I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1018: Chaos mode!

Outside the imperial capital city, the cold wind is still there, but in the west of the city at this time, a good show is destined to happen, because at this time Jin Shangyu is waiting there.

"Mother, when is this? They still don't act! Do they want to wait until dark before acting! If this is the case, then Jia Mi's army should arrive here tomorrow morning!" Waited for a long time. , The three men in black also lurking in this bush did not mean to leave at all.

"Come here, we have already sketched the terrain here, and we can give it to the lord when we go back!"

"Yeah! The mission is half completed! But for these three kings' camp, it's better to wait until the night falls! After all, they can't have a master in there!"

"Master! I'm afraid there are really no masters! After all, there are not too many people like us! Lao Tzu is quite confident at this point!"

"The third child, you are here again! Don't hurry up to eat! Since you are not in a hurry, please fill your stomach first!" At a certain moment, when the three men in black had different ideas, they finally The mind unified by that elder.

In this way, the three men in black also took out their food because they had to wait until the evening.

Speaking of it, there is nothing good, probably just some dry food or something.

However, each of them has a water bottle around their waist, as if it were standard.

There is no words in the day, but he suffers from Jin. Although facing these three people, he has not a trace of pressure, but the waiting is quite annoying.

"You girl, it's finally twilight! What's wrong with Lao Tzu today, he was **** here for a few hours!" While feeling upset, Jin was also very upset. .

After all, it was the first time that Jin Shangyu encountered something like this.

Of course, when Jin was very impatient, the three also showed signs of action.

But seeing that the man in black who was called the boss quickly looked around, and then whispered, "Second, third, it’s time for us to act! The army is coming tomorrow, if you don’t take the three Find out the details, we won’t be able to make a deal!"

"Don't worry! Boss, isn't it the army of the Three Kings? We only need to activate the body technique and we can complete the task in less than an hour!"

"The third child, you are indeed very smart, but a mountain is higher than a mountain! On the Tiger Mountain, we are not the strongest people, let alone in the world of flowers outside! So, brother, I still said that. Then, be careful everywhere!"

"I know, big brother! Let's go!" Feeling the nagging energy of the person called the boss, the younger man in black also took the lead in initiating the stamina.

For a moment, I saw that the three black clothes in the bushes were like three black lines, and they got out of the bushes almost in an instant, and rushed towards the south gate in the twilight.

"My mother, I finally left! If you don't leave, I will drive you away! But, fortunately, now that you are gone, then I will go and join in the fun! Look at you Jia Mi What do you want!" Feeling the departure of the three figures, Jin Shangyu was not too anxious, but quietly thought about the Central Plains Committee, and then slowly ran to the barracks outside the capital city.

In this way, because Jin Shangyu has a strong perception, he did not rush to chase the three.

Of course, since it is the current distance, the actions of the three are also under Jin Shangyu's supervision.


At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu didn't know how to make a decision, the three men in black had slowly drifted into the main camp of Chengdu Wang Simaying.

"Second, third! At this time, it seems to be the garrison of a prince! I don't know when they will be able to discuss the Chinese military! If we don't study the problem all night, we will come for nothing! Just wait!"

"Brother, it's okay to wait, we can't stand outside the Chinese army like this!"

"Don't worry, we are all dressed in black now, and the chosen location is also a weak link in the camp, nothing will happen!" After casually answering, the old man stopped talking, just quietly listening to the conversation in the camp .

"The prince! The King of Hejian was too much yesterday. He actually took our money, and now I can't even think about it!"

"Okay, this matter has passed, don't trouble yourself! I don't know why Simalun should believe in a villain like Sun Xiu!" At a certain moment, he was in his Chinese army account. , Then Chengdu Wang Sima Ying also showed a weird smile.

Speaking of which, the current situation is really strange, and it is not an exaggeration to describe the use of a mantis to catch a cicada or oriole later.

"Mother, now Lao Tzu has become a flower bird! Not to mention, since I have waited, it is not bad for a while!" Feeling the change in the situation at this time, Jin Shangyu also muttered in his heart.

In other words, Jin Shangyu was not too impatient because he wanted to follow the three men in black. After all, sometimes, the more impatient, the easier to make mistakes! For this reason, Jin still knows.

In this way, because the four people's body skills are relatively special, they soon came to the main camp of the Three Kings. Of course, because he was afraid of attracting the attention of these three people, Jin was not too anxious, almost lurking outside the main business of Chengdu King.

"Okay, let's play! I'll take a rest first!" While letting out his strong perception, Jin Shangyu sat firmly in the corner of a camp.

Here, Mr. Jin used his super perception to pay attention to the development of the situation, and the three shadows at this time had already come out of the account of the Chinese army of the Chengdu king.

Of course, after listening to the words of the Chengdu King for a while, the three men in black were also a little unwilling. After all, if they really didn't find anything, it would be hard to explain it back!

"Second, third, you guys, don't move! Remember, don't move if anything happens!"

"Boss, you, what are you going to do! You don't want to kill King Chengdu!"

"Kill it! Let's go! Go!" As he spoke, the figure of the man in black floated like the wind before the curtain of the Chinese Army's Great Tent.

It was time, but two dull noises were heard, and two sergeants also collapsed to the ground.

"The third child, don't move, the boss has already started! I hope I can kill the Chengdu king in one fell swoop this time. If it succeeds, the three kings will be chaotic! The lord will also save some energy!"

"Okay! Brother, you just let go, the little one is fine!" At a certain moment, when the man in black who was called the boss took the lead in launching a surprise attack, the two brothers who were hiding in the dark were also communicating in a low voice. .

"Mother, you Jia Mi, you even gave such an order! It seems that you are really hot! The King of Chengdu, the last time I had a chance to kill you, I didn't do it, but this time you are dead. Live, I don't care!" Feeling the thunderous methods of the man in black, although Jin Shangyu was far away from the Central Military Camp, everything here did not escape his eyes.


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