I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1095: Battle of Pingyang (3)

Outside Pingyang City, in a relatively secret woodland, a powerful cavalry team is resting here, waiting for them will be an unknown battle!

"The general's order must be obeyed at the end! Please order the army!"

"What a Ma Tianhe, after I heard that you are a famous general, Ma Chao, it seems that you really deserve your reputation!"

"The old general is joking! Tianhe has been adopted since he was a child. It's really unclear where the roots are! However, anyway, I, Ma Tianhe, are a dare to act!"

"Okay! Then you take 10,000 soldiers and horses to attack the city! Remember, the first round of siege is the last round of siege! Be ruthless or ruthless! Want to hurt them! Let them know that we are here to capture Pingyang City!"

"Yes! The last general takes his orders!"

"Come back, don't leave in a hurry! The reason why you say that your task is heavy is not only to siege the city, but also not to have too many casualties! Do you understand!" At the end, the old General Ge Feng also revealed a strange touch Smile!

Facing such a task, Ma Tianhe was also speechless for a while. After all, Ma Tianhe knew how to do the siege, but he must ensure that his people are not harmed, I am afraid that no one can do it!

"Why! I feel a bit embarrassed, right? It's not difficult, it's not called an important task! Don't worry, as long as you grasp the key point of'suddenness', you will be able to complete the task! After all, Pingyang City at this time does not know our army is already Arrived in the city!"

"Yes! Do your best at the end!" At a certain moment, after feeling that there was something in the words of Old General Ge Feng, Ma Tianhe also nodded heavily, and then slapped away.

After all, this task is really difficult for him, Ma Tianhe, to complete.

In this way, facing the big city of Pingyang in front of him, General Ge Feng also lined up his troops step by step. Not only did he resort to a big strategy of virtual reality and reality, but he also started camping in the dark night.

The night of Pingyang became deeper and deeper, and it was unknown when a few dark clouds floated in the sky, adding a bit of weirdness to the situation that was already densely covered with war clouds.

Besides, Ma Tianhe at this time has already led the cavalry team to quickly rush towards Pingyang City. For a while, the horses neighed and black clouds rolled. Although it was dark at night, a powerful assault force was like a flood that was coming. , It is difficult to produce a trace of resistance.

"Brothers, let's rush to the bottom of Pingyang City at the fastest speed, especially if you guys have to transport the siege equipment, it's best to hit the South City Gate!"

"Don't worry, the general. We have practiced several times. Although we can't really break the big city, we can still scare them!"

"Okay, pay attention to your own protection! Remember, this is General Ge's order!"

"Yes!" As he spoke, two attacking echelons composed of more than 5,000 people had already rushed over like thunder.

Speaking of, the cavalry team at this time, although everyone is on horses, they are also a group of two horses, with a rope hanging from a not too big impact device.

Of course, these seemingly simple attack equipment were specially made by Jin Shangyu for the cavalry, and their materials were all made of iron. More importantly, these iron guys are all solid, and their weight is around one hundred jin.

It was too late to say, then joy, just as Ma Tianhe gave his order, the outline of the entire Pingyang City appeared in front of everyone.

"Brothers, the first round of bows and arrows!"

"Yes!" I don't know who gave this order in the dark night. In the following time, thousands of feathers flew into Pingyang City with the breath of death.

In fact, the soldiers who defended the city at this time had already discovered something wrong.


"No! Hurry up, go to town! There is an enemy! There is an enemy!"

"You guys, quickly report to the county guard! It was said that an unknown enemy came to attack the city! No, it should be a strong army! Defense! Defense!" As the roar approached, the entire Pingyang South Gate There was chaos inside, as if this big city would be breached in the next moment.

However, just as they quickly conveyed the information to the county government, the ruthless arrow rain also fell in the wind.

"Ah! Save me! Save me!"

"This is a prepared attack, get the shield quickly!"

"General, our shields are underneath!"

"You, you are really looking for death! Alas! If this is the case, you must defend the city gate firmly. No one can walk down the city wall. Offenders, cut!" While talking, nearly a hundred sergeants were shot by arrow feathers, although most There is no danger of life, but their wailing sounds are still floating in the dark night, and the factor of fear also affects everyone.

In this way, with a round of arrow rain attacks, the entire southern city wall has been temporarily suppressed. Although there are still a few sergeants shooting down the city from time to time, it is of no use.

However, just as the defending sergeants were looking for bunkers to avoid the arrow rain as much as possible, a huge noise suddenly came from the city gate. Although it sounded a little dull, the defending sergeants knew what had happened.

"General, it's not good! It seems that they have already attacked the city gate through the dark night! Impossible! How could they transport heavy siege equipment to the city!"

"Brothers, no matter what, you must guard the city gate! I believe the county guard will send troops to reinforce us!"

"Yes! You guys, you will go down to the inside of the city gate with the generals, and you must protect the city gate with all your strength!" As he spoke, a man who looked like a general also quickly led the sergeant down the city.

After a few breaths, the inside of the South City Gate was already crowded with heavily armed soldiers. But at this moment, the roar of hitting the city gate became more and more urgent, as if the city gate would be blasted open in the next moment.

Here, Ma Tianhe launched an attack, and at this time, not far from the southern city gate was a torch like a cloud, looking from a distance, it was like a sea of ​​fire.

"Quickly, you guys will report again and say that this is not a small group of enemy troops. There should be tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. No, it's 100,000 soldiers and horses attacking the city!"

"Yes! The little one knows!" Feeling the urgency of the situation, the sergeant did not dare to neglect, and when he moved, he quickly ran into the city.

Here, the southern gate of Pingyang City is in a hurry, and the prefecture at this time has long since become a mess.

"You guys, you have finally made it clear who is attacking the city! Why didn't we prevent it before!"

"Master county guard, this, this young general doesn't know! After all, they came too fast! Now our people are resisting! Look at this, the other party knows that we have neglected defense during this time!"

"I don't care about this! Tell them that even if you die, you must guard the South City Gate! Also, you guys go and invite General Mo over!"

"Well, General Mo also just returned to the room, he should have been drinking too much!"

"Drink too much, even if you drink to death, you have to get up! If you don't get up again, Pingyang City will not exist!" At a certain moment, when Pingyang County guard Zhao Dongyu looked angry and roared loudly, those sergeants, even Including some generals were scared to speak no more.

After all, now is a very critical moment. About a quarter of an hour, Mo Jingtian's figure also appeared in the county guard house.


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