Wu Chen didn't look at it, turned around and opened the door with the key.

Of course that person is not an old knife, just an alcoholic who rents a house in this building.

Wu Chen opened the door and entered Room 501.

The house is not big, with a standard two-bedroom and one-hall, 60 to 70 square meters, and all kinds of "family furnishings" are readily available! And it's clean, even has a homey feel to it... The house is cleaned regularly, and even the "owner" comes back occasionally for two days.

Although this house has never been used by the people arranged by Ding Ruilong, it is precisely because it is not used, so it is necessary to make this house popular. Otherwise, the house that has not been lived in for many years suddenly comes back one day, but it is very suspicious. .

Wu Chen closed the door and walked in, looking at the living room and scanning.

For the next few minutes, he walked back and forth in the house, looked and observed all the rooms, and even opened the wardrobe in the bedroom.

He is looking for something!

Because it was "not used" here, there is no precedent, so of course Wu Chen would not know where to put things if they were put here.

However, Wu Chen, who has experienced thousands of years of reincarnation, has learned almost everything.

As long as there is, he can find it, and it only takes a short time!

After turning around, Wu Chen returned to the living room again.

He sat on the sofa, thought about it, stood up again, and walked around to the back of the sofa. It was a fabric sofa. The leather of the sofa can be peeled off and cleaned. There is a zipper behind the sofa.

Wu Chen looked at the zipper behind the sofa and stopped for a while, then raised his hand and opened the zipper.

Pull horizontally and then vertically to form a triangle.

Wu Chen looked at the inside of the triangle mouth and smiled, because he saw something... The back of the sofa was hollowed out a little, and there was a silver-gray metal box inside, there was something! The old sword will definitely come!

Wu Chen took out the box, carried it to the front of the sofa, sat down, and put the box on the coffee table.

The box is heavy and has a code.

Wu Chen thought about it again, everything was handled by Jiang Chuan, and this box might have been put away by him in advance, so... Everyone has a habit of using repeated passwords, especially for unimportant things. .

The box itself is important, but the password is not.

Because... if someone else gets the box, does it matter if there is a password? A brick can break the lock!

Wu Chen turned the scroll wheel, the password was "336".

Then flip the switch again.

Click, open!

Wu Chen completely opened the box and checked the contents inside. There were various medicines for emergency trauma, gauze, needle, disinfectant, and other items. These are not important, the important thing is the documents.

Fake ID cards, fake driver's licenses, fake passports... The photos on these documents are all old swords! There are also 50,000 yuan in cash, three bank cards, a phone card, a mobile phone, and other things needed for escape and contact in the box.

In addition, there are two pistols and a box of ammunition in the box.

The old knife will definitely come here!

Wu Chen checked everything, didn't move anything, and buttoned the box.

He got up and left the room again, went outside, put the key back to the original position behind the meter box, then entered the room again, and closed the door... He pulled a chair, went to the balcony, sat down, raised Erlang's legs, and took out Phone, while flipping the phone, pay attention to the window with the corner of the eye.

This house is not transparent from north to south.

The window faces west, and you can see the west alley outside.

The reason why Wu Chen didn't wear a coat and a peaked cap was because he thought that he might arrive at the same time as Laodao and meet him in the alley. If Laodao saw him from a distance, he would still be able to run... Wearing a peaked cap, his face would be smashed. Block some, it is impossible to recognize from a distance.

More than ten minutes later.

Wu Chen, who was flipping through his phone, suddenly turned his head and looked at the alley that he could barely see out of the window. He saw a taxi parked on the road outside the alley. A man got out of the car and took out a hundred yuan in cash from his pink wallet. pay.

This person is wearing a cap, a mask, and a black trench coat. The whole person looks a little bloated, but it doesn't feel the same as being fat.

Old knife!

Although he didn't see his face, Wu Chen was sure it was an old sword!

Height and habitual walking pace don't lie.

In addition, his "features" are very obvious. His face is not visible, and his body is bloated. It is because he wears a lot of clothes, and the wound is likely to have collapsed. A coat, and a purse in a garish pink…

When Lao Dao escaped from the hospital, he should only be wearing a hospital gown and nothing else.

Of course the wallet was stolen!

The taxi driver may also notice something is wrong with him, a big man with a woman's wallet, but no one's minding his business!

