I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2297: Yunshadu (11)

The morning sun is like blood and jade, which makes people inadvertently resonate. And this can only be normal. Above the desert oasis at this moment, the moment of emptyness has long gone, and there is only the trace of death that is rising.

Of course, under this breath of death, there are wild people who want to get rich every day.

"My mother, this world is so small, everything happens like this, just like the plot in a TV series, it's too boring! It won't be a fight, there will be treasures later! If it is really such a plot, I really can't bring up any interest!" After a little release of his strong perception, Jin Shangyu knew some of the conditions in the mountains.

Although the understanding is not so accurate, the general situation can still be collected in the bottom of my heart.

However, Jin Shangyu at this moment is not in a hurry. What he wants is for all parties to move first, and even find out the real treasure! Only when he sees the treasure, Jin will have a hint of interest.

Here, Jin Shangyu is still thinking about some things, and the unnamed mountains at this moment are already full of powerful people from all sides.

It turns out that it is better for all parties to hide, although they all know the other's existence, but if you really tell which party is where, no one can tell. However, the current powerhouses of all parties have already removed the previous shame veil, because their common goal is the "Yunsha Du" on the high cliff. And to achieve this goal, it is impossible to dive down.

"Uncle Yi, everyone is on the road! You should know that Wan Yu can feel their actions!"

"Smelly boy, along the way, what will you order, the old man will not know! Don't worry, don't be impulsive! Haven't you seen that all of them have entered the state of training that I have forgotten both! It's your boy, usually the most I love sitting and practicing, but this time I am very energetic!"

"Uncle Yi, can't you be my uncle! Just now, just now, more than a dozen teams passed by our side! Even Wan Yu can be sure that they must have discovered us! Now that they have all discovered, Why don't you fight or talk about it! It means they are impatient!"

"Anxious! That's right, the old man is afraid that your kid is anxious! Okay, Lord Yuan Tian, ​​don't even think about "plugging" the needle! The old man would not agree to act now! After all, we didn't do it long ago. Have you discussed it! I want to post-control!" At a certain moment, when Yuan Tian also wanted to come forward and persuade a few words, Yi Jianzi had already sealed it directly.

Facing such an old man. To be honest, Zhang Wanyu and Yuan Tian really have nothing to do.

And the two elders in the southern capital, including the two strong men from Yuanmei Villa, really, as Yi Jianzi said, have entered a state of sitting and practicing.

Here, Yi Jianzi and the others are still standing still, and a group of rare confrontations also appeared between an unnamed mountain.

Because everyone's goals are not too different, when they met, most of them adopted the practice of mutual restraint, that is, temporary cold peace.

But in this mountain range, it is different. There are six people divided into two groups, facing each other far away, as if fierce battles may occur at any time.

"Hahaha, your Tuoba family is really a good method! You dare to take advantage of my clan! It seems that you really don't know how to write dead words!"

"Jieren! Don’t think you have a lot of people, just dare to speak up here! Tell you the truth, my Tuobas are not easy to bully! Take 10,000 steps back, the transaction in the previous few days was your voluntary , So you should bear all the consequences! To the fact that the three of you are a little weird! Don’t you know the important "sex" today! Are you really going to fight to the death here! Or the three of you simply want others to take possession of it? Fisherman's benefit!"


"Well, well, you deserve to be the kid brought out by Tuobanye! All of them have sharp teeth! It's not helpful to say more, let's see life and death under the knife and gun!" At a certain moment, there was a relatively not too tall. Among the mountains, three people also roared, and directly started the battle.

Facing the sudden blow of the Jie Ren trio, the three figures standing in the mountains also moved. But seeing that they did not directly choose to confront, but quickly retreated in one direction!

"Hahaha, both of you, you have seen it too. As long as we show our true strength, how can their little Tuobas fight against us! Run, you run! I want to see if you can Where are you going!"

"Yes, yes, it was just that our brothers didn't understand the adult's thoughts! Thinking about it now, they are really the legendary embroidered pillows. That's not a good idea!"

"You, how dare you insult us like this! That's all, if it weren't for the order above, with the strength of the three of you, you will definitely die here!"

"Let's talk cruel! Okay, just put it there. Anyway, in a while, we will catch up and kill you, and we will let you say some last words!" Seeing the three people running fast in front, they were able to speak. In the counterattack, the Jie Ren trio also increased their running speed.

For a while, before reaching the real'Yunsha Du', the two trio had formed a chasing and fleeing situation between the mountains.

Faced with such a weird situation, in fact, how could all the forces have not noticed it, but no one came out to care about it.

"My lord, I really don't care about their behavior! You know, we were in an alliance with the Tuoba family before! If there is a fight this time, will Young Master Tuoba be upset!"

"Tutorial, why bother with them! Just let them make trouble! If you weren't afraid of losing something, you thought the deity would swallow this bad breath! Of course, now what matters, you don't need to remind, the deity also knows! , Did Yuanhua people appear!"

"My lord! I haven't found it yet!"

"I didn't find it! Impossible. Based on the deity's speculation, Yuanhua could not not participate here! In addition, you should also pay attention to some of Yuanhong's troops! After all, they are also one of our strong enemies!"

"My lord, this little guy doesn't quite understand it! Even if we can't get the treasure, if we are collected by Yuanhua and Yuanhong, wouldn't it be a great thing!"

"Hahaha, what do you know! They dare to come and get it, bah! It's better to burn it with a fire! In short, Lao Tzu's strategy is not to get it, and it won't make others wealthy!" Yuan Lie also showed a very decisive and cruel "color" in "Lu".

Seeing that my master was already angry, the people beside him did not dare to say anything, so they had to stand there quietly.

Speaking of it, the person who spoke at the moment was really Yuanlie. And in order to get the real treasure, he also gambled all his own.

Of course, Yuan Lie also had his own ideas in doing this, after all, the competition within the Jie people is still relatively cruel.

Here, Yuan Lie, an upper-level figure of the Jie people, has already led the Darkhand Army to an area not very far from "Yunshadu"! At this moment, more than a dozen figures stood under the cliff.

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