I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2266: Unknown Valley (14)

The desert oasis in the middle of the night makes people unable to imagine its quiet state, but above the oasis at this moment, scenes after scenes of chasing and counter-chasing are being staged.

In a relatively dense bush in the unnamed valley, the second elder in the southern capital also woke up from the shock just now.

"Old Jieren ghost, you, you really want our life! Well, in that case, give it to you!"

"The old man's life is also for you! But, it is best that you leave something too!"

"Hahaha, you two old immortal guys, you really think that the deity can't deal with you! Let alone someone secretly used a cold arrow to save them, even if they appear here, the old man will kill you!"

"Really! It seems that you are in a good mood! Come here, since you are going to fight, then walk twice with the old man."

At a certain moment, just as the second elder in the southern capital was about to be killed by the opponent, the two figures slowly fell in front of the second elder in the southern capital.

But seeing these two people, both dressed in black, even though the weapons around their waists were not taken out, the old Jie Ren stepped back a few steps with shocking speed.

"Oh, I really "showed up"! Actually, the old man just wanted to motivate you to come out and meet! However, what the old man didn’t expect was that you were so untempted! Let’s say, who are you and why do you want to save this? Two guys! It seems that there is not much hatred between us!"

"Hahaha, I'm talking about ease. Since you are a Jie, you can know that there is no safe place in the valley now! And if we don't save them, we will destroy the Great Wall!"

"This, this, it turns out that you guys want to unite! But you also want to find a good person to unite! What is the difference between these two people and the dead! Do you two guys still expect them to help you! A joke!" At a certain moment, after the old Jie man understood the other person's thoughts, he also started to laugh.

Speaking of it, under the full moon night at this moment, the enemy and the enemy are already distinct, but the people in the valley are still not quite sure about the situation they are facing.

"Good point! Good point! Actually, we just want to unite the two of them, so what can you do! Not to mention that there are only two of you here, even if there is one more, we are not afraid! Son, Am I right!"

"Two old people, thanks! Actually, we are actually helping ourselves! As soon as we enter the valley, it becomes a place of killing! If it weren't for the luckier ones of us, I'm afraid we would have died long ago! Now we only have more of them together. Talents can fight against the Jieren!" While speaking, a person came from the woodland on one side.

But seeing this person, he is only seventeen or eight years old, of moderate build, and the word "handsome" can always be seen on his handsome face.

Of course, this person is not someone else, but Yuan Tian, ​​the young master from Yuanmei Villa.

The two who appeared before are the two strong players in Yuanmei Villa.

For a time, the emergence of the Yuanmei Villa trio also temporarily alleviated the crisis of the second elder in the southern capital.

However, they didn't say much, they just stood there quietly. After all, they are all experienced dough sticks, how could they not know the unpredictable truth in front of their interests.

Perhaps it was based on such considerations, so the second elder of Nandu did not express any gratitude, and did not even say hello.

"Hahaha, I wanted to report the injustice! Actually, how can the old man not understand your thoughts! To put it bluntly, you just want to find the treasure here, and then take the baby away! Of course, this kind of shot is probably also There are many conditions!"

"You, you started to separate us! That's the case, let's fight a battle and know what our minds are!"


"My son, really want to fight!"

"You have to fight, and you have to fight to death! In addition, two old people, you don't have to guess in your heart. My name is Yuan Tian and I am from Yuanmei Villa! Don't worry, this time, we just want to save Nothing else to ask for you!"

"This, this, it seems that our brothers are thinking too much! Thank you Yuan Tiangong for saving his life!" At a certain moment, when Yuan Tianbao came out of the house, the second elder of Southern Capital also arched his hands a little embarrassingly.

In fact, Yuan Tian wanted to prove in the shortest time that he was here not for profit, but for the real urgent need to save people!

Of course, this goal was also achieved, because at this moment the second elder of Nandu had slowly walked to Yuan Tian's side, and his face was even more embarrassing.

Because just before this, they have not been optimistic about the trio in front of them.

In this way, the appearance of Yuanmei Villa also changed the situation. The fierce battle also kicked off at this moment.

Because the two sides are not discussing martial arts at all, but are engaged in a real life and death duel, the battle has entered a tragic stalemate from the beginning.

Of course, in terms of numbers, Yuan Tian only allowed his two companions to play, while he was standing next to the second elder in the southern capital and watching the direction of the battle together.

"My son, I really didn't expect that your two companions are so powerful! It seems that Yuanmei Villa's strength is also good!"

"The old man laughed!"

"Don't just call me Mr. Wu! Actually, we are from Nandu City! However, when I met Jie Ren here, the second son, Sima Fang, has fallen here! As for the two of us, if there is no help People, the ending is doomed!"

"Old Wu is serious! In fact, as Xiaotian just said, we should really unite more now, otherwise after tonight, there will not be too many Central Plains powerhouses in the entire oasis!" While speaking, Yuan Tian is actually at this moment. Also not forget to pay attention to the direction of the battle.

After all, they are in the valley now, and the whole valley may have been controlled by the Jie people long ago.

At a certain moment, when the two strong men of Yuanmei Villa suddenly used their own unique tricks, the middle-aged Jie man was also directly blasted a few feet away.

"Cough, cough... Your lord, he, he is too strong! How come the people in the Central Plains like to hide!"

"Don't be afraid, as long as we resist their attacks, I believe it won't be long before our big shots will come here!"

"Yes! The villain understands!"

"Not good! They are delaying time, Master Yuan Tian, ​​if we can't solve the battle in a short time, I am afraid our ending tonight will not be too good!" This time, when I heard between the two Jie people After the exchange, the old man surnamed Wu also said anxiously.

The reason for this prediction is that they were besieged by the Jie people before. But now, even if the two of them are usually strong, they no longer have the power to fight. If the Lord Yuan Tian in front of him was defeated again, there would be no hope of survival.

On the other hand, the Jie Ren duo, because it is a encounter, are not too prepared in preparation, and they don't even know if they have their own companions around.

However, in order to hold the people in front of them to the utmost extent, they have no retreat, they can only fight to the end.

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