I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2267: Unknown Valley (15)

The fierce battle has already made the night of the full moon even more weird. Especially the young master of Yuanmei Villa was even more worried.

"My son, you don't have to worry, judging from the current situation, your companions are extremely powerful and should be able to handle them!"

"Old Wu, you, what you said is true, but what we need most now is time! If we can't resolve the battle quickly, the consequences will be really unimaginable!"

"This, this is a problem! Or, we two old guys move again!"

"No, you, you can't move anymore. If you want to forcefully move, it will inevitably damage the roots. If it is a god, it will be difficult to save! Let this son go over and see!" Yuan Tian doesn't care about Wu at this moment. If the elder wants to, the whole person will be shot out.

The next moment, a slight change occurred in the battle situation, that is, the Jie Ren duo has no power to parry! In particular, the middle-aged Jie man is out of breath and can no longer maintain his basic physical strength.

"You, how are you! Is it dysfunctional?"

"If you go back to the adults, the villains are really bad, they are really too strong! Why do we always meet strong people, but others have good things to enjoy!"

"Shut up, is this what you should say! No, you go back!"

"Ah! Your lord, help me!" At a certain moment, after the older Jie man saw Yuan Angel's trick, it was already half a beat.

It was too late to say, then soon, just as the Jie Ren man roared, Yuan Tian's long sword had already pierced into the opponent's chest.

Even though there are many unwillingnesses, the middle-aged Jie man at this moment is already alive and fast. In the end, there was no breath at all.

"You, you guys killed him! This, this is a capital crime! Hahaha! Die!"

"Xiaotian, you step back, this old boy is going to work hard! Can you make a mistake!"

"Two old people, you have to be more careful!"

"It's okay, now he's an old guy, how could he escape our palms! Die to me!"

"No, don't! I'm unwilling!"

"There are many people who are not reconciled, but you have never considered the feelings of those who are killed! Now the old man will let you know what death is!" This time, because there is only one Jie person left, so at this moment The second elder Yuan Mei also directly launched a lore.

However, even when the weapons of the two pierced each other's chest, radical changes occurred again. But seeing that in the direction behind the Jie Ren, he suddenly "shot" an arrow feather. The speed and the weirdness are beyond everyone's cognition.

"No! Someone attacked!"

"Brother, you, are you all right!"

"It's okay, it's just a bit of a broken skin! But it's already difficult for our brothers to kill this thief!"


"Because their reinforcements have arrived!" As they spoke, the second old Yuan Mei had already violently retreated to Yuan Tian's side.

And in the following time, there were also three voices that broke through the air quickly.


"Hahaha, it's really interesting! It turned out to be from the Central Plains! It seems that the Central Plains are still not dead! Okay, let the old man see what these old boys are capable of! No, the two old guys are already A waste without the strength of a war!"

"Yes! What the lord said is very true, but the three people standing next to them still seem to have the power to fight!"

"Oh, you mean the two old and one young! Yes, it's kind of interesting! You even killed one of us dead!"

"My lord, you, you are finally here! If you come half a step later, the little old man will die soon!"

"It's okay, isn't it just a few dying people! It's good if you lean on one side, the things here are left to the deity to handle!" At a certain moment, Yuan Tian and several people were still quickly observing the surroundings. At the time of the change, three figures have already fallen in front of the old Jie people.

It's just that the old Jie Ren, who was just called an adult, actually called "adult" to the incoming person, which shows that the incoming person's identity is high.

"Young Master Yuan Tian, ​​let's go, they are too strong, they should be big people who are better than the super dead men! We are already very grateful for your help!"

"Yeah! Thinking about it, the two of us should have been dead for a long time. It is our honor to be able to meet a righteous person like the son! You go, go now, there may be a silver lining!"

"No, I, Yuan Tian, ​​is not a big man, but I also know the truth of sharing weal and woe! Don't worry, as long as we are united, we still have a chance to escape from here!" Although I don't have much knowledge in my heart, Yuan Tian is rare at this moment. Be tough.

And the two elders of Yuanmei Villa in front of him looked like hesitating to speak.

You don't need to think about it and know what their current thoughts are.

"Two old people, you are all good brothers of my father. I believe you will obey the arrangement of this son! Of course, if you have the opportunity, you can leave here! If you can return to Yuanmei Villa, tell my father that you are Jie people kill me!"

"My son, you, why are you so troublesome! In fact, when they "show" their faces, we should leave here! Now, even if we want to leave now, it's too late!"

"Hahaha, it seems that you are still a smart person! Well said, in fact, the first half of your sentence is still wrong. To put it bluntly, you have no chance of survival tonight!" This time, I heard Yuan Tian After a few people's conversation, the old Jie man standing opposite the central place also said with a smile.

In the face of such an emergency, let alone Yuan Tian, ​​even the experienced elder Yuan Mei has no good solutions.

Because they already smelled the breath of death.

Suddenly, because of the arrival of the Jie Ren force, the whole situation was also turned over. The Yuan Mei Shanzhuang trio, who had just won the winning ticket, had already become fleshy at this moment.

On the night of the full moon, it became more and more "fascinated", especially the passing of the few dark clouds, which added a little uneasy factor to the valley.

At this moment, Jin Shangyu could not "see" anymore.

"Mother, you girl, I really didn't expect that my little brother is still a righteous person! Well, if such a person is not saved, who else will I save!" Although still in a very quiet state, But at this moment, Jin Shangyu has made up his mind.

"My son, you, you seem to have discovered something! Is something wrong with Yuan Tian and the others!"

"Brother Yi, it's not too much difference! But, we should do it now! Remember, do it quickly, don't fall in love with it, just go straight to the past! If the strongman at Taniguchi wants to stop us, let him do it, You two can just march into the valley!"

"Yes! The old man understands! Wanyu, you, do you understand!"

"Uncle Yi, don't worry, I understand what Uncle Yu thinks!"

"Mother, what do you mean by understanding? Isn't it just a sense of some situation in Gu Nei!" As he slowly cleaned up his clothes, Jin Shangyu stood up.

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