I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1019: Fall down!

The dark night became more and more quiet, but at this time, outside the imperial capital city, a chilling event was happening. That is, a ruthless big hand has already reached out to Chengdu Wang Sima Ying.

"Well, you go down too! Rest early! See tomorrow if you can increase your attack! I believe that within a few times, Simalun will actively compromise!"

"Yes! The villain knows! The prince should rest early! However, these days, the villain always feels that Jia Mi is in a situation! Just yesterday, the sentinel we sent out has not come back yet! Did it happen? What's going on!"

"Probably not! After all, they are also specializing in this matter, and they still have the ability to protect themselves! In addition, you also know that sometimes, for information, they did not come back for ten and a half months! "

"Yes, yes! It seems that the villain is thinking too much! No good! Lord, go! He, he is too strong!"

"You, who are you!"

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter who the old man is! The important thing is that you are no longer a man today!" At a certain moment, when a sergeant slowly fell in front of the Chengdu king, a dark shadow also appeared in the army. Within the account.

Of course, in the face of this sudden change, Chengdu Wang Simaying was shocked, and even the whole person was trembling.

"You, who are you! This king is here this time for the sake of Qingjun! Do you know that doing so is against the sky!"

"Oh, the old man has never heard of it before, and there is such a reason! Obviously he came to grab the emperor's throne, but he can still be said to be on the side of the Qing emperor! What a Chengdu king, what a Sima Ying! Look! Come, you really regard the world as fools! Forget it, let's not say it, let you go on the road!" As he spoke, the man in black didn't speak, his whole body also leaped into the air, not even his hands. Knowing when a short sword was added, the goal was directed at Chengdu Wang Simaying.

Facing the thunderous blow from the man in black, although he knew he was invincible, his instinct still drove Sima Ying back quickly.

"Want to go! No way! Meeting a little old man is your death date!"

"You, you, don't! This king is not reconciled!" At a certain moment, when a short sword was less than an inch away from Chengdu Wang Simaying, the king who had attacked the Imperial City with his troops also revealed On the side of ordinary people, the whole person's body is already tough, and his eyes seem helpless and hesitant.

"Hahaha, it's an honor for you to die in the hands of the old man, no! You, who are you! Why don't you dare to show up!"

"Why, just like that, I was scared! Obviously I am a dead man, just a walking dead! I dare to be wild here! What a big joke!"

"You, you dare not come out! It seems that you are a person living in the dark!"

"Hahaha, this time you are really right! This deity is the shadow!" At a certain moment, when the man in black was about to kill, a stone shot down the short sword in the man in black to the ground. .

This sudden change also caused the figure in black to retreat violently, and the whole person was even shaking.

It's not that this person in black is timid, but that a person of his level can encounter such a situation, and there is only one explanation, that is, the other party is a real master.

"The prince is in no hurry! I'm back! You can stand aside!"

"Um, it turns out that you are here! Great! At the beginning, this king didn't want you to leave here! Now that I am doing well, he took advantage of it!"

"The prince said that! If that's the case, then, take him down!" As he spoke, a shadow moved slowly. The next moment, a middle-aged man who seemed not too old was also standing there. Inside the military account.

"Shadow, your name is Shadow! You seem to be self-styled! Look at the trick!"


"Old Piff, I still want to use this kind of indiscriminate means to escape! But, I think too much, come down!"

"You, you are not human! Who are you!"

"I said it earlier, the shadow is the deity!"

"Impossible! People say that there are Nanling Seven Kills in the killer world, and there is more shadow like blood! Could it be you!" As he spoke, the black man had already slowly fallen to the ground.

"Shadow, he is really dead!"

"Why, you don't even believe me! Actually, counting this time, the deity has already done two things for you! There is one more thing! Of course, there are two people outside the account. If they want to leave, the deity is I can't say anything!"

"What, there are two more!"

"Prince, but no more now!" As he spoke, the man who claimed to be the Shadow also slowly appeared in the army's big account. As if the prince in front of him was just an ordinary person to him.

"Mother, it seems that it is really time to come today! I actually met a little master! Not bad! Not bad!" At a certain moment, when the black-clothed old man was instantly killed by a middle-aged man, the potential Jin in the dark also muttered to himself.

However, at this time, the Chinese army's account had long been empty.

"Well, they really have three people!"

"The prince is joking! The remaining two have already escaped! Although it is easy to kill them! But it is not when the prince is the most dangerous, you don't have to do it! Otherwise, the prince will have fewer demands!"

"Well, you are called Shadow Shadow! Let's do it! This king is willing to pay a lot of money, please sit in the tent!"

"No, the deity only owes the prince a favor. The three requirements are already the biggest concession made by the deity! Of course, you have one more requirement, which you can mention at any time! However, if there is another strongman, the deity will pay It can be shot once! But it is the last shot!"

"Well, don't you do this! This king will be good to you! Besides, now the troubled times are starting, an expert like you should have a career! Say yes!" Feel the person called Shadow Some are unreasonable. Although he is the king of one party, Sima Ying at this time is also relatively ordinary and dare not be too tough at all.

Faced with such Sima Ying, Jin Shangyu, who was hiding in the dark, also said in his heart, "This guy is really an alternative! It's not for money. It seems that there is a deal between him and Sima Ying, or there will be three appointments. Okay! Forget it, anyway, this time, it’s quite correct. Not only did he know about Jia Mi’s situation, but he also found a super killer!” At one point, Jin Shangyu felt Sima Ying’s little child. When embarrassed, he was muttering to himself.

However, at this moment, something that puzzled Jin Shangyu still happened.

"Master, if there is nothing wrong, the deity will leave!"

"No, nothing else, what should they do once they return! Or you can live in the Chinese military account!"

"That, forget it! You can rest assured to sleep! No one disturbs you! Of course, even if those two return, the deity will know!"

"Really, it's true, then what if something happens to the king!"

"Noisy! The deity has already made it clear! If you don't sleep, no one can blame others!" Feeling Sima Ying's rants, the middle-aged man who claimed to be Shadow actually expressed his dissatisfaction directly.


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