I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1002: The Chinese Army's discussion!

The troubled times have become more and more chaotic, but at this time Jin Shangyu dare not neglect. One day, a large account was also raised in the Chinese army's large account.

"Everyone, some of you have seen it, and you know it, and some of you may not have seen it, but it doesn't matter! Since you have chosen this son, let's do something together!"

"The lord is mighty!"

"Don't don't don't! This son will not eat this set! It is better to be a brother! Although there are more brothers in the army, sometimes it is not good! But this son is this character! Lingyun and Zhuifeng also know!"

"That, what the boss said! You should treat him as our boss from now on! This is not an excessive requirement!" At one point, when Jin Shangyu was disturbed by the flattery of the generals, he chased him. The wind also spoke out to help.

Not to mention, with the proposal of chasing the wind, the generals are also very happy. All of a sudden, the whole army's big tent also became warm and warm.

"Okay, let's get some business! It is reported that tomorrow Sun Xiu's defeated army will flood into the city! The number is about 30,000! You said, let's let them into the city, or don't let it go!"

"Shang Yu! Let them in! After all, Simalun is still waiting to scold Sun Xiu!"

"That's right, we can't help this Sun Xiu! If that's the case, we will let them go into the city tomorrow!" Jin Shangyu smiled again as he spoke.

At that time, the entire Chinese Army's Great Account was full of vigor and vigor, giving people a very grand feeling. Especially in the middle position, there is someone Jin sitting upright, while in the lower head, there are Li Zhao, Ling Yun, Zhuifeng and others.

The first thing will soon be the result, but Jin Shangyu still throws out the most important thing.

"Everyone, the most important thing today is to study how to fight the Three Kings, and even the Kings!"

"Boss, let me say a few words first!"

"Luo Yun, just say it if you have something to say, here are my own people!"

"Okay! Although the general has been in the farm, he is in the same mood as everyone! Since the three kings are about to come to the city, we should guard a gate, that is to say, hold an area!"

"Luo Yun, you mean to guard the North Gate exclusively! Then, what shall we do if the three kings have committed the crime!" While speaking, Li Zhao also took the lead in raising doubts.

Facing Li Zhao’s doubts, Feng Luoyun said calmly, "Brother Li, generals, in fact, we are doing this to balance the relationship between the parties! Think about it! If we guard the North Gate, then the Three Kings will come. Offense, since the other three city gates have entered the imperial capital! On the contrary, if they do not succeed, we can be regarded as having an explanation for Simalun! After all, we have helped to keep one gate!"

"There is still a bit of truth! But, will the three kings there attack us! Besides, if Jia Mi and Shi Chong also come to fight, what should we do!"

"Big Brother Li is good! Why don't you let me answer this question!" At a certain moment, when Luo Yun was being questioned, Jin Shangyu, who was sitting in the middle, also answered.

This time, Li Zhao didn't rush to ask anything, but looked at Jin Shangyu quietly, as if waiting for the other party's answer.

Of course, people including Ling Yun and Zhuifeng are also paying attention. After all, Feng Luoyun's approach still makes sense. But what Li Zhao asked was just right.

All of a sudden, the camp of Jin Jun's Chinese Army also became quiet.


However, at this time, Jin's eyes are radiant, and from time to time he captures the situation in front of him.

After a while, when someone Jin smiled slightly, he said aloud, "Big Brother Li's good question! However, this son wants to ask you why we are stationed here! The answer is very simple, it is for the big cake of the Imperial City. To put it bluntly, we won’t get any benefits, we won’t go! In addition, we are still in the name of Dajin, so there is no need to be afraid of anyone! Even if Jia Mi and Shi Chong come to fight, they will not fight Let’s head-to-head! In other words, even if Jia Mi and Shi Chong win us, there will be no benefits! There will be no benefits! Therefore, this son believes that although the various forces seem to be strong, the real goal is not me. And in the Imperial City!"

"This, this, it seems that Shang Yu is really mature! The old man is satisfied with this answer!" Feeling the analysis of Jin Shangyu's layers of analysis, all the details, then Li Zhao was the first to express his support.

Suddenly, applause sounded from the entire Chinese army's tent.

"Mother, you girl, I really didn't expect that this time, this boy Luo Yun inspired Lao Tzu! What are you afraid of? Let's stay at the North Gate. Whoever wants to live here, let's fight it. ! Of course, if you go from other places, I won't bother to deal with it!" Feeling the excitement of the generals, Jin also muttered in his heart.

In this way, around the future trend of the situation, everyone carried out some analysis, and finally formulated a set of action plans, that is, focusing on guarding the north gate and fighting for resources in the imperial capital!

"Shang Yu! Your thinking is sharper, which is good! However, since we want to hold the North Gate, do we have to control the North Gate first? Otherwise, our sixty thousand troops will be stationed outside the North Gate, and there will be no It's so meaningful!"

"Big Brother Li really talked about this young man's heart! In fact, the big brother didn't say it, the younger brother is also going to talk about this! Of course, this requires Lingyun's means!"

"Brother, don't worry, most of the North Gate defenders are our people. As long as the time is right, the North Gate is our inner gate!"

"Okay! With Ling Yun's words, I'm relieved Li Zhao!" Feeling Ling Yun's determination, Li Zhao is also very satisfied. After all, in the current situation, such a good solution is feasible.

In this way, Jin Shangyu also ordered Feng Luoyun’s farm team to reinforce the North City Gate at any time in order to achieve a continuous action!

"Boss, rest assured! If there is a war here, brother, I will raise the whole army. I believe that at that time, it will be when our brothers will kill the Quartet!"

"Well, don't be so excited, as if there is going to be a war tomorrow! Of course, you also have a lot of things! Remember, at all times, you must take her first! This is the bottom line!"

"Big Brother, don't worry, Luo Yun takes it to heart!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu mentioned Zhen Jiufeng of the farm, who was the former master of Fengyun Palace, Jian Nanfeng, and Luo Yun also changed his smirk at that time The table shows determination.

In this way, because Sun Xiu's defeated army will be under the city tomorrow, Jin Shangyu and others are also the first to study countermeasures.

Of course, after obtaining the specific combat plan, Ling Yun and Zhuifeng also acted separately, and within a few hours they contracted Jin Jun in the other three directions to the north gate!

And the continuous camp set up by 60,000 Jin Jun is also an alternative landscape.

"Shang Yu, you really made up your mind!"

"It's down! Tonight, you will move the people in the mansion outside the North City Gate, and the wind will meet you there!"

"Yeah! It's time! But this mansion is still good. After living for a long time, it really has some feelings!"

"Don't worry, old man, our mansion will always belong to us!" At a certain moment, in his mansion, Jin Shangyu was also talking slowly with old man Wen Shuo.


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