I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1017: Wait for the rabbit!

In the direction of the north gate of the imperial capital city, Sergeant Jin Jun was also touched by such lovely people. For a while, they looked at the flow of people away, and smiled at each other, because they knew that they were the right person. With such a benevolent master, ordinary sergeants of them will definitely have good results.

After sending away the people in the city, Ma Tianhe didn't dare to stay anymore, but hurried to Jin Jun's camp.

"General, I really didn't expect these people to leave on their own! The young general thought that we were in trouble!"

"Forget it, this is the situation now, but I won't know it in a few days! After all, there are times when the human mind cannot be unified! Therefore, the situation here would have to be reported to the lord! Otherwise, it may really happen. Big thing!" While talking, Ma Tianhe's horse has entered Jin Jun's camp.

However, just as these two were preparing to enter the Chinese Army's Great Account, they met Jin Shangyu head-on.

"My lord, that, there are really some conditions in the city!"

"Oh, it really came! It seems that nothing big happened! Otherwise, Ma Tianhe wouldn't be in such a mood!"

"Yes, yes, but I still have to thank you adults! If there is no good popularity among adults, even if Tianhe's mouth is worn out, it is useless!" At a certain moment, while Jin Shangyu laughed, Ma Tianhe also took his own The situation is simply said again.

Of course, after feeling Ma Tianhe's mood swings, Jin Shangyu was not too anxious. After all, there are some things that are too urgent.

"Well, my son knows your troubles, but it's good for you to be able to do these things! In fact, even bigger things may happen in the next period of time. Of course, my son I also think about it! If it doesn’t work, send them all to the farm! It not only solves the labor problem, but also solves their difficulties!"

"Boss, you, you are such a god! You thought so far! If I let Lao Tzu not, let the future do it, I'm afraid something really will happen!"

"Okay, go back, don't be burdened with thoughts! But there is one thing you have to remember, after all, Jia Mi may also come over, so I won't say anything else!"

"My lord, don't worry, I won't dare to talk nonsense about other things, but Tianhe will definitely live up to the fate of an adult in this battle!" At the end, Ma Tianhe's body also showed a strong sense of confidence.

"Yes, this kid is really a bit aggressive! It seems that there are rumors that this guy is the son of Ma Chao, a famous player in the Three Kingdoms, and it makes sense!" At a certain moment, feeling Ma Tianhe's confidence doubled, Jin also muttered in his heart. Talking to himself.

In this way, because of the arrival of Ma Tianhe, Jin Shangyu did not rush to do other things. Of course, after not too much, Ma Tianhe returned to the North City Gate.

"Big brother, you don't want to go out!"

"Want to go out, after all, if Jia Mi really comes, we have to guard! Besides, there is another Shi Chong who doesn't know what he wants to do!"

"Yeah! There is no news from Shi Chong! The investigators we sent out did not find anything! Besides, because of the existence of the Nanling Seven Kills, ordinary forces dare not go too deep into Jingu Garden!"

"Seven kills in Nanling! I don't care whether you kill seven or eight, as long as you dare to touch my people, then don't blame this young man for being cruel!" As he spoke, Jin Shangyu's body also exuded a strong killing air.

"Boss, it looks like you are ready to kill!"

"The killer is going to kill! But look at their behavior, if you don't fight against us, then I will assume that nothing happened!"


"Yes, but there is a master beside Jia Mi!"

"That guy you are talking about! Don't worry, for him, this son is not afraid of him, even if you face him with the wind, you will have the power to fight!"

"It turned out to be like this! Then, the big brother must be more careful!"

"Okay! Keep the camp, I will go back!" While talking, Jin Shangyu also walked slowly to the west.

The reason to go in this direction is because Jia Mi may have sent a sentry at this time.

In the cold winter in the afternoon, although there is still a bit of coldness, the overall feeling is still good. Accompanied by a breath of spring, Jin also activated his body skills.

After a while, a figure appeared in the western part of the Imperial City.

"Mother, it seems that the army hasn't come over! However, I don't believe me anymore, you yucker will not send someone over!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu was flashing in a small bush.

However, at this moment, Jin Shangyu was really caught.

At that time, the three people didn't know where they came from. They were so fast that they almost came to this bush in a flash.

"Boss, let the three of us come over this time! It's really overkill! In broad daylight, just drive the army over!"

"Shut up, what do you know! This is what the lord means! The situation now seems to be better! But when it comes, you will know that everything is not as simple as you imagined! So the second, third, you two Be prepared!"

"The third one, let's listen to the eldest brother! This time we are personally arranged by the lord, which shows that this time the task is very important! We must not only find out if there is an enemy lurking here, but also go to the third king. Go!" While speaking, a man in black also said softly.

"Mother, three people actually came! And they are super dead men! Good posture, but I don't know if the guy named Huoyun will come!" Feeling the mood swings of the three men in black, Jin Shangyu also Knowing one thing, that is that Jia Mi really acted. At this time, the surrounding area of ​​the Imperial City really turned into a big mess.

In this way, because the goal had already appeared, Jin Shangyu did not take any action, but quietly let out his perception, and everything of the three was under Jin's control.

"Boss, there is such a bush that can hide people and horses, but we have seen it, there should be no big problem! I don't know why the adults choose such a place!"

"Yes! Brother, in fact, the younger brother also has such doubts. After all, our army can directly pass through the defense zone of the Three Kings. If the opponent dares to move, we will be eliminated! Now this decision, I really don’t know the Lord’s intentions where!"

"Well, we are here to perform the task, not to discuss the lord! Besides, what's wrong with the main attack on Simon? You can act alone, but also contain the army of the Three Kings! Let me say that the lord's approach is correct!" At a certain moment, just after the other two men in black uttered their own words, the man in black who was called the boss did not follow the crowd, but directly refuted it.

Of course, Jin Shangyu listened carefully to these conversations.

"It's really different! Three people can even quarrel for their master! Interesting! However, this Jia Mi is also! They sent three super dead men! It seems that Huoyun has not come out! Forget it, Let's wait! See if they will go to the Three Kings camp next time!" While muttering in his heart, Jin still did not move, just quietly among the potential bushes.


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