I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2320: Yunshadu (34)

In the face of this new situation, even if he had some preparations in his ambitions, when this moment really happened, he was really a little uncomfortable.

"Um, three brothers please get up! If you have something to say, don't just kneel!"

"My son, if you don't leave, we won't be able to kneel!"

"Fine, my son agreed! However, you must survive! When the treasure is born, we will return to the north together!"

"I'm waiting for the order!" This time, seeing Tuo Ba Ye agree to his proposal, the three injured Xianbei men also slowly stood up.

And the next moment, Tuoba Ye didn't entangle anything, his whole body trembled a little, and he rushed in one direction.

"We really want to heal here!"

"How is it possible to stay here! Let alone we don't have enough food! Even the environment here is extremely bad!"

"Then, tell me what we should do now!"

"Forget it, don't be a burden to the sons and the others! Now all the powerhouses are searching around on the'Yunshadu'! From the old man's point of view, the best ending for us is to climb the cliff!"

"Go down! But, but our goal is not under the cliff!"

"Don't say it, although we all have super deadly combat power! But, if you take out one person here, you may have such combat power! Now that we are already disabled, how can we fight! Come!" Although there are many unwillingnesses in words, the three of them at this moment also understand a truth, that is, their treasure hunt has already come to an end, and whether they can even climb the cliff smoothly is still unknown!

Here, the three major wounded from Tuoba Xianbei Tribe retreated and chose to go directly down the cliff, but at this moment, the powerhouses of all walks of life had their own supernatural powers.

Of course, this also includes Jin Shangyu, the lord of Huayu.

Because I came to the "Yunsha Du" early, there was more time to observe the movements of all parties.

However, Jin Shangyu did not hunt for treasure like other people.

"Mother, you girl, I won't go here and touch it, it's meaningless! Even if you find the place where the treasure is stored, is it so easy to take it away! This son is right now? If you want to be a fisherman, aren’t you willing to look for it? Lao Tzu will wait for you to hunt for treasure!” Although he knows that the top of the cliff will not be too peaceful, Jin Shangyu still has his own rules, which is to ensure his own safety to the maximum, and at the same time Observing every change on the top of the cliff.

The sand rain in the sky is getting bigger and bigger, and many of the footprints that have just been walked are also more and more difficult to see.

Of course, Jie Ren Yuanlie is the most anxious at the moment.

Because his plan is simple, that is to find the treasure at all costs, and then take the treasure.

"My lord, we have now come to the middle of the top of the cliff! According to legend, the baby is here! Our pioneer team has been digging here for a long time, but we haven't found anything different!"

"Really, then, then they will not continue to move forward now!"



"Oh, these people! Why don't they understand the deity's words! They dug some big holes here, but the deity doesn't want these, the deity wants them to clean up the sand here! After all, carefully observe It is possible to see some clues!"

"It turned out to be so! Then, the villain will send them back now!"

"No need, let them move on! After all, there may be treasures in those unknown areas! You, and you, hurry up and clean the sand! Look at this day's "color", it is estimated that the sand rain will continue forever This also shows that the weather in the desert has reached a very bad level!" While instructing the people around him to clean the sand on the "Yunshadu", Yuan Lie thought quickly in his heart.

The reason why his mind is more serious is because the Jie Ren not only came to a team, or more than a high-end big man like him.

"My lord, are you still thinking about Yuanhua and Yuanhong?"

"You don't understand, if the two of them really walk in front of the deity, then the situation in that clan will have a real big change!"

"My lord, yes, but Yuanhua and Yuanhong are still members of your family after all! There should still be room for negotiation!"

"Okay, don't talk about it anymore! The six of you are my confidantes! It doesn't mean that others are too! They are here!" While speaking, the six of you had already trot over from the far end.

But seeing the six people all dressed in black, they are masters of excellent physical fitness.

"Let me see Master Commander!"

"Well, it's all my own, let's get up and talk! Now that you all rushed over, do you mean that there is no one else under the cliff at this moment!"

"My lord! In the past few hours, dozens of teams have climbed the cliff! And we also saw the figure of Di Ren!"

"Oh, they are here too! Then, things on this mountain seem to be more interesting!"

"What does your lord say! I don't quite understand it!"

"Hahaha! It's a good thing not to understand! By then you will know everything! Now you are involved in clearing the quicksand! You must clean this place within half an hour!"

"Yes!" As he spoke, the six big Jie people who just came here quickly participated in the task of clearing the quicksand.

At this moment, Yuan Lie had no emotional changes, but quietly scanned the distance. Although the flow of eyes was blocked by the rustling rain, no one knew what he was thinking about at this moment.

Here, Yuan Lie already has his own plan of action, and at this moment, the most northwestern part of "Yunsha Du" is also a strange picture.

But seeing that the bank of the cliff at this moment was eroded by a large amount of quicksand, and under the bombardment of the wind, sand and rain, there was a figure standing in the sand and rain.

"Mother, what does this mean! I don't mean to "suicide"! If one is not paying attention, I am afraid that he will fall off the cliff! It seems that Yuanhong, an old boy, has a time when he can't think about it! Pooh! Bah, what are you thinking! How could this guy fail to think about it! Is he looking for the entrance to the treasure!" At this moment, because Jin Shangyu had been following Yuanhong, he also found that the scene in front of him had become a little weird.

Looking at that Yuanhong, even though he was in the sand and rain, his clothes were torn by the wind, but in the end his figure still stood in it, unmoving.

"Diao'er, you, did you find something when you brought the deity here! Or you want to tell the deity that it is very unusual! But, the deity has been here for a quarter of an hour, why there is no gain at all!"

"Mother, it turns out that Yuanhong is using Feiyun Diao's super-sensitive "sex", and that's right, the more this kind of thing, the stronger the spiritual "sex". Could this guy really be the first to discover the entrance of the treasure? !" After a moment of thinking, someone Jin knew why Yuanhong had to stand among the wind, sand and rain.

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