I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2295: Yunshadu (9)

On the night of the crescent moon, although there is a little less light, there are two busy figures under the "Yunsha Du". They are looking for something in the grass, and then they are digging on a relatively soft grass. what.

And such a scene is also seen in Jin Shangyu's eyes, after all, Jin Shangyu is hidden in the dark night.

"Mother, it's really interesting! Lao Tzu's people have actually begun to do great good deeds. What's the matter? Is it possible that their hearts are really so kind! Forget it, just ignore them, just take it Laozi accumulate some yin and virtue!" Although he didn't understand the behavior of the two elders in Nandu, Jin Shangyu also understood that these two people must be relatively kind-hearted, otherwise they would not do such a thing.

Here, Jin Shangyu silently muttered the two old men in front of him in the dark, while the second old man in Nandu was busy while muttering quietly at the same time.

"Oh! I really don't know what's wrong with us today, we actually regard ourselves as handymen!"

"Brother Ge, we are actually not doing it, maybe other people don't have time! After all, there will be a **** storm here tomorrow! Take it as a good deed today 1"

"Old Wu! You and I have been born and died together for some years now!"

"Of course, it has been at least more than ten years! But now we belong to Young Master Rufeng! We shouldn't mention the previous things again!" At a certain moment, when the old man named Ge talked about some previous things, Wu surnamed The old man also reminded thoughtfully.

In such a simple exchange, a relatively loose soil bag is piled up. If it hadn’t been known that a dozen people were buried inside, no one would have thought that this place was a huge tomb.

Faced with such a second elder in the southern capital, Jin Shangyu, who was hiding in the dark, also laughed secretly in his heart, but he had no other meaning, mainly because he didn't expect it.

However, just when a somewhat weird situation had just formed, the radical change happened in vain.

It is time, but I don’t know when when I see the top of the cliff, there are two sharp arrows falling from the sky. The target is the second old man in Nandu who has just been busy and is about to get up!

"Old Wu quickly get out of the way!"

"Brother Ge, you, are you okay! Why, how could there be an attack! What does this mean! Is this'Yunsha Du' already occupied by others!"

"Probably not, otherwise we brothers would not be alive! We must know that when we were busy before, it was the most vulnerable time! And no one attacked us at that time! This only means that there is no one on the'Yunshadu' !"

"No one! Old Wu, what you mean is that our brother accidentally touched some organs! By the way, we must have just excavated underground rocks! Not good! There are circumstances!" In fact, the second elder in Southern Capital at the moment is also Backed hurriedly again, and three arrow feathers appeared at the place where they just stood!

Here, the two elders in the southern capital did not know why they were attacked inexplicably, and there were more than these two people who were impatient at this moment.

"Mother, you girl, this, this is really a weird thing again and again! Even if you do something good casually, it can lead to killing! Fortunately, these two old brothers are good enough, otherwise it is true. I don't know how he died!" Feeling the weird situation that appeared on the cliff of Lonely Mountain, even Jin who owns the'future core' does not know what happened.

But there is one thing Jin Shangyu still understands, that is, "Yunshadu" must be weird, and the biggest weirdness is the ancient secret technique of organs.

auzw.com Here, Jin Shangyu is impatient, and the second Nandu at this moment has long been scared out of his body. After all, with their physiques, they just dodge it just now.

"Brother Wu, this, this is too dangerous! If it's half a minute late, I'm afraid we will stay here forever! However, this matter is also a strange thing! Since no one is here to "fuck" "For, then, how can there be such a reaction!"

"Brother Ge, it seems that we accidentally touched some organs by ourselves! No matter, since it is impossible to find out what happened, the old man thought it would be better to go back!"

"Brother Wu, be careful! Here again! How come this ghost is still eyeing our brother!" At a certain moment, just when the old Southerner wanted to retreat, the change happened again.

But seeing from above the tall cliffs, dozens of sharp arrows flew out suddenly, not only at an extremely fast speed, but also showing an uncertain trajectory!

Don't think about it, these two also know that something has happened!

"Not good! This, this is a sharp arrow that can be changed! It's impossible, there is a rotating angry plane on the high cliff! This, this is unlikely! In the legend, this kind of crossbow machine has not been passed down. Why are you here!"

"Well, I said, man, let's not think about these things anymore, it's important to escape!"

"Escape, this time our brothers probably won't be able to escape! It, their lines are too tricky!" Although the second old man in the southern capital quickly pulled out his weapons to block! But the effect is obviously not good!

After all, the current situation is too sudden, if the two of them had been prepared for a long time, it would be okay, now there is no certainty to withdraw!

Faced with such a critical situation, let alone the two of them, even Jin Shangyu, who was hiding in the dark, began to become impatient.

"Mother, here, what the **** is going on! I still keep an eye on them! No matter, in that case, Lao Tzu will help them!" Feeling the sudden turn of the situation, Jin Shangyu also grabbed a dozen gravels. child.

In the next second, a strong sound of breaking through the sky also appeared around the body of the second old man in the southern capital, followed by a crackling sound.

"How is this possible! Someone secretly helped! Who is it, brother, do you mean?"

"That's hard to say! The situation is more complicated now! Since the people who saved us don't want to "expose" their goals, then our brothers shouldn't force it! Go quickly, don't go, but I really don't know what will happen!"

"Yes, yes, what my brother said! We must get out of here soon! You know, the person who makes secret moves can't help me again and again! However, I feel that this person may be my own! "

"Your own person, you don't mean to say that the one who saved us is the son!" At this moment, seeing a dozen rubbles directly shot down the sharp arrow, the old man surnamed Wu and the old man surnamed Ge also showed a touch. A very strange smile. Although some relatively sensitive words were mentioned at the end, after all, the two of them still didn't figure out who extended a helping hand!

Of course, they really don't know who helped! But one thing they know is that the person who shoots does not want to "expose" himself.

"My mother, I was saved! I don't know how many hidden weapons are hidden on this cliff. However, I am here today, so I don't want to move Laozi's people!" Just waving his wrist, he rescued the second elder in Nandu. At this moment, Jin Shangyu has already retracted his wrist.

After all, he didn't want to fight too much against the cliff-top mechanism in front of him. After all, there were times when Jin still wanted to take advantage of the fishermen.

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