by others! You don't want to think about it, do we have the capital to be targeted now!"

"That's right! Forget it, if that's the case, then, let's go back! After all, it's not a problem here, and the army is going to return to Jin Cheng!" At a certain moment, Yu Qili said. As soon as it fell, many of the strong people also started the mode of whispering.

At this moment, Jin Shangyu was not in a hurry to speak. After all, for the current situation, he is not good at one size fits all. If someone wants not to go, others can't blow them away!

Of course, there are some people who won't stand up to express their opinions at this moment. Those people are the old man Duan, the goddess, the fairies, and the trio from Yuanmei Villa.

After a long time, when everyone's voice of discussion became slightly lower, Jin Shangyu could speak slowly.

"Everyone, your thoughts, this son can be considered a little clearer! So, if you want to leave here and return to the group, stand up and go to this side; if you want to continue to follow us, it feels more convenient, you can Follow along for a while, you don’t have to stand up, just sit where you are! Of course, if anyone has a third way, you might as well just say it, this son will consider it! But anyway, this morning Make a decision!"

"This, this, I will lead the tribe back to the clan in Yu Qili for a while, as for Xiruo and Mei, I don't care how they go!"

"Brother, we will return to the clan with you! As for what will happen after we go back, my sister is willing to bear it with you!"

"Okay! If that's the case, then let's not pass it! Let's go!" As he spoke, Yu Qili directly gathered the staff and prepared to leave.

"Mother, it's too fast. Just leave. No matter what you say, you have to prepare some food or something! In addition, you have to say goodbye!" Although he didn't say it, Jin Shangyu still muttered in his heart at the moment. Muttered to himself.

In fact, it is not just Jin Shangyu who has a lot of thoughts in his mind, even Yi Jianzi, Zhang Wanyu and others who have not spoken much have thought of a lot.


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