I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1096: Battle of Binh Duong (4)

The dark night still makes people feel timid, but at this time, outside the south gate of Pingyang City, there is a scene of people screaming and blazing.

However, at this time the county guard's house was a different scene. Not only was Pingyang County guard Zhao Dongyu wandering in the hall, but just a quarter of an hour ago, Mo Jingtian was also embarrassing to rush over. After all, he is the guardian general of Pingyang City.

"It's shocking! We just said that someone might be coming. No, it's really coming! I don't know if it is from Beiying or Jin Shangyu!"

"Masters, don't worry, let's check the situation first! If the enemy is not in chaos, we will chaos ourselves first, I am afraid it is not appropriate!"

"General Mo, you, don't you still have 90,000 soldiers and horses! Hurry, let them come and rescue! If it's late, we will really commit the crime of beheading!"

"That's good! I will be back to the station now!"

"Go back! That won't work! You can't go! You have to summon people over! Only by doing this can you repel the enemy!" As he spoke, Zhao Dongyu, the guard of Pingyang County, also showed an unpleasant color.

Of course, Mo Jingtian at this time, after hearing such words, also thought of something. A pair of leopard eyes stared at Zhao Dongyu firmly!

"My lord, what do you mean! Isn't it possible that you want to stay strong? Or is it that the siege army outside is a good show for you!"

"You, don't be bold! Now that foreign enemies are coming, you don't think about retreating the enemy, but talking to the official like this is really annoying! Come on, take Mo Jingtian down! The official will not believe it, without you Mo Jingtian, you can't retreat to the enemy, you can't mobilize reinforcements!"

"Dare you! It's a big joke that you want to win this general with you little people!"

"Joke! This official sees you as the real joke! Take it! Don't be afraid of him, now he has been poisoned by the official, and there is no internal strength in a short time!" Zhao Dongyu also laughed loudly while talking. stand up.

It was too late, and it was fast. Just when Mo Jingtian was about to make a move, a dozen sergeants had already swarmed and pressed him to the ground.

"You, you guys are so vicious! You actually poisoned the wine!"

"Poisoning! It seems that General Mo is really inexperienced! In fact, it's just alcohol poisoning! But within two hours, you can't move! Of course, if you use this kind of thing every day, I'm afraid you I'm going to become a waste person!"

"You, you don't want to transfer the army outside the city!"

"Hahaha, so innocent and cute! Now you have lived in the city for a few months, and your army has long known that you are familiar with the officer! Now it happens that foreign enemies are coming, and it is the best way to transfer them into the city. Timing! My God, I, Zhao Dongyu, are really blessed by God!" Seeing Mo Jingtian **** by the five flowers, the Pingyang City County Guard also screamed up to the sky again.

However, at this moment, another sergeant ran in.

"Report, my lord is not good! They, they seem to have come prepared!"

"Come prepared! How many people!"

"It should be in the hundreds of thousands!"

"What, it turned out to be a real siege! Good good! Tell my brothers that you must stand up! Also, you guys, go and mobilize soldiers and horses to support the South City Gate!"

"Yes! The last general takes his orders!" As he spoke, two generals quickly left the house.

Not to mention how they sent troops to support the Nancheng Gate, just talk about Zhao Dongyu at this time, because he won Mo Jingtian, so the whole person is still in a good mood.

auzw.com because his next step will level the Yang garrison into the city in the name of Mo Jingtian!

Of course, the reason why Zhao Dongyu is so affirmed is because there are good reasons.

"Mo Jingtian! In front of the bright, the officer will not do secret things! Actually, today is your death date! Only when you die, the 90,000 soldiers and horses will truly be used by me! Of course, the officer will tell them , It is said that General Mo was unfortunately killed while defending the city!"

"You, you are too shameless!"

"Shameless! This world is shameless in power, the official just knows the current affairs! Besides, Master Jia has already arranged it, as long as the official is here to control the situation, he will join hands with me to conspire with me!"

"You, you have already colluded with Jia Mi! It seems that the previous training and expansion was also Jia Mi's idea!" Feeling Zhao Dongyu's shameless behavior, Mo Jingtian was also shaking with anger.

But at this moment, even Mo Jingtian knew that everything was over, and it was really possible that his army would be used by Zhao Dongyu.

Facing the hysterical Mo Jingtian, the governor of Pingyang County once again said gloomily, "Mo Jingtian, just wait for death to come! Of course, for the sake of safety, the officer will not kill you yet, but you When your 90,000 soldiers and horses enter the city, it is the time you go to the Yellow Spring!"

"You, you are not a human! Come on, where are you hiding all of the general's family members!"

"Oh, I think of my family members! But, this, the officer really didn't bully you, they really aren't here, of course, the most likely place for them to go should be the army of the North Camp!"

"You, you killed them!"

"I, what is the use for me to harm them! The key is to harm a big man like you! Hahaha, come here, hold it down, you can execute it yourself when the army enters the city! Remember, use arrows! Understand? !"

"Don't worry, my lord, our arrows have been sharpened a long time ago, and there will be no problem!" As we spoke, several sergeants stepped forward and took Mo Jingtian away.

In this way, accompanied by Mo Jingtian's boundless roar, the county guard house also slowly returned to peace.

"My lord, it seems that our plan is really ahead! However, I just don't know who is attacking the city! Will it be the army of the North Camp!"

"Joke! How could it be them! If the officer didn't guess wrong, it should be the kid Jin Shangyu! According to reports, his Jin Cheng has been built by the same amount, so they are the most motivated! Besides, he Since Jin Shangyu is Master Jia's mortal enemy, he must be our mortal enemy! Since there will be a battle sooner or later, come early, then come!"

"Yes, but the current situation seems to be true! Once our South City Gate is breached! I am afraid the consequences will be disastrous!" As he spoke, the counselor also showed a hint of worry.

Facing the analysis of this counselor, Zhao Dongyu also changed his previous ecstasy, and the whole person fell into contemplation.

After all, the counselor in front of him had the right analysis. If Pingyang City was really lost, it would not be worthwhile to get Mo Jingtian's army!

After all, the biggest goal of Zhao Dongyu now is to incorporate Mo Jingtian’s soldiers and horses, and the key to conquering the soldiers and horses is to fake Mo Jingtian’s general orders, and finally let Mo Jingtian “die” in the hands of Jin Jun.

"You said, his Jin Shangyu will really attack the city! Isn't he afraid that the Beiying Army fishermen will profit!"

"The adult's analysis is correct! But, but we don't dare to bet! Once this kid dies, we can lose a lot!"

"Yes! He can kill Jin Shangyu, but we can't! Let's let them act! Remember, you don't need to fight, as long as you take the first level of the opponent's main general!"

"Okay! The villain will do it!" After listening to Zhao Dongyu's instructions, the man didn't say much, and went straight out of the county guard house.


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