I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2283: The Unknown Valley (Thirty One)

The chaotic situation also caused Yuan Lie to become uneasy. At a certain moment, when many of his subordinates all stepped forward to persuade, the change happened again in vain.

But seeing the east side of Qianlongtan at this moment, a person suddenly rushed over. The person didn't speak, and came straight to Yuan Lie, as if the people here couldn't stop him from moving forward.

"What's the situation! Who is this person! Why don't you stop him! Is the deity's words just nonsense! Or you think that the deity can't command you!"

"My lord, it's no good, it should be a special envoy sent by the military division! It seems that the one who should be here is here!"

"This, this, you guys quickly discussed with the Xianbei people and said that the deity is willing to give them more money, so that they don't come forward to fight with me at this time!"

"Subordinates take orders!" Seeing that Yuan Lie had a very nervous expression at this moment, his subordinates knew the severity, and instantly turned and flew away.

However, at this moment, the man in black rushing from a distance also stopped and slowly stood in front of Yuan Lie.

"You, you are finally here!"

"Master Yuan, I am here! And come on behalf of the military master!"

"Really, then, what do you want to do! Or what do you want to do! After all, you may already know what is happening now. Not only did the baby not get it, there may be a new confrontation!"

"Oh, when did your Lord Yuanlie be so straightforward? Is it possible that you don't know the above requirements!" While speaking, Yuanlie could also feel the aggressiveness of the people coming.

However, Yuan Lie is also a big figure among Jie people, how could he be scared by the person in front of him.

At a certain moment, after his expression was slightly slowed, he continued to say: "The deity knows that your identities are extraordinary. They are all people who can be trusted by the generals, but you should also know that my Yuanlie is no better than usual. people!"

"My lord joked, I didn't want to embarrass you! Of course, what you said "not an ordinary person" will not affect my strategy! As for how you will confess to the above, it is your own business, I No matter, I'm just here to deliver the command of the Grand Army Division!"

"Give orders, that's great! Please speak!"

"My sergeant has an order, and I ordered you to exit the valley at the same speed and not to fight with all parties! In addition, you must rush to Yunshadu in the shortest possible time! You must not violate the order, or you will engage in military law!"

"This, this, don't we recover the loss here at all! You know, now the Xianbei people and other so-called allies are still asking us for more benefits!" For a while, it was in Yuanlie After listening to the special envoy of the military division, the whole person was stunned on the spot, and he didn't even express his determination.

Facing such Yuan Lie, the person who spread the word seemed to have predicted it, so he didn't say much, just stared at the person in front of him quietly.

After a long time, Yuan Lie finally let out a long sigh, and then said weakly: "Fine, since the military master has already given up the treasure here, what am I still waiting here for Yuan Lie! Just, this time It has caused a lot of losses to the masters in the clan, so there is no hint of blame on it!"

"This, I don't know this! The next is just to convey the command of the military master! Of course, if Master Yuan wants to know more things, he should wait until the treasure is born!"


"You, what do you mean by this! It's impossible, even without the key to the desert, we can open the treasure entrance!"

"I don't know this anymore! It's just that now, my lord, you should gather the personnel and leave here!" At the end, the person who spread the word at this moment was already shaken, and the next moment he quickly flew towards the distance.

Seeing such a scene, Yuan Lie sighed again, and then said loudly: "Everyone, listen to the deity's order, gather the people, and leave here at the fastest speed!"

"My lord, you, you are really going to give up here! No matter what! Even Qianlongtan is not protected!"

"Yeah! Although we have not obtained the treasure in the pond now, it does not mean that others have obtained it! So I think we still need to control this Qianlongtan in our own hands!"

"Shut up, didn't you hear the deity's command! You know, what's happening now has exceeded the original expectations! And there are people who can enter the desert oasis, how can there be small people! Forget it, let's go! Shadu is the place where we can show our talents!" At a certain moment, when Yuan Lie calmed down his subordinates with words, the quarrels in the Wuming Valley were already one after another.

"Hahaha, you really think that we are also those vain ghosts! Really speaking, we did a lot of work last night! Otherwise, how could you get such good results! So, our requirements are not high, Pay us as much as possible! Otherwise, you should know the consequences!"

"Well said, my clan also thinks like this. After all, we also broke two good brothers last night! It still hurts to think about it now! Tell me, do you want them to give more comfort money!"

"Yes, we want it now!"

"You, you dare to "force" our clan! You are so courageous! Don't you know what you did last night!" After the fierce quarrel, in the valley of the unnamed valley, the two men and horses stood opposite each other.

Although the number of people is small, it can be seen from the angry eyes that they all have combat power above the Death Warrior level.

Speaking of it, the two sides facing each other are the Jie Ren Dark Hand Army led by Yuan Lie. The other side is more complicated, at least divided into three small groups. There are Xianbei, Huns and Di people!

Especially the nine figures standing in the middle position, it is obvious that they are about to start a battle, and these nine people turned out to be a pure Xianbei.

"You are powerful men sent by the Tuoba Xianbei tribe! It seems that you really don't know what the high-level thoughts are! You are now "forced" the palace to my clan! Do you want the group to be destroyed here!"

"Hahaha, others are afraid of you Jie people, but I am not afraid of Tuoba! Although you can kill us now, if none of us return to the north, then you Jie people will wait for our strong anger. !"

"You, you really think that Tuoba Xianbei tribe can fight against my clan!"

"Why, can't you fight! Even if you can't fight directly, can you still directly fight the joint blows of Xianbei's various ministries and Huayu!" At the end, the Xianbei man standing in the middle said sharply.

In the face of such a verbal counterattack, the little leader led by the Jie Ren was also a little confused. After all, others don't know the current world, they still know some.

Especially the multi-party cooperation mentioned by the other party, if such a situation really forms, I am afraid that no matter how strong the strength of the Jie people are, they will eventually be defeated.

Of course, I know the meaning in my heart, but the aura on the surface cannot be weakened. Therefore, in the following time, the Jie people and other forces are still going on the periphery of the Wuming Valley.

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