Lao Dao walked a few steps into the alley, and suddenly stumbled under his feet. He pressed his hand on his heart, covered it, forced him to walk a few steps, stood up straight again, and his pace became normal.

After that, Wu Chen couldn't see it anymore, and his view was blocked.

Wu Chen stood up and quickly dialed a number.

"Hey, brother-in-law! Have you found someone?!" It was Li Ruotai, who picked up right away! Shortly after he talked to his sister Li Ruobing, Li Ruobing called him again and told his brother-in-law Wu Chen that he knew where he was and went to find him. Li Ruotai was shocked and excited at the time, and told his sister that he would call his brother-in-law soon to ask about the situation. , but was scolded by Li Ruobing!

Just let him wait for the call! Stop messing around!

So Li Ruotai just kept waiting for Wu Chen to call him.

"Let the hospital send an ambulance to the west of the city..." Wu Chen opened his mouth and told Li Ruotai's detailed address directly, and then hung up!

Of course, the ambulance was called for Lao Dao, and it took about 30 minutes to arrive. These 30 minutes were enough for Wu Chen to get everything done! Originally, it was okay to let Li Ruotai sit in on it. Li Ruotai did it himself, so he missed the opportunity.

After a few minutes.

Click, click! Someone opened the door with the 501 key.

It will open soon.

The man wearing a mask and a peaked cap stumbled into the door, then slammed the door shut, took off the mask at once, and scolded out of breath, "I'm a sloth!" .

Walking a few steps into the living room, Lao Dao suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Jiang Chuan had told him long ago that the suitcase was on the sofa.

But at the moment, the box is on the coffee table.

Also, there is a chair on the balcony, which conflicts with the clean and tidy feeling of the whole living room. It seems that who has been here recently, sat on the balcony, and left without putting the chair back?

"Why do you?" A man's voice suddenly came from behind.

Lao Dao turned around abruptly. At the moment when he turned around, he took out a sharp knife from his arms. It looked like a kitchen knife and could be bought casually.

His movements were fast and violent, although he was seriously injured, he didn't have the chance to stop. He turned around and took a step, and slashed at Wu Chen's neck with a knife!

Chapter 0198 I'll give you a chance

The action suddenly stopped!

Lao Dao seems to have a stress reaction. He turns around and kills when he hears the sound. He is very professional and moves very fast, but he suddenly stopped! And Wu Chen didn't do anything, didn't do anything, just looked at him.

Wu Chen leaned against the wall, with his hands in the pockets of his trousers, his body leaned back slightly, the back of his head was against the wall, the peaked cap was upturned, and the whole person stood against the wall in a very relaxed and casual manner. With a smile, he calmly looked at the suddenly violent old knife!

Lao Dao's arm holding the sword was raised high, but it stopped!

He stopped without anyone else for any particular reason.

It's just because he saw clearly that the person who spoke out was Wu Chen!

Yesterday in the elevator, in a small space, seven people slashed Wu Chen, but Wu Chen killed him! They were all cut down by Wu Chen! This kind of combat power can no longer be described as terrifying. Lao Dao is a knife player. After so many years of life and death, he has never seen such a strong person!

Strong and outrageous!

Lao Dao knew that he couldn't beat Wu Chen, not to mention that he was seriously injured, even if he wasn't injured, he couldn't beat him!

And he also knew that Wu Chen deliberately didn't kill him.

The wound was so close to the heart that he almost died!

Under such circumstances, Wu Chen could still exercise such fine control, not killing him in the slightest, Lao Dao is completely unimaginable, what kind of terrifying and severe training Wu Chen has gone through!

When he was in the hospital bed, he thought about it, and even laughed at himself, the Ding family's information on Wu Chen must be inaccurate! When he played with a knife in front of Wu Chen, it could only be said that he was the one who made the axe and brought his own humiliation!

Lao Dao kept raising his sword and looked at Wu Chen in shock.

Why is Wu Chen here? !

After a meal, Lao Dao took two steps back abruptly, turned his wrist and retracted his arm, and assumed a posture of holding the knife back on guard. He also glanced at the door from the corner of his eye. If he can run directly, the door is closed, and he needs an action to open the door. He knows very well that he can't run!

But I want to run!

"The gun is in the box..." Wu Chen looked at Lao Dao with a smile, lowered his head and gestured to Lao Dao.

Lao Dao glanced at the box on the coffee table, but was still extremely alert and did not move, staring at Wu Chen.

