I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1097: Battle of Binh Duong (5)

General Mo Jingtian, the guardian of Pingyang City, was persecuted by the county guard Zhao Dongyu, while General Ge Feng was commanding the siege.

"Report, Lord General, General Ma has sent a message that the enemy is already timid! But it will take time to break the door with the current equipment!"

"Okay! Well done, just to make them scared! But you have to tell General Ma that the city gate can be attacked and unbreakable! If you break the door, we will not be able to take Pingyang City with our current military strength!"

"Yes! The subordinates will go to convey!" At a certain moment, when Ma Tianhe sent someone over to report on the battle, General Ge Feng also quickly issued the order.

Of course, at this moment, Ma Tianhe's soldiers had already attacked the city for more than half an hour! And the defenders on the city are becoming more and more!

"The order goes on! The archers cover, the army alternately covers and retreats!"

"General, look at it! The city gate is already a little loose now, as long as you hold on for another hour, you will be able to break it!"

"You must not violate the order, the order is!"

"Yes, the final commander will get the order!" I wanted to say a few more words, but seeing Ma Tianhe's serious face, the general also quickly ran towards the siege team.

However, just as Ma Tianhe was paying full attention to the siege battle, the three shadows floated over under the light of the night wind.

"Be careful, general, someone sneaked!"

"You, who are you! How dare you attack this general!"

"Hahaha, it turns out that your subordinates still have two sons! However, it's just a "dead ghost"! Next, you won't have a chance!"

"The general, hurry up, we will catch the three of them!"

"No, no one can come over! I don't believe it anymore, just because you little thieves want to do something big!" While talking, in fact, Sergeant Jin Jun, who had just stood in front of Ma Tianhe, had already been assaulted by a shadow. Under the horse.

In fact, at this moment, Ma Tianhe also knew the identity of the opponent, that is, a killer, or a character who specializes in killing the opponent's main general.

"Okay! Since you want to die, then our three brothers will fulfill you! The third one, leave it to you!"

"Yes, really good, how long hasn't done it for a long time, I would have killed the guy Mo Jingtian if it weren't for an adult! But, now, he is no longer a big man!" The figure of the black-clothed man was slightly stretched, and the whole person was attacking Ma Tianhe as fast as thunder.

In the face of the assassin's weird blow, although Ma Tianhe's combat effectiveness was very strong, in the final analysis it was still the hard power of the two armies in the battle. In the face of these unblinking murderers, he still had no resistance.

"Hahaha, you, go to death! No, brother, save me!"

"You, who are you, where are you, and the life of my third brother!" In fact, the assassin who had just shot out of the electric flint fell directly to the ground in mid-air.

Although things happened relatively quickly, the two men in black at the far end knew the result, that their third brother had already died.

"You ask who I am! Does it make sense? Leave a secret on Huangquan Road!"

"You, you are not human!"

"Yes, you are right, this son is a ghost who kills you! That's okay!" While talking, the two men in black also stopped talking.

"Oh, I still want to fight! It seems that you really don't know your true combat power!"

"Second, you go back and tell the lord! Just say that the other party has an expert, let him be careful! In addition, Mo Jingtian must be executed immediately!" While speaking, a man in black also rushed into the night sky first.

auzw.com However, just as it floated a few meters away, there was another cry of sorrow, and a dark shadow fell in front of Ma Tianhe.

Looking at the man in black who is called the second child, he doesn't care about his elder brother's life or death, his whole person is like a big bird running towards Pingyang City.

"Want to go! I'm sorry, come down!"

"Ah! You, who are you!"

"Forget it, tell you! My name is Shadow!"

"You, you are the shadow of the killer world!"

"Get on the road!" As he spoke, the man in black who wanted to escape just now also fell to the ground unwillingly.

"Shadow son, really amazing! Tianhe thanked the son for saving his life!"

"General Ma made a serious statement! Old General Ge was worried about you and asked me to come and have a look!"

"It turned out to be the meaning of the old general! However, the methods of the Shadow Master are really powerful! Fortunately, you are your own person, otherwise..." At a certain moment, after the three killers were killed by the Shadow, that Ma Tianhe also wanted to say something again. only.

After all, this is the truth, but it still sounds unpleasant! However, Shadow has already entered Jin Jun, so he didn't care too much about these small details!

"Don't think too much, brother Tianhe, we are brothers, we can say anything! But just now they seemed to say that General Mo has fallen into Zhao Dongyu's hands!"

"Yeah! Now our attackers are about to withdraw! If they really kill General Mo, we are not in vain!"

"Then, then I'll go into the city and have a look!" As he spoke, without waiting for Ma Tianhe to agree or disagree, the figure of the shadow had disappeared before everyone.

Ma Tianhe was amazed by this kind of body technique. After all, in his eyes, only Jin Shangyu had such a body technique!

Of course, just after Ma Tianhe withdrew his army, he quickly returned to Ge Feng.

"Old General Ge! Had it not been for the assistance of the shadows, I am afraid that Tianhe would have been in a different place long ago!"

"Oh, there is such a person coming! It seems that sometimes, Shang Yu's gaze is still far away! Then, is he injured in that Shadow!"

"Old General, it turns out that the Shadow is so powerful, and the other three have almost no power to fight back! Now the Shadow Prince has entered the city, after all, the current Mo Jingtian may be killed anytime and anywhere!"

"What, it's so serious! Well, go and rest! Hope that Shadow can live up to expectations and rescue General Mo!" At a certain moment, after Ge Feng learned the truth of the matter, he also showed a touch of helplessness.

After all, the fact that Mo Jingtian was already controlled by Zhao Dongyu was too straightforward. Because the purpose of their trip is to win over Mo Jingtian, but now they don't know whether they are alive or dead.

Here Ge Feng stayed at the camp overnight, not to mention it, let's talk about the garrison in the north of the city at this time. There was originally Mo Jingtian’s camp, but because Mo Jingtian hadn’t returned for many days, it was a little different from the past.

"What to do, it seems that someone is attacking the city at the southern city gate! I don't know who is attacking the city. If it is really the northern camp, then we should really act early! Otherwise, we may have something wrong!"

"You are not anxious, I believe General Mo will soon have an order! We only need to follow the general's order, and there will be no problem!"

"It seems that I can only wait!" As he spoke, in a very spacious camp, more than a dozen generals were also talking loudly.

From their words and deeds, it can also be found that the battle of the south of the city has spread here.

However, just when everyone's faces were heavy and they didn't know how to deal with the current affairs, a sergeant trot in from outside. But seeing the dust all over him, it was obvious that he was riding fast.


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