I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1029: Intercept!

In the imperial capital city, outside the west gate, in a camp, the conversation between Jia Mi and Huo Yun became more and more chilling.

Of course, facing such a Jia Mi, Huo Yun thought for a while and said, "The risk you mentioned refers to you, sir! Don’t worry, as long as Huo Yun is there, even if it’s called Shadow Shadow’s shot! Big thing! However, it’s difficult for our people to kill Sima Ying without moving!"

The words are simpler, but Jia Mi's ears are powerful feedback. After all, as Huo Yun said, the only way to kill the three kings is to adopt a large-scale encirclement and suppression.

"Okay! The deity knows! You live here tonight! After all, that guy is also a dangerous person! From now on, we have to be careful in our conversations! As for them! They should be successfully intercepted in the north! Of course, this Shi Chong returned I don’t know that we also know about this!"

"Well, my lord, why must Ge Feng die! He only has more than 3,000 people left, so he shouldn't be able to make a big difference!"

"Huo Yun, sometimes, you don't understand! Although he has few soldiers, his prestige is still there! And he is a former Gemini general, but he is in harmony with Beiying Jinbufan!"

"It turned out to be like this! Huo Yun understands!" As he spoke, Huo Yun also slowly walked towards a small eared tent in the military tent.

Of course, Jia Mi at this time, because the night fell, also walked into his bed. The fighting here is basically over, and the footsteps of patrolling sergeants can be heard from the camp.

However, at the same time, a major event was happening right north, which was more than 30 miles away from the North City Gate.

"Master, no! We seem to be trapped in a circle!"

"Jin Shangyu, it seems that you don't worry about the old man! You used this method to deal with Laozi! Well, if that's the case, let's fight!"

"No, even though it was at night, the people around didn't say who they were! Could it be that mysterious legion!"

"Mysterious Legion! That's all, tell my brothers, once you fight this time, don't fall in love with it, just take advantage of the dark night to run one by one!" At the end, Ge Feng had already picked up his own long knife.

The book continued, and just after Jin Shangyu nodded and let Ge Feng go north, the team quickly broke through to the north.

Needless to say, Jin Shangyu and others also knew that their destination was the station of the Beiying Army.

However, what Ge Feng and others did not expect was that they encountered 20,000 elite soldiers in ambush just 30 miles away from the Imperial City.

Although the dark night is like an illusion, how could the veteran general Ge Feng, who has been on the battlefield, fail to see that his team has fallen to death.

"Ge Feng! My Patriarch knows your prestige and respects you! If you can put down your weapons, my Patriarch must have reused it!"

"Oh, it seems that someone has taken a fancy to the old man! Let's talk, who is your paternal master!"

"The general would not dare to talk nonsense! But my master of the house is very concerned about the old general's integrity! I have already ordered many times before setting off, to persuade the general to think twice!"

"Hahaha! Then, does the old man have to thank you for your father-in-law? Well, since it has reached this point, it is useless to say more! Come on, let's see the highs and lows on the battlefield! This is the favorite of the old man's life. battlefield!"

"It seems that the old general doesn't want to be attached anymore! Well, the general is also acting on orders! Please don't blame the old general! Come on! The archer prepares!" As he spoke, in a valley that was not too big, the surroundings were bright. There was a torch, and under that torch were strong bows and crossbows!

"General, we will cover you and we will be able to kill you!"

"Forget it! This is the last order of the old man! You must live well! Their goal is mine, not you!"

auzw.com "No! The final general is willing to coexist and die with the general!"

"I am waiting for the generals to co-exist and die!" For a while, just as Ge Feng's words fell, there was a tragic and heroic voice in the entire valley.

"It seems that General Ge is still very prestigious! You are right if you don't leave! Because this general received an order to stay! Unless the old general is attached! Brothers, let go!" Although I feel the hero of Ge Feng He was angry, but the general standing on the high **** gave the order to attack.

For a time, in a valley that was not too big, the wind roared and the feathers of arrows were like weaving.

Although Ge Feng's cavalry battles were all experienced cavalry warriors, they couldn't stop the arrows from three directions.

"General, let's do it! After all, there is still a small road behind you to retreat!"

"Retreat, do you think they can let us go! With our current state, I am afraid it is doomed! Since the brothers all want to go to Huangquan with the old man, let's fight!" While talking, Ge Feng was also the first to shoot forward. , Rushing towards the highest hillside.

At that time, as countless arrows fell, the three thousand cavalrymen were also rapidly attrition. However, just at this very moment, there were bursts of rushing horseshoes from behind the hillside, and then thousands of cavalry teams rushed over.

"The general, look at it, it seems that another cavalry has killed! Who are they, even attacked directly! It seems we can be saved!"

"Okay! No matter who they are! If that's the case, let's go inside and out! Brothers, rush!" As he spoke, Ge Feng's horse didn't slow down, and just led the team to rush over.

At a certain moment, because of the participation of the foreign legion, it also disrupted the sergeants who were shooting their bows and arrows.

Suddenly, the person who had just returned the winning ticket suddenly became a victim.

"General, what is going on! Why are there enemies behind us! This, this is impossible!"

"Don't worry about that much, retreat westward! After all, our first opportunity is no longer there! It is estimated that the other party has known our tactical intentions! But who are they!"

"General, I can see that there is a character'Jin' on their banner. It seems to be from Jin Shangyu!"

"What, it turned out to be him! Then, let's go! It's too late, I really can't leave!"

"General, but, our people have not come out yet! If we leave now, I guess they will..."

"Shut up, even if we wait for them, it's useless! That would take us all in!" As he spoke, the commander general rushed to the northwest.

Behind him is more than a thousand cavalry teams.

The general who led the troops here took the lead to escape, and the situation on the battlefield at this time was already very clear, and that was a major reversal.

Of course, the person here is not someone else, it is really Jin Shangyu's team. The leader is Ling Yun, the former commander of the Forbidden Army.

"Brothers, you must see clearly, you must not accidentally hurt General Ge! This is the lord's order!"

"The final commander!" As he spoke, a series of orders were quickly conveyed, and at this time the enemy army had no resistance.

In fact, it's not that they didn't resist, but that Jin Jun's combat effectiveness was too bad. In single-soldier battles, they didn't have a united general at all. Of course, even if it was a group fight, Jin Jun's small united attack formation did not allow the opponent to fight back! It is not an exaggeration to describe the scene at this time as a massacre.


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