I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2282: Unknown Valley (Thirty)

Facing such three North Sea heroes, Jin Shangyu also knew in his heart that these three men would definitely make superhuman contributions to Jin Jun in the future.

After thinking of this, Jin Shangyu also stopped being pretentious, and the whole person also stood on the surface of the underground river.

"The three brothers don't have to be like this! Since you have such an idea, then we brothers will find a way to survive together! After all, we are still underground now, and there is no escape from the dangerous area!"

"Yes, yes, what Eun Gong said is!"

"Well, the three brothers don't want to scream one by one! My name is Yi Rufeng, so just call me Rufeng!"

"Yes! I'm waiting to meet Young Master Rufeng!" After knowing the name of someone Jin, the three also bowed down to Jin Shangyu again.

In this way, because the four of them can breathe temporarily, the fear that comes from the depths of their hearts is getting smaller and smaller.

However, Jin Shangyu was the first to discover the vitality. After all, Jin's super perceptual power is not for nothing.

"Um, three brothers, we should be able to survive!"

"Yun Gong, it's not right, he should be called Master Rufeng, I don't know what to say!"

"Three brothers, look at it, it should already be the tenth of the sky, and in such a "color", it is very likely that the sun will be brought here! And as long as we look in the direction of the sun, we will definitely be able to escape Born!"

"Yes, yes, it seems that the son is justified! Boss, let's keep up with the son!" For a while, because the Beihai Sanxiong got hope of life from Jin's mouth, he was in a particularly good mood!

In fact, there is no sunshine at all in the underground river at this moment. The reason for saying this is that Jin wants to divert the topic. After all, he cannot tell outsiders the fact that he has a strong perception.

At least the current Beihai Sanxiong is still an outsider to Jin.

In this way, because of Jin's strong perception and good luck, the four of them finally saw the long-lost light when they swam about a few kilometers in the middle of the underground river.

"My son, look, look, there is really sunshine! It seems that we can escape from birth this time! I think that the Jie Ren threatened our brothers and lured them, and finally got the killer, but in the end, Can you still survive!"

"Yes! At the time in Qianlongtan, even if our brothers tried their best to get the legendary treasure, the final outcome would still be death! If we could not meet the benevolence to rescue, I am afraid our brother would have died in the dragon fish. In the mouth!"

"Arowana, what stuff! This, what's the situation! Can some of you talk about it!" While talking, Jin Shangyu was also interested at this moment.

Facing Jin's novel feeling, the Beihai Sanxiong also glanced at each other and then smiled slightly.


"My son, it seems that you really don't know the existence of Qianlongtan! Speaking of it, this Qianlongtan is because some people say that a real dragon once dived here! Of course, this must be a legend, but with a legend, there will be There are more rumors, such as this dragon fish is the name passed down by people! It is said that this fish is very small, but it has super intelligence, and the most terrible thing is that they can connect to the body to form a continuous whole , Control the creatures that are several times larger than them, or even dozens of times larger, and then wipe out!"

"Yes, yes, it is this kind of creature! In the legend, it is only possible to see them underwater with real dragons! Of course, this may also be a legend, but this time I saw a real dragonfish!"

"Well, it's already good for you to be able to tell these messages! However, next, this son also wants to ask you something, I hope the three brothers can answer truthfully!"

"My son, we swear to follow you from now on, what else can't be said!" In the brief conversation, Jin Shangyu also knew the thoughts of these three people, so he was very happy.

In the following time, Jin also learned about the three North Sea heroes, not only knew that they lived on the banks of the North Sea in the far north, but also knew that their superhuman water **** was born.

"Well, thank you for believing in this son! But your ability is based on instinct, which is a miracle in itself! No matter, we should swim a few kilometers to really see the sun!"

"My son, it is a blessing for the three of our brothers to be able to meet you. From now on, you will treat our brothers as underwater dead men! I dare not say anything else. As long as it is underwater, our brothers will not have a trace. It means to be afraid! Of course, this time the'Gu Desert Hero War' is also quite strange!"

"Really, do you still know some news, such as why the Jie people want to kill in the valley! You know, this kind of killing, they themselves will also lose a lot of killer-level combat power. And this High-end combat power is the most important dark-handed method for anyone!"

"The son's analysis is extremely correct! However, we only know that they want the treasure in Qianlongtan, maybe it is the stone box that the son is carrying on his body now!" While speaking, one of the three Beihai males also pointed his finger at Jin's body. The long strip magnet on the back.

"This, this, in fact, this young man doesn't know what kind of existence this Dongdong is! After all, we are still in the underground river!"

"Our brother understands what the son means! Then, when the real escape is born, let's study it again!" As he spoke, the Beihai Sanxiong also felt what Jin said.

"Mother, although at the moment, the three brothers should be sincerely attached to me, but this kind of baby is too sensitive. Let's see Xiao Wanyu and the others!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu He also led Beihai Sanxiong quickly toward the brighter area.

Here, Jin Shangyu, with the newly incorporated Beihai Sanxiong, continues to move towards the exit of the underground river, and the bank of Qianlongtan at this moment is already a different scene.

Nothing else, just because there really is a situation of confrontation between multiple parties here.

"My lord, they didn't leave at all, and they said they wanted to see you! More importantly, they said we have to pay more! Because they think the loss last night exceeded their previous expectations!"

"Want to see the deity! There is no way! Tell them that you can only give half the money, and they are not welcome here!"

"My lord, it's not a good idea to do this! You know, the Xianbei people have already assembled many forces! If we don't cooperate with them, I'm afraid a big battle will be inevitable!"

"I want to "force" the deity! It's really a bear heart and leopard courage! Come here! Fully seal Qianlongtan, as long as you are not a member of our clan, you can kill without mercy!" Yuan Lie beside Qianlong Pond also roared loudly, as if someone was challenging his mighty majesty at this moment.

Of course, after listening to the command of his own adult, the Jie Ren man who was also dressed in black did not leave here immediately. Because he wanted to say a few words to persuade him, after all, the current situation has become very complicated.

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