I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1028: Three kings come!

Facing the Chengdu Wang Simaying who led his team to vote, Jia Mi was also bright in heart, but on the surface he still pretended to be ignorant.

Of course, at the moment when Chengdu Wang Simaying entered the account, Jia Mi and Huo Yun also noticed the other person, who was the shadow that followed.

"Well, it turns out that the prince is in trouble! It doesn't matter! If this is the case, let's stop here for a while! This one looks so energetic, he should be a big man!"

"Master Jia laughed! Actually, this one is just a friend of Wang's!"

"Oh, it's the prince's friend, that's Jia Mourao's friend! Come, come, please sit down!"

"Masters don't need to be like this! I'm just an ordinary person! I'm used to standing!"

"Don't don't don't, let's all sit, come, come, Huo Yun, come here too, so as to accompany this young man!" During the words, Jia Mi also actively guided Huo Yun to accompany Shadow.

Looking at the slowly coming Huoyun, the shadow was also surprised. Although he didn't speak, Jia Mi could feel that this young man called the shadow was definitely not a simple character.

"Master Jia! That, the king has added chaos to you! Actually, I am really ashamed! Under the south gate, the king saw that Ge Feng had no tricks! Even faced my thousands of cavalry , He, he actually opened the gate with five thousand soldiers and horses, and the killer came out! You, are we in your hands! But, who can think of it, just when this king is about to succeed. Fight all the way! Its combat power is so powerful that we have never seen it! Of course, the number of people still occupies an absolute advantage! So, alas! Nothing!"

"The prince must mourn! After all, victory or defeat is a common thing in the military family! Besides, don't you still have more than five thousand soldiers and horses! This officer believes that the prince will make a comeback!"

"Thank you Master Jia! Then, the king is here to bother the adults!" Then, Chengdu Wang Simaying also stood up again and bowed.

However, just as Jia Mi was preparing a few polite words, someone ran in again outside the big tent, and said out of breath: "My lord, that, the other two princes are also here. !"

"Oh, they are here too! Here, what is going on! Chengdu King, sit down first, wait for the officer to come and see!"

"Well, Master Jia, let's go together! After all, Wang also wants to know their current situation!" In the meantime, Jia Mi was in front and Sima Ying was behind, and the two also slowly came to the Great Account of the Chinese Army. outer.

"Wang has met Master Jia!"

"Okay, the two princes are polite! What the **** is going on! Why did the three kings come here! The king of Chengdu came to the official to make adjustments because of a strong enemy, I don't know what the two princes are!"

"Well, don't be offended by the prince! Actually, we have the same experience as the king of Chengdu! Alas, it's hard to say! Thinking of the side of my three kings uniting Qingjun, seeing the great cause will come true! But being assassinated by someone! Hate!

"King Hejian laughed! Actually, this officer also encountered a strong enemy here! It's just that the generals fought bravely to kill the enemy! Finally saved the result! Well, then I don't know, whose power you met Randi is! Think, this is the top priority!" In the end, Jia Mi also took the lead in the army's big tent.

Of course, Sima Yong, the king of Qi, and Sima Yong, the king of Hejian, followed closely behind.

After everyone was seated, the first to speak was Chengdu Wang Sima Ying.

"Two princes! Why are you also under attack! Especially King Qi, aren't you guarding the main board! You have fifty thousand people! Why give up and give up!"


"King Chengdu, what do you mean! Does this king want such a result! This king doesn't want it either! Who knows that the sneak attacker attacked with a thunderous force, the king's people were not ready at all! It was you, under Nancheng, who had the opportunity to break the city first, but you were afraid of losing too much and kept dragging on. Now you know the consequences!" During the conversation, the two of them also quarreled with each other.

"Well, the two princes should stop arguing! Since such a big thing has happened now, we just have to study the countermeasures! According to Ke, can the mysterious army be Jin Shangyu's people! People say that the Forbidden Army is extremely powerful. Strong, could it be that they launched a surprise attack!"

"Yes, yes, yes, it must be Jin Shangyu! Jin Shangyu, you are too cruel! My three kings totaled more than 100,000 people! You were slaughtered by you! Alas! If we knew this, we would work together to attack the North Gate first. !"

"Yeah! Jin Shangyu, you are so bold that you attacked us with fifty thousand cavalry! It's wrong! If he only has fifty thousand soldiers and horses, how could he slaughter me more than one hundred thousand troops!" At one point, he was waiting in Chengdu. When everyone believed Jia Mi's words very much, a question was also placed in front of everyone.

"Well, maybe this Jin Shangyu also united with others, it's unknown! But maybe it's not him! Let's just guess! Come on, the three princes should report their strength in soldiers and horses! After all, the officer still needs Can I provide you with some food!"

"Okay! Thank you Master Jia! This king has five thousand soldiers!"

"This king has eleven thousand!"

"This king has ten thousand soldiers and horses!" During the words, the three kings also looked at each other a few times, and finally they honestly reported their own soldiers and horse strength.

Because they have no way not to report, after all, the logistics now depends on Jia Mi.

"Good, good! It seems that the three princes still have some strength! Don't worry, these guarantees are left to the officer! So, on the side of the open space behind my army tent, you can just set up a camp of 30,000! Just garrison there!"

"This, this! Okay!" After hearing what Jia Mi said, Wang Siying of Chengdu wanted to say a few words, but in the end he didn't come out.

In this way, not too much time, the soldiers and horses of the Three Kings also worked on an open field. When the twilight "color" descends, a camp is also rising.

"Two princes! Didn't you find out!"

"The King of Chengdu refers to this open land!"

"Exactly! What do you think! What is this place! An open place! More importantly, we are in the middle of Jia Mi's army! As long as they want to get rid of us, they can do it with a single order! "

"Oh, how can we not see it! But, but under the low eaves, how dare people raise their heads "chaos"!" In the meantime, the river king Sima Yong also showed a sense of helplessness. .

After all, Sima Yong's is also true. At this time, the three kings can only sigh in the big tent just built!

Here the Three Kings knew that there was no direction in their future life, but at this time, there were only two people left in the military tent of Jia Mi.

"Huo Yun! How about it, isn't it him!"

"It should be him! From his breath, even I smelled a touch of danger! It seems that he did the super dead men killed before us!"

"Oh, I really didn't expect that this Chengdu king Simaying would have such a guardian! Then, if we take care of them, how much risk will there be!" After feeling the power of Huoyun, Jia Mi also took it. The words in my heart came out.

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