I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2296: Yunshadu (ten)

In this way, because of Jin Shangyu's secret help, eventually the unnamed grassland under the cliff became quiet.

After all, it's impossible for the second elder in the southern capital not to know the truth of enough to stop!

"Brother Wu, let's be safe now! It was so dangerous just now that our brothers accidentally triggered the mechanism! I don't know how many opportunities this treasure land has!"

"This is hard to say! Although we are prepared this time, today is different from the past, we should retreat or retreat! Of course, if Brother Yi Jianzi has a good countermeasure, we still have to Cooperate well!" At a certain moment, when the second elders of the Southern Capital had just moved away from the cliff, their hearts were filled with wisps of fear.

Jin Shangyu also secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he sensed that the elders surnamed Wu and Ge finally retreated when they were no longer attached to "Yunshadu".

After all, for Jin Shangyu, he really didn't want his own person to have an accident, otherwise it would be meaningless for others to defect to him.

"It seems that this is what happened tonight! However, it is good to be able to see some familiar faces! Xiao Wanyu, Brother Yi, it is good for you to be here! It seems that sometimes there is still a good helper to compare Okay!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu knew that the second elder in Southern Capital had retreated, he was constantly muttering to himself.

Of course, this is already the center of tomorrow, so there is no need for Jin Shangyu to turn back again.

After all, Jin Shangyu still doesn't trust Beihai Sanxiong very much in matters of combat! After all, those three people are also people in the water war. If they are placed here, they will be cleaned up sooner or later!

As for why he is not in a hurry to join the team led by Yi Jianzi, Jin Shangyu understands the fact that it is better to perform their duties than anything else!

Here, Jin Shangyu made another decision, preparing to stay and rest under the high cliffs of "Yunshadu". At this moment, the Huayu and Yuanmei Villa mixed combat teams had already gathered together, talking about something.

"Well, the second elder in the southern capital just wanted to go to'Yunshadu' to see, but this walk is only a few hours, too dangerous, will they encounter a strong enemy!"

"Uncle Yi, you, you don't have to worry anymore! How could their two old predecessors not get any benefits, the worst expectation should be to investigate a'Yunshadu' clearly!"

"You kid, you know how to check, if it weren't for you to inspire behind, I believe Brother Wu and the others would not take the initiative to ask Ying to come out to inquire about the news."

"Uncle Yi, how can this be blamed on Wan Yu's head! No, they are back!" At a certain moment, when Zhang Wanyu wanted to explain something, two figures floated in the dark night.

Before Yi Jianzi, Zhang Wanyu and others could ask questions, the other party directly revealed the results of the trip.

"Master Yi! This time, this time I know what is meant by someone outside a person, there is a sky outside the sky!"

"Brother Wu, you don't need to be called an old man! Although you have followed Mr. Rufeng, I am not an adult! There are some things that you will know in the future! However, look at your expressions, as if they were met. It's a big risk! Did you really meet a strong enemy!"

"Master Yi, no, Brother Yi! Actually, I really haven’t encountered a powerful enemy! It’s just that it’s very uncomfortable to be chased by the agency of the'Yunshadu'! If it weren’t for the secretive rescue, I’m afraid we brothers would not die. Seriously injured!" At the end of the talk, the old man surnamed Wu at this moment also showed a very scared look.

auzw.com Faced with such an old man surnamed Wu, Yi Jianzi also gave birth to a sense of war in an instant!

"Brother Wu, you, you mean the treasure was unearthed! If that's the case, we'll be half a beat slower this time!"

"That's not it! We didn't climb the high cliff either! We just collected information on the grass below the cliff! After some observation, it was also found that many strong men stayed there forever!"

"Oh, it seems that the strong from all walks of life still had a confrontation there! I don't know where Young Master Rufeng is now!"

"The battle should not be called! If we guessed correctly, they should have encountered an inexplicable attack while climbing a high cliff! But don't worry, among the dozen people who died, there is no Master Rufeng!" At this moment, see Yi The expressions of Jianzi and Zhang Wanyu became extremely tense, and the old man surnamed Wu was the first to report peace to Jin.

Of course, it's not just Yi Jianzi and Zhang Wanyu who are worried about Jin at this moment, and Yuan Tian, ​​who is on one side, is spinning back and forth in a hurry.

If it weren't for the fear that the conversation would interfere with the report of the second old man in the southern capital, it is estimated that Yuan Tian would have stepped forward and asked loudly at this moment.

Until the two elders who had been standing behind Yuan Tian, ​​there was no emotional change, just quietly watching the development of the situation.

In this way, because the second elder of the southern capital brought back specific information about "Yunshadu", Yi Jianzi also called everyone to discuss countermeasures. After all, the most important thing for them now is to find ways to learn more about the real situation of the "Yunshadu", because tomorrow will be the time when the various forces are really fighting there.

Although the night of the crescent moon can still bring some faint light, it is already incomparable compared to the light of the full moon a few days ago.

However, in such a dark night, the powerhouses of all parties are not idle, after all, for them, there is not much time left for them to prepare.

It was a weird night, and time slipped by in such a dark battle. At a certain moment, while all the forces were still making final preparations, the morning sun the next morning also visited this somewhat complicated mountain again.

However, speaking of it, it is better to have one person resting. And that person is not someone else, but Jin Shangyu, who is hidden near the lonely peak.

"Ah, yes, it turned out to be a good weather! I don't know what major events will happen today! No matter what, let's sit here for a while! After all, the good show is about to be staged!" With the red sunrise, so did Jin Shangyu After taking a long breath, he entered the state of sitting cross-legged again.

And in such a relatively quiet morning, a heavy breath of death was slowly rising.

The reason for the appearance of such a breath is that dozens of more or less small teams have appeared in the current unnamed mountains, and they all have a common goal, that is, "Yunsha Du"!

"Uncle Yi, we also made up our mind last night, and that is to participate in the competition between the powerhouses of all walks of life! Since we want to compete, do we start early! Master, I haven't stretched my legs for a long time!"

"Boy, it's not the time to be a hero! Now all the powerhouses are'approaching' there! We don't have to be the pioneer! You know, the treasure in our hands may be one of the three keys to the desert. With such a good thing, are you afraid that they won't wait for us!"

"Uncle Yi also makes sense! If so, then Wanyu will endure it for a while!" While speaking, Zhang Wanyu sat down again with a little disappointment.

But the trio of the second elder of the southern capital and Yuanmei Villa didn't say much, after all, they were relatively mature and knew that Yi Jianzi's strategy could not be wrong.

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