I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2322: Yunshadu (36)

Of course, there are reasons to lose and gain. He Yuanlie still understands, so after a few seconds of dimming his expression, he also returned to the calm "color" again.

"My lord, with that said, let's find the entrance of the treasure! Then, what should we do next!"

"It's hard to say! This cave has already collapsed! Although you can clear out a new cave in a while! After all, the situation in the cave is still more complicated! Entering it risky will be huge!"

"Yes, it's what the adults said! However, we can't always observe here! If another entrance is discovered by other people, we are not happy in vain!"

"Okay! Since you all have the intention of exploring a rock cave, how can your deity be a person who is afraid of death! You wait for a large defense formation here, and no one should be approached! The six of you follow the deity!"

"I'm waiting for the order! However, the protection of the outside is also very important! Adults really only make the current arrangements!" Although he didn't say clearly, Yuan Lie at this moment also listened carefully, knowing that his subordinates meant nothing. Trust the Jie people around.

Facing such a weird situation, Yuan Lie also glanced left and right, and then whispered: "Fine, don't say anything! They are all my own brothers, there is nothing to disbelieve! You do it! As long as it is clearing the hole, let's just Go down!"

"This, this, I'm waiting to take the order!" Although still a little unwilling, but facing Yuan Lie who had a very serious expression on his face, the six of them did not say much in the end.

And in the next quarter of an hour, the six people also used their full strength, not only to clean the cave entrance very clean, but also to expand the entrance of the cave a lot.

Of course, during this period, they also discovered a new situation, that is, the promenade of the cave entrance began to widen, at least one can straighten up when walking below.

"My lord, it seems that this place must be an entrance to the treasure! Otherwise, such a wide area would not appear inside!"

"Okay, let's not talk, let's go! You three are at the forefront, remember, you must stand up the defensive shield! As for the world under the cave, the seven of us can only be resigned!"

"I will understand! Your lord, please wait as long as I am!" While speaking, there are actually three strong Jie people who have erected their defensive shields.

After about a quarter of an hour, the seven also slowly disappeared at the entrance of the cave.

"Well, what do you do now! It's impossible to stay here!"

"Be quiet, they may be not far away in the cave! If Yuan Lie hears it, I'm afraid our life will not be guaranteed!"

"Don't worry, the seven of them should have gone far! Because my perception is still relatively strong, what should we do now!" At a certain moment, just before the gloomy stone cave, just before the last The strong Jie people from Cong said different words at this moment.

However, facing the tips from the men around him, the older-looking man also shook his head bitterly.


"You, if you don't decide now, I'm afraid you're confessing your fate! You know, even if there is a risk in this cave, it is not necessarily a big risk. In any case, is the treasure used to get it? If no one can get it, What do you want the baby here!"

"Nevertheless, you should also know the current situation! Even if Yuanlie successfully reaches the treasure place, how can he be guaranteed to get the treasure! Therefore, the deity feels that the current situation should not be reported to Master Yuanhua? ! And what we should do best is to protect this place! After all, we are all people of the same race!" At a certain moment, in front of the dark stone cave, the older-looking Jie people finally decided. If the determination is made, that is to continue to follow Yuan Lie.

Of course, no matter how things develop here, it is difficult for Yuan Lie to know at this moment. Because at this moment, he has already entered an inexplicable area.

"My lord, slow down! Although we didn't encounter any hidden weapons along the way, it doesn't mean that this place is safe!"

"This, the deity understands! Look at the terrain, we seem to be diving all the time! Could this huge cliff be made by Emperor Han Gao! If this is the case, then the treasure collection will be even more difficult. !"

"My lord, why do you say that!"

"It's very simple, because this cliff is too big! And we all know that the northwestern part of the cliff has been eroded by the desert! Otherwise, there would be no such title as'Yunshadu'! Besides, we have always been towards Those walking under the cliff, in other words, we are getting closer and closer to the heart of the giant cliff!" At the end of the day, Yuanlie at this moment also showed a very serious look. ".

After listening to Yuan Lie’s analysis, the six strong Jie people standing in the cave also glanced at each other. Although they were able to see Yuan Lie’s facial expressions clearly at this moment with the help of the not too bright torch light. I was also surprised.

After all, if such a fact really comes true, then it means that the real treasure lies in the hinterland of the cliff.

With such considerations in mind, Yuan Lie also led the six to continue slowly down the uneven cave wall.

However, when the seven came to a relatively wide area under the cave, the original path of the cave disappeared. As if this is the end of the dark cave.

"My lord, what the **** is going on here! Why is there no way when we get here! Did we really come to the place of treasure!"

"Impossible! Even if there are treasures in such a small space, there are few pitiful ones! It is impossible, this is the real treasure entrance!"

"Here, no! My lord, our brother also checked it out just now. The walls on these three sides are very rough and should be natural. In other words, this should be the ultimate place of the cave!" This time, because the six had already checked, they were more confident in their judgment.

At this moment, Yuan Lie didn't say much, but quietly scanned everything around him. Although three of them are holding torches, they still have a very depressed feeling in this gloomy cave.

After a long time, Yuan Lie slowly said: "Several people, what you said is still wrong! According to the deity's guess, this should be the real entrance of the treasure! Of course, the deity has not found the entrance! No! , There should be a magic lock that can only be opened by the Key of the Desert!"

"What, my lord means that we must get the key of the desert to open the treasure entrance! This, this is too difficult! After all, no one can tell where the key of the desert is!"

"It's not that it's not clear, but that these three keys to the desert will eventually appear! It's just that I don't know who will use it!" Although his face is still more serious, Yuan Lie still maintains a trace at this moment. Calm down, maybe he really has a countermeasure in his heart, but he doesn't know.

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