I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2265: Unknown Valley (13)

Faced with the fierce gaze of the second elder in the southern capital, even the Jie Ren duo, who was holding the winning ticket, did not have the courage to do it directly.

"Why, don't do it yet, it's impossible, you Jie people are still timid, if this is the case, I really look down on the old man!"

"Old guy, he's about to die, and I'm still talking about it here! My lord, or else, take them down now! Even if the villain is hit hard, don't hesitate!"

"Okay! Okay! It's best for you to have such an idea! Of course, it can't reach that point! The old man also observed it just now. These two people are just a kind of spirit supporting them. To put it bluntly, they haven't had a fight. The capital! Two people, is it accurate for you to say what the old man said?"

"You, you are looking for death! Since you can say such things, then do it. If the old man takes a step back, he is not a person in the world!"

"Brother Wu, this person Ge thinks the same way! It's good to think that we can participate in this kind of big scene! It's just that I'm a little ashamed that we haven't completed the prince's task this time!" At a certain moment, it was there. When the two Jie people were about to kill the killer, the two elders of Nandu were also filled with emotion.

In fact, this moment is also the most capable of embodying the weakness of a person's "nature". For example, the Jie Ren in front of the two people knows that this battle will win, but because the opponent may fight for a blow, no one takes the lead in attacking.

Of course, the two elders in the southern capital also knew their ending, so they told each other something.

"Two, is it time to get on the road! Lord, let the villain try their fighting methods first!"

"Be careful, the Central Plains people usually hide their methods deeper!"

"Please rest assured, adults, they are just two guys who are waiting to die. Now the villain helps them to get on the road earlier, is this a matter of merit!" In fact, a middle-aged Capricorn man at this moment Already, the electric "shoot" came out, and the target was the second old man in the southern capital not far away.

It's too late to say, then it's fast, just when that Jie Ren launched a thunderous blow, the two elders in the southern capital were also heartbroken. But seeing the two of them at this moment looked at each other, they all took out the daggers from their waists, and the next moment they rushed towards the attacker like a horizontal movement.

Facing the deadly counterattack of the second elder in the southern capital, the Jie clan man had also been guarded in his heart for a long time, and he didn't know what method he used to turn his body miraculously, avoiding the attack of the two.

"Brother Wu, how is this possible! He, he was able to escape the death blow of our brothers!"

"Brother Ge, this, this is a revolving body technique. Before launching an attack, I am afraid that this person had already expected that we would fight to death. So from the beginning, his figure, or power, did not fall on us. On the attack route! It seems we were calculated by this person this time!"

"Hahaha, two old ghosts, don't die now, when will they stay!"

"Wait! You retreat first, these two have no power to fight anymore. To put it ugly, they are the prey in our hands, and they are the prey worthy of death!"

"My lord, you, who are you?"

"The deity would like to ask a few questions!" For a while, when the Jie man wanted to kill, the old Jie man standing at the far end also spoke to stop him, and his figure slowly moved towards the second old line of southern capital. .

Faced with such an unfavorable situation, the second elder in the southern capital already knew his end, so the mood at the moment was rarely stable, and there was no struggle and fear as imagined.

"The two seem to be determined people too. I'm afraid you won't have what the young man wants!"

"I know the answer and still speak, is it a bit redundant?"

"Two, I am actually not asking you to reveal your own secrets, let alone betraying your brothers. The old man just wants to know where you are from!"


"Hahaha, it's so light, do you think we will say it!"

"Don't tell me! Don't say it! The old man has already asked, if you don't say it, let's get on the road and do it!" After a brief conversation, the two elders in Southern Capital also knew the fact that the old Jie man in front of him was not indecisive. people.

At this moment, because he saw the determination of the second elder in the southern capital clearly, he also decisively issued the order to kill.

In other words, this time, the middle-aged man standing next to the old Jie Ren did not hesitate anymore, the whole person suddenly shot out, and the long sword in his hand carried an boundless breath of death.

"It seems that our brothers are going to be on the road together this time. It's a blessing to be accompanied by brothers when we leave!"

"Yes! I want to come, our brothers met fifteen years ago, it was really a lot of years!"

"Hahaha, the two old things are so calm when they are dead, let me send you on the road together!" Seeing that the two elders in front of me didn't care about their own killing blow at all, then The middle-aged Jie Ren also roared loudly.

However, just as the long sword was about to fall, the cataclysm happened again.

At that time, I didn’t know which direction it was from. Suddenly two crossbow arrows flew out, one of which directly repelled the long sword in Jie Ren’s hand, while the other crossbow arrow flew towards the key point of the old Jie Ren. go with.

In the face of this sudden change, not only the Jie Ren duo were surprised, but even the second elder of Nandu who was waiting for death was stunned on the spot.

However, it was the old Jie man who reacted first.

But after seeing him gently blocking the flying crossbow arrows, his anger surged, and his voice rolled.

"Who is the one here! Why not "show" your true face, and let the deity look at your good means!"

"My lord, someone secretly shot! What should I do!"

"Don't worry, let alone panic. I believe that even if someone wants to save these two people, it is in vain. After all, we can just get out of the way if we kill them directly!"

"Yes, yes, the villain understands!" After listening to the old Jie man's words, the middle-aged Jie man who had just spoken also raised his long sword again.

However, just as his long sword was in hand and he was ready to kill another killer, the same situation happened again.

Two more inexplicable crossbow arrows flew quickly, and the target was exactly the same as before. In other words, the long sword was hit, and the old Jie man was "forced" back a few steps.

In the face of this, even a weird situation, the Jie Ren duo sorted out their thoughts, and then they communicated in a low voice.

"My lord, it seems that someone is helping secretly! If this is the case, it would be difficult for us to kill these two old things today!"

"Difficult things, in the eyes of the old man, there is no problem at all! Take a step back, although they are in the dark and occupy a favorable position, but in the final analysis, they did not have the confidence and ability to defeat us, otherwise they would have appeared long ago It's a war!"

"This, there is some truth in this, then, I don't know what the lord is going to do next?"

"It's very simple. The old man takes the shot himself. As long as they refuse to show up, then we will be able to do it! If they really dare to come out, the old man will kill him tonight!" In fact, the old Jie man at this moment Already, the figure shot out with an electric shock, and the target was even the second old man in the southern capital who was in a daze.

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