I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1027: Mysterious Legion (2)

The cold wind hit, the gunpowder smoke filled, and at a certain moment, when the war under the southern gate of the imperial capital came to an end, Sun Xiu also showed a smug look.

"Good, good! I finally stopped fighting! Look, the mysterious army just passed by. It seems that their goal is the army of Chengdu Wang Simaying! Long live, it seems that you are a blessed person! Even God is here to help you and send a mysterious army to help!"

"Report, my lord, it's not good! Go back and have a look!"

"What's the panic! Speak slowly!"

"My lord! Well, that West Gate seems to be unstoppable! Then, that Jia Mi really wants to break through the Imperial City!"

"What, why is this! This, what the **** is going on!" At a certain moment, when Sun Xiu quickly ran towards Simon, he was muttering to himself.

After all, he came from Simon! At that time, although there was some war in the direction of Ximen, anyone with a discerning eye could see that they were just feints!

However, this time, after hearing the report, Sun Xiu also knew that there must be something hidden.

About half an hour later, Sun Xiu's horse also came under Simon! However, just as Sun Xiu was about to ascend to the city and look around, there was a loud noise, and the West City Gate collapsed instantly.

"My lord, go! The city is broken!"

"It broke, it really broke! No, it's impossible! Tell the brothers to take the second set of plans! Must guard the palace!" While talking, Sun Xiu's soldiers also quickly shrank towards the palace.

Of course, at the moment the imperial capital was broken, the entire west gate direction was already crowded with Jia Mi's sergeants.

The west gate here collapsed in an instant, and at this time, there was also a confrontation between the two armies outside the north gate.

"General, look, the front is already blocked! Look at the character'Jin', it should be Jin Shangyu's person!"

"Who cares about him! As long as we get in our way, there is only one way, and that is to kill him!"

"The old general is so temperamental! When did I not even notice a living person!"

"You, you, oh, it turns out to be Lord Jin Shangyu! I really didn't expect that you could still appear in front of the old man's horse."

"Um, I'm sorry, it may have scared the old general! However, from the old general's blood-colored shirt, it can be seen that the battle is very tragic!"

"Jin Shangyu! You understand! The old man also knows that you have the imperial army in your hands! My three thousand troops are not enough for you! However, if you want to win, you have to pay the price of blood!" At the end, Na Ge The wind also stood on the horse, staring fiercely at Jin Shangyu who was walking.

In the face of such Ge Feng, Jin Shangyu didn't say much, he just chuckled, and then took a horse from a sergeant without a hassle!

Although the movements were not fast, the sergeant had no resistance at all, as if the person in front of him was a ghost.

"Jin Shangyu, why are you! Is this war horse still grabbing!"

"No, I didn't grab it! Don't be nervous when you are old! My son just wants to talk with the old general!"

"Talking on the same side! What a good way of talking on the same side! Then tell me what you want!"

"My son has said it a long time ago, I didn't think about it! You can walk here, it means you have suffered a big loss! It is estimated that the imperial city is very difficult to enter! Of course, if you want to pass through the defense zone of this son, It's easy!"

"You really are willing to let us pass!"

auzw.com "Let's go! But what will happen to the old general! Will they let you go? It is better to merge with Jin Jun and seek great things together!"

"You, you still want to incorporate us!" Ge Feng said angrily when he felt that there was something in Jin Shangyu's words.

However, at this moment, as Jin Shangyu waved his big hand, the cavalry regiment in front also slowly retreated. It is estimated that within a quarter of an hour, the entire North City Gate is already suddenly enlightened!

"Old general please! My son will not give it away! If you are uncomfortable in the north! Shang Yu welcomes the old general and brothers at any time!"

"You, you actually let us go!"

"Go! Otherwise, this son really doesn't know if he will change his mind! After all, a general like the old general is too hard to find! Go!" While talking, Jin Shangyu was also slowly urging his horse, standing on one side. .

Facing such Jin Shangyu, Ge Feng didn't say anything, and finally gave the order to move forward.

In this way, because of Jin Shangyu's active release, Ge Feng's cavalry with a little over 3,000 also passed through the North Gate defense zone smoothly.

"Brother, you really let them go!"

"Why not! The old general's arrogance is still there, and it is not a problem for us to keep it! Since we can't keep it, let the old general live by himself!"

"Big Brother is really kind! But the facts of today's battle are too tragic! According to the latest intelligence, the division of the Three Kings no longer exists! It's just that mysterious army, how should we deal with it!"

"Mysterious Legion! That's what others think. In Lao Tzu, everything is transparent! Isn't it Shi Chong's privately hidden cavalry team! Not to mention, since you Shi Chong and Jia Mi joined forces, then Lao Tzu will deal with you Something!" At a certain moment, just as Ling Yun's horse slowly arrived, Jin Shangyu also started the mode of muttering.

Here Jin Shangyu took the initiative to let Ge Feng go north, but at this time, there was a puzzling scene in Jia Mi's army.

"Lord! I really didn't expect that Shi Chong's army is so powerful! It seems that we have to guard it too!"

"That, Huo Yun, I know! But now the most important thing is not Shi Chong, after all, he has an agreement with us!"

"Then, who is more important!"

"Simalun!" While speaking, Jia Mi also pointed out the former King Zhao.

For a time, because Jia Mi's words were meaningful, Huo Yun didn't say much. However, at this moment, there was also a trotter who came in outside the big account.

"Report! Your lord, there is Chengdu Wang Simaying asking to see you outside!"

"Oh, he came so soon! Since he is here, let him in!"

"The final commander!" At a certain moment, when Jia Mi signaled to Chengdu Wang Simaying to get in, someone had gone out to guide him.

After a while, as the tent curtain moved, the figure of Chengdu Wang Simaying also slowly stepped into Jia Mi's army tent.

Of course, right behind Chengdu Wang Sima Ying was also followed by a seemingly mature young man. This person is no one else, but the shadow that protects Chengdu Wanglu from trouble.

"Xiao Wang is ashamed! I really didn't expect the current situation! Everything has to be made by Master Jia!"

"The prince is joking! Let's not agree to attack the imperial capital together! According to reports, the West Gate has been breached by the soldiers! But why is the prince! Is the South Gate already breached!"

"Master Jia joked! Actually, some things happened to Xiao Wang..." While talking, Chengdu Wang Simaying was also about how his team attacked the city, how he defeated Ge Feng, and how he was finally unnamed. All that the Legion defeated was said again.


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