I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2321: Unsado (35)

The boundless sand rain, under the sway of the strong wind, hit the tall cliffs from time to time. At this moment, a rare picture appeared on a boulder in front of the cliff.

But seeing a person standing on the boulder, muttering to himself from time to time. Occasionally, there will be a streamlined flying mink walking quickly, as if looking for something for it.

"This Yuanhong has some means, and even started this kind of small means! That's right, if he really finds the entrance of the treasure, he can still explore it with his strength! But I don't know Yuanlie Why didn’t they rush over! Does this kid really think that the treasure is hidden in the middle of the top of the cliff.” Although he was just thinking about it, Jin Shangyu at this moment is still clear about the current situation, that is the treasure. Nothing, the situation will not be "chaotic", if the treasure is revealed, the battle will be "chaotic"!

Here Jin Shangyu is still paying attention to Yuan Hong's every move, and Yuan Lie at this moment has already started his own treasure hunt, but his method is a little bit of search!

"You guys will clean up one more step! As for the cleaned area, you must stand up stones to distinguish! I don't believe it, and I can't find the entrance to the treasure!"

"My lord, we really want to do a little bit of search like this! If this is the case! Even if we find the treasure, I am afraid that we will be found by the powerful! By then, we may be able to make wedding dresses for others!"

"Yes, yes, adults, in fact, the villains have the same idea! After all, our manpower is limited, and the area here is quite vast!"

"Well, although the six of you can talk at will, you can't talk "randomly". You have to know that there are other people here! You have to work hard! Otherwise, the deity’s methods, you should know of!"

"This, this, your lord's words, I'll write it down later! Just?"

"A few, your mind, the deity understands! Just say this, I can't talk about it again in the future! Otherwise?"

"Yes!" Although he was still thinking about something, after feeling the change in Yuan Lie's mood, the six strong Jie people didn't say much.

Even though they are Yuanlie's close mortals, in the final analysis, they are still subordinates, and it is impossible to say whatever they want.

In this way, because of Yuan Lie's persistence, in the end, dozens of figures were quickly busy in a relatively large area at the top of the cliff.

About half an hour later, Yuanlie's search area has also expanded a lot! However, just when everyone thought this was doing useless work, a younger Jie Ren man suddenly yelled loudly.

"My lord, my lord, come and take a look! This, there is actually an underground cave!"

"Stone cave! There is a stone cave! Everyone, go and inform the adults!"

"No need to notify, the deity is here!" After hearing such a loud shout, Yuan Lie didn't need to notify at all. His figure flickered and came to a small sand dune.

"My lord, you are here! Take a look! There seems to be a hole under this sand dune! We just checked it, it shouldn't be formed naturally!"

"Oh, there is a hole here! Come here! Put the rain cloth here quickly, and don't let the sand rain continue to fall! The deity will now see what mystery is here!"

"I'm waiting for the order!" At a certain moment, with Yuan Lie's roar, four people also set up a simple tent made of rain cloth.

auzw.com And Na Yuanlie quickly came to the younger Jie Ren man.

"My lord, look, although it's only one meter high here! But, no one knows what's in it!"

"Really! You, you guys will "shoot" these stones right now! After all, if there are any treasures here, I am afraid that hidden weapons are indispensable! Although the deity is not afraid of death, it can't let the brothers take risks in vain! "

"Yes, yes! I'm waiting to understand! Come and come, hurry up and shoot these stones in!" Although he understood what Yuan Lie was thinking at the moment, none of the people at the scene said too much, just according to Yuan. At the request of Lie, he threw a few stones that were not too big.

After a few times, the echo that I expected to hear did not appear, and even the whole cave "acupoint" was like a dark and bottomless cave, giving people an unfathomable feeling!

Of course, at the moment, it is Yuan Lie who is most anxious. But seeing the sweat on his face at this moment, although someone came up to wipe it off from time to time, his expression was still in a very anxious mood.

"My lord, you, you have to stabilize first! After all, although such a cave may be a storage place for treasures, it may also be nothing! And we have not found any hidden weapons yet. It means that it is most likely a natural stone "cavity"!"

"Yes, right, right, the best thing we should do at this moment is to calm down! As for what it is here, you will know it after a while!"

"Well, you don't have to persuade the deity! The truth, Lao Tzu knows better than anyone! But if this is really the entrance to the treasure, then, then we have not achieved our previous goal!" For a while, because our own state of mind happened A trace of a different kind of change, so Yuan Lie at this moment has no wise actions before, and some are irritability and restlessness after the overjoy.

However, just as the mentality of everyone in Yuan Lie changed a little, the Jie Ren man who had not stopped cleaning the cave entrance also roared out uncontrollably again.

"My lord, look at it, my lord, it's not good, this, this cave has just collapsed!"

"Quickly get out of the way! There is a hidden weapon!" Although the words were relatively simple and short, they eventually saved the Jie Ren man who just yelled.

Because just as he yelled, the three crossbow arrows shot out from the hole as fast as thunder.

Had it not been for Yuan Lie to stretch out his hand to push the opponent away, he would have died on the spot at the moment. Fortunately, under the dark hole, only three arrow feathers were "shot", and there was no rain of arrows as we imagined.

Of course, it is true that the cave entrance that the man said collapsed.

"My lord, it's better to step back, otherwise it's really dangerous, I'm afraid it's hard to escape!"

"My lord, you step back first, let us brothers take a look first! After all, the cliff-top rock "hole" must have a huge risk, and you must not take it personally!"

"No, there should be no big danger here! As for the hidden weapon that just appeared, judging from the deity's speculation, it should be a warning message!"

"Warning message! So, our actions are now known to others!"

"Of course! Through the things just now, the deity feels that there is more than one entrance to the treasure! Maybe the three legendary keys to the desert can open the three treasure entrances, but I don’t know!" Lie also showed a very strong expression.

After all, judging from the current situation, whoever got the Key of the Desert had the upper hand, but Yuan Lie had missed the Key of the Desert under Qianlong Lake. This could not be said to be a big mistake.

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