I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1003: People go to the house empty!

The night was illusory, and the lights in Jin's mansion were dim. At this moment, Mr. Wenshuo was also a little sad because of a proposal by Jin Shangyu.

After all, this old man has long regarded this place as his home. And now, just tonight, he had to take the people here out of town.

"Old man, Shang Yu knows that you are a man of affection! But the current situation is too complicated! If the three kings break into the city, or Jia Mi has occupied the imperial city, our palace will not be peaceful! So the safest way is to evacuate temporarily!"

"Okay, Shang Yu, I understand the truth, the old man! Forget it, it's okay! In fact, if you don't say, the old man has already taken care of the affairs of the house, I will leave you a word! However, there is Personally, I don’t want to leave here! Why don’t you talk about it! After all, I’m an old man who can’t talk deeply!”

"Well, it's her! Well, let's go up and take a look! Alas, there is something like this. Isn't it just a few potted flowers?" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu knew this from the mouth of Mr. Wenshuo. After the incident, he quickly walked to the second floor.

In other words, the sky at this time was already ten minutes in the evening. With the light of a candle that was not too bright, Jin also came to the second floor within a few breaths.

"Well, beauty, are you there! I won't be here! What's the situation! By the way, it should be upstairs! I didn't expect it!" I just knocked on the door a few times, but when no one answered, someone Jin After thinking of something, he went straight to his bedroom on the third floor.

Before the person arrived, he didn't need any perception, and Jin heard the self-talk of the beautiful Lvzhu.

"Little Hua, you are the youngest! It's been so many days, and finally there is some improvement! But, but we still have to go! At that time, who will take care of you! Alas, but you are also good, after all, stay with him For so long, until I am alone, I don’t know when I will come back after this trip, and maybe I won’t come back again! Or none of you will take care of it, also, oh" I want to say a few times, but no Going on, the true feelings and the bitterness of the heart make people listen to pity and love.

"Mother, what the **** is going on here! I didn't make you suffer! That's right, after all, this girl has more serious concerns! Forget it, let her take her away! Stay here, that's a big deal! His fault!" After feeling the emotional change of Lvzhu girl, Jin also muttered to himself.

"Well, beauty, what's the situation! Why are we still talking to these flowers! It seems that our big beauty is a strange person!"

"No, son, you, when did you come up! How can you not only make a single sound, how embarrassing this girl is!"

"What's the matter with this! You are not an outsider! Why, are you reluctant? If you can't bear it, just take it with you, isn't it just three or five pots of flowers and plants!"

"Really, can you really carry it! Isn't it too convenient!"

"What's the inconvenience! The beauties' business is my son's business! Well, don't be sad! Let's go with Lao Wen tonight! Of course, someone will help you get these flowers!" In the end, Jin also deliberately lowered his head and smelled the blooming flowers.

For a while, because of Jin Shangyu's words, the Lvzhu girl was very happy, and her eyes scanned the flowers and plants in front of her from time to time.

"My son, then, that girl will go with these flowers and plants!"

"Alright! I'll have a few shipping workers for you at that time! Of course, the vehicles are dedicated, so that should be fine!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also felt the emotional change of the Lvzhu girl.

auzw.com That’s it. Because of Jin Shangyu’s comfort and specific actions, although she is the first beauty in the Jin Dynasty, she is like a happy little girl at this time, a bit of a big beauty. There is no charm.

"Mother, this is really different! I just said just a few words, so I made her like this! It seems that sometimes, beautiful women may not necessarily be the most high-end kind! What brand-name bags, what tall Come on! Forget it, let's talk about that fascinating era again!" Seeing that the beauty of the beauty has improved, Jin also began to mutter in his heart.

In this way, with Jin Shangyu's comfort, the big beauty Luzhu finally returned to her previous state.

At night, the entire Jin Mansion is also busy. Not only were everyone standing in the courtyard, but also three or four large carriages were assembled in the courtyard.

"Shang Yu, won't you go with us!"

"Well, old man, you go first. Lingyun and Zhuifeng know what to do over there! Of course, they have their own people at the North City Gate! Remember, don't stop along the way, just go!"

"Okay! The old man knows! Now we have all evacuated, and we don't know what this palace will become in the future!"

"Don't worry! At that time, I will write a code word on the inside of the gate. People who are not too bold will not enter the mansion! Of course, if someone enters the Jin mansion and disrupts the rhythm here, right? Live!" At the end of the talk, Jin Shangyu's body also exudes a strong murderous air.

Facing such Jin Shangyu, the old man Wen Shuo didn't say much, but quietly took a look at this familiar mansion.

"Girl, get in the car, all your flowers, grass, etc., are all installed! You can go!"

"Old Wen, let the girl take a look! After all, the days here are also the happiest time for the girl in these years!"

"Okay, there will be a lot of good time in the future! Besides, let's not go anywhere else! Just take a walk outside the city! Maybe a few days later, we will come back again, it is unknown!" At a certain moment, Just as the Lvzhu girl felt reluctant to give up, the old man Wenshuo comforted.

Of course, although everyone has a feeling of reluctance, everyone knows tonight that it is time to go.

"Beauty, get in the car! My son will go over to meet you tomorrow! Besides, in the barracks, you have to be prepared to endure hardships! After all, the outside is no better than our mansion!"

"The son joked, this little bitterness is really nothing! Forget it, don't say it, let's go! You take care too!"

"Okay! Let's go! After you're gone, my son will write some words here!" At a certain moment, seeing the green bead girl getting into a carriage, she said softly again.

In this way, because of the needs of the current situation, Jin's mansion has also become an empty mansion. At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu alone guarded the mansion, he was filled with emotion.

"This is what makes the world unpredictable! I wanted to live honestly, but now I have come to this point! Not to mention, since even God is pushing secretly, then do it! But after tonight, this There is no longer Jin's mansion in the imperial capital city!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu also slowly walked out of his mansion. With the sound of closing the door, a shadow quickly disappeared into the dark night.

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