I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1004: True Dragon Inner Temple!

The dark night is still illusory, but at this time Jin Shangyu has already started to act.

"You girl, I really didn't expect that now even Lao Tzu has become a person without real estate! That's all, if that's the case, then Lao Tzu will go to the True Dragon Palace for a while!" He made up his mind, Jin Mou The figure of the person drifted slowly towards the palace.

Facing the towering palace wall, Jin Shangyu also moved slightly, and the next moment, there was already a shadow in the palace.

"Mother, it has improved again. It seems that this future core is really Lao Tzu's engine!" With emotion improved, Jin Shangyu also touched the direction of True Dragon Palace a little bit.

Relying on his strong perception, the Real Dragon Hall appeared in front of Jin in a short time.

"Simalun, you emperor has been doing this for a few months, and it should be the time! However, I will not touch this mold! At that time, let history judge!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu It was also a few flashes, and then walked to the inner hall of the True Dragon Hall.

Along the way, although the patrolling sergeants lined up in rows, they were already too weak for Jin Shangyu.

At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu was on the beam of the True Dragon Palace, a weak conversation also appeared in his ears.

"You, you guys can't leave here tonight! Just stand here! But, you have to face me!"

"Lord! We are all our own people who have followed you for many years, and nothing will happen! Besides, these ten people, seemingly ordinary, are actually selected from thousands of dead men! Even if someone comes over, it won’t happen. Something happened!"

"I hope so! Alas, this old age is not there, and I have no sense of security at all in my heart! Forget it, you turn to it! I have to rest!"

"Yes!" With a weak reply, the conversation stopped abruptly.

"Mother, the guy surnamed Gu isn't here! If that's the case, I don't need to be so nervous! Just go in!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu learned of the situation of the new emperor Simalun, There is also a little less fear in my heart.

After all, the strength that the old surname exudes should be between the same as the chasing wind.

In this way, because Jin had made up his mind, his figure slowly drifted towards Simalun's bedroom.

"Boss, why seems someone is coming!"

"Nonsense, there are only eleven of us here! There are no other people! Don't scare yourself! Besides, the old will come back tomorrow! Let's just watch this night and nothing will happen!"

"I hope so!"

"You bastard, it was almost exposed! It seems that these people are not ordinary people, they should be some super dead men!" After feeling that the other party was unusual, Jin Shangyu also increased his vigilance.

However, because of the absence of the old man surnamed Gu, Jin Shangyu finally made a chilling noise.

"Simalun, that's not right, you should be called King Zhao! That's not right! You now call yourself the emperor! Then, then, tell me, what exactly is Lao Tzu calling you?"

"Boss, there are really people! Defense! Escort!"

"Who, who are you! Why did you come here!"

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that you know that I can come here! Of course, you may still be able to protect you with that old fellow! But you are still too naive, maybe at this time, he, Where are you spending time and wine!"


"You, are you a human or a ghost!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu was hiding in the dark, using the sound shifting method to change his voice into various echoes, Simalun in the royal palace was already scared. Tremble!

Of course, because of Jin Shangyu's arrival, the eleven people were very nervous. Not only did they take out their weapons one after another, but a few even ran behind Simalun, wrapping Simalun in the middle almost in an instant.

"Master, he is a human, but a super powerful master! It seems that our brothers will have something big to do tonight!"

"Noisy! What are you guys! Do you feel that you have a large number of people, and you feel that you are awesome! Now give you two counting time, two of you must stand in the middle of the ground! Otherwise, you will be at your own risk!"

"You, you really think you are a god! You are looking for death! Don't use the hidden place to find you! Come on, let me hold a few more lights! I don't believe I can't find you!"


"Boss, he really started to count!"

"Don't worry about him! Are the eleven of us still afraid of him alone! Besides, if we show weaknesses, we are giving each other a chance! Remember that we would rather die than retreat!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu counted. At the time of "One", those super dead men also felt intense pressure.

In fact, the situation at this time, let alone those dead, even the palace people who just arrived here don't know what to do.

"What are you guys doing in a daze, hurry up and hold more lights! What are you waiting for, do you want to die?"

"This, this!"

"Well, don't make it difficult for these little guys! Just turn on the lights! If I am afraid of this, I won't go through this trouble! Of course, this number is still to be counted, two..." The handyman in the palace was in a dilemma, and Jin was also the first to speak.

Of course, at this moment, Jin Shangyu's second number had already been counted.

For a while, because both sides knew what the other side wanted to do, the situation became even more bizarre.

"Boss, what on earth should we do! Can't just keep guarding like this!"

"Don't worry, as long as you guard this way, he can't do anything! When the brightness here is enough, it will be when he appears! Ah, you, you are not a human!"

"Lao Tzu has already said that I want you two to come out. Since you don't come out, then you have to take the surgery first!"

"You, you are bullying us!"

"Hahaha, now you know that you are all useless people! Don't flash aside! Otherwise, the next moment, the eleven of you will die!" As he spoke, a strong killing and killing aura wafted from the inner hall. .

Facing such a Jin Shangyu, those super dead men had long lost the confidence to win, but because they were guarding the emperor with death, their stature did not move at all.

"Good, good! Not bad! It seems that your loyalty is still there! Forget it, I won't rush to kill! Simalun, this son can actually kill you today, but after all, there is not much hatred between us! So, so you remember to Lao Tzu that if you shouldn't enter the palace, you can't enter, otherwise you will know the consequences!"

"You, who are you! Besides, where is the palace you are talking about!"

"Is this! You will know in the future! Of course, if you don't abide by this agreement, I won't be so happy next time! Okay, don't scare you anymore, I'm leaving!" Jin Shangyu It was also slowly drifting outside the True Dragon Palace. In the inner hall of the True Dragon Palace, everyone including the new emperor Simalun was still in shock, and even after another quarter of an hour, the eleven people slowly retreated to the side.


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