I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2281: The Unknown Valley (29)

Crisis is pervasive, and a **** and rainy night will become like smoke. In such a wait, the Jie Ren team still standing by the Qianlong Lake felt an inexplicable sense of frustration.

Because they lost a lot of dark-handed power, and they got nothing. The cruel fact of failure stirs everyone's fragile nerves.

Especially at this moment, Yuan Lie, as the host who took the Qianlongtan and then the treasure in the pond, has already uttered a hysterical roar.

"This, this is impossible, how could the deity accomplish nothing! It has clearly controlled all unfavorable factors, why is this the result!"

"My lord, don't get angry!"

"Go away, you dog slave, you only know flattery and don't know how to come up with some good ways! Tell me why there is no reaction at all in this Qianlongtan! Could everyone who went down flew away! Even if it is flying! Go, you should be able to find them too!"

"My lord, now the sky is bright, can we retreat? The longer we stay here, the greater our risk factor. After all, the Xianbei people and the so-called allies cannot I totally believe it!"

"Go! How to go! Now that we have spent a lot of money to gain control of this valley, how can we leave as soon as we say! The deity's order, whoever wants to enter the valley, kill without mercy!"

"My lord, this, this is not so good! After all, our agreement with them is only overnight. After daybreak, they will also be our enemies! At that time, we have no chance of winning at all! Besides, this Qianlongtan Even if there are treasures in China, I believe that others will not take them away!" For a while, Yuan Lie's anger was burning, which also caused a subtle change in the Jie Ren team.

As for the killer Yuanhua who came here before, and Yuanhong, the guardian of the Jie Ren Shengdi handicap, they left long ago.

In other words, the highest commander here is the angry Yuan Lie.

Here, Yuan Lie was very unwilling to encounter such an unfavorable situation, and Jin Shangyu at this time had already brought Beihai Sanxiong to an inexplicable underwater world.

There, Jin Shangyu felt the magic of nature for the first time. Because when Jin Shangyu came to a node of the water cave, he discovered that the water cave had become extremely wide. This change also made Jin Shangyu think of the word "underground river" in an instant.

"Mother, it's not that the water hole under the Qianlong Lake is connected to a wide underground river! If it really is, then, does that mean I can swim out of this river!" I thought of this The underground river may be their escape route, and Jin was also a little excited for a while.

But in a blink of an eye, Jin Shangyu thought about Tanzhong Baby. Of course, at this time, Beihai Sanxiong also followed up. Although both sides could not see the other side's face clearly, they at least knew the other side's existence.

"These three guys are dragging Lao Tzu to do! Do you want Lao Tzu to continue to dive down the water hole! That's all, since they are all here, Lao Tzu will take a risk! Do you want to be rich and wealthy!" After his thoughts, Jin Shangyu was also the first to dive into the water cave.

About a quarter of an hour later, a powerful magnetism also moved Jin's magnet dragon ball! This feeling also confirms what Jin Shangyu had thought before.

"Yes, it seems that there is really the unknown sword-shaped desert key, but I don't know if this stuff is also wrapped in a magnet box!" While feeling a lot of emotion in his heart, Jin Shangyu also took out the magnet dragon ball from his body. The next moment, under the guidance of magnetic force, when it was not too much, the magnetic dragon ball changed into a boulder.

Faced with such a situation, don’t think too much, Jin Shangyu also knows that the legendary sword-shaped desert key must be in the huge magnet. But now with Jin Shangyu's strength, it is impossible to open or smash the huge magnet!


In order to find the secret button of the organ earlier, Jin Shangyu also circled the boulder three times.

Even at the end, Jin took the initiative to pry the boulder away, but everything was useless, because no matter what kind of tricks Jin used, the huge magnet remained motionless in the end.

"Mother, what's the situation? It's impossible, this is a dead stone, and there is no legendary treasure!" After several efforts, no results were achieved. Jin Shangyu was also quick in his heart. Thinking.

However, at this moment, Beihai Sanxiong, who kept "touching" the magnetic boulder with his hands, suddenly discovered something.

It was time, but I saw that one of the three had reached the top of the boulder by the buoyancy of water. However, he could not open the boulder at all.

In fact, at that moment, Jin Shangyu also thought of something, so he quickly came to the top of the boulder.

This time, Jin Shangyu understood some truths. For example, why the boulder could not be opened. The main reason was that the opening was not below, but at the top of the boulder.

After making this judgment, Jin Shangyu also exerted his strength in an instant, and after a while, a square hole was opened on the top of the huge magnet.

"Mother, I won't have to put the magnetic dragon ball in for fishing this time!" After thinking of this, Jin also quickly put a magnetic dragon ball into a huge rock hole three feet high.

Of course, the next scene that appears can still make Jin very gratified! Because at the moment he took out the magnet dragon ball, a magnet box that was not too big was also sucked up.

Faced with such a huge change, Beihai Sanxiong also "exposed" the "color" of joy. It's just that, because the underwater is relatively dim, Jin can't see clearly.

In this way, after some surprising experience, Jin Shangyu finally got the long magnet box by accident.

In order to leave here early, the four of them also sneaked upwards quickly. After a while, they once again came to the wider underground river.

Maybe it was because he was far away from the huge magnetic boulder, maybe it was for other reasons. In short, when Jin Shangyu brought Beihai Sanxiong to the underground river, his perception was also able to recognize the basic direction.

In other words, it was a strange thing. Just when Jin Shangyu and the other four were sneaking down the underground river for several hundred meters, the upper edge of the underground river miraculously appeared.

To put it bluntly, that is to say, the four of them can already take a few breaths at this moment. Although the air on the underground river is also very thin, the truth is better than nothing, the four of them are still clear.

"I have waited to thank En Gong for his life-saving grace! If En Gong does not dislike our brother, the three of us are willing to follow En Gong from now on!

"This, this, you will not be the three North Sea heroes they say! Since they have ruled the roost here for many years, I am afraid it is not good for this son to do so! Besides, with the underwater combat power of the three, I am afraid Any big power will rush to ask for it!"

"That, don’t you believe in our brother’s character! Ben is above, our three brothers are willing to follow him for life, and if we violate them, we are willing to be punished by lightning!" Above the surface of the underground river, his face was very firm and serious.

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