The coffee table was also a few steps away. The box had to be opened to get the gun, and Wu Chen came first... He didn't know if there were bullets in the gun, and he didn't know if Wu Chen had a gun on him.

To move is to die!

"Relax, if I wanted to kill you, you would have died in the elevator yesterday." Wu Chen smiled at Lao Dao, he stood up straight after saying that, Lao Dao immediately took a step back on guard.

Of course Lao Dao knew that Wu Chen would not kill him easily!

But he knew even more that if he didn't cooperate and say something, he would still be killed!

And he is the kind of person who doesn't speak.

So just...

"I've already called an ambulance for you." Wu Chen spoke again, and while speaking with a smile, he walked directly to the sofa and coffee table, "Your injury won't last long, even if the wound is sutured, it won't be as much trouble as you are. …”

Wu Chen said with a light smile, while walking towards the sofa, he even left his back to Lao Dao.

But Lao Dao didn't attack Wu Chen.

Because he wanted to run, not fight! How fast Wu Chen reacts, he has seen it before!

Wu Chen walked to the sofa and turned around to sit down.

Just as he was about to sit down, the old knife moved violently and was about to rush towards the door, but Wu Chen said at the same time, "Malingshan, I heard that Pumen's black tea is very good, don't you want me to try it? "After Wu Chen finished speaking, he sat down, turned his head and smiled and looked at Lao Dao, whose body had froze.

Lao Dao had already turned around and took the first step, but when he heard the name "Ma Ling Shan", he stopped.

Later, when Wu Chen mentioned "Pu Men", it made him feel cold.

Lao Dao slowly turned around, stared at Wu Chen, his eyes were directly congested with blood, this was a murderous look, his hand gripping the knife was even harder, and his knuckles turned white.

"How do you know?" Lao Dao asked in a cold voice.

"Don't you want to talk to me?" Wu Chen raised his eyebrows at Lao Dao with a smile, and gestured to the sofa chair on the side with his eyes and said, "Sit down."

Lao Dao stared at Wu Chen, he thought silently, a few seconds later, he walked towards the coffee table and sat on the sofa chair on the side, his eyes never left Wu Chen, and he always held the knife in his hand. In front of Wu Chen, the only thing that could bring him a little sense of security was the knife in his hand.

Although this sense of security is self-deceiving, it is of no use.

"How do you know?" Lao Dao stared at Wu Chen again and asked, with no expression on his face that was pale from his injuries.

The two keywords "Maling Mountain" and "Pumen" prompted Lao Dao to stay directly. Wu Chen didn't need to resort to force, Lao Dao would stay and talk to Wu Chen!

Because what Wu Chen said was a secret no one knew.

Lao Dao, the real name on the ID card is "Liu Yun Dao", and the age on the ID card is 40 years old! However, both the name "Liu Yundao" and the age are all fake!

The old knife was originally called "Ma Lingshan", and was renamed "Ma Shan" when he was sixteen. At the age of 21, "Ma Shan" disappeared and was later confirmed to have died in a car accident. The body was thrown down the hillside. When the body was found, it was already highly decomposed and could only be identified by the family members by the clothes.

Back then, the technology was limited, DNA testing was not fully popularized, and if it was not necessary, there was no need to do that kind of testing, so the corpse had not undergone DNA testing to confirm the identity.

In fact, "Ma Shan" didn't die. He absconded because of a crime, and made a false identity named "Chen Zhuangmin".

After that, Chen Zhuangmin went to the border areas of Yun Province for a few years, and then went to Myanmar. After many **** storms, he joined the Jinhua Group and called the backbone of the Jinhua Group. When he officially returned to China, he Once again, he changed his identity, replacing the identity of a recently deceased person named "Liu Minfeng"!

At the age of thirty-three, Liu Minfeng became the "used name" again, and his name on the ID card officially became "Liu Yundao".

In other words, "Ma Lingshan" is Lao Dao's first name, and "Liu Yun Dao" is his fifth name!

At present, everyone who knows Laodao only knows the last three names of Laodao at most!

Before he joined Jinhua Group, Jinhua Group only knew that his name was "Chen Zhuangmin"!

No one knows who he is!

At the legal level, Malingshan has long been a dead person, and his household registration has been cancelled.

This is Lao Dao's biggest secret!

And this secret involves a very big problem, that is, Lao Dao's family. He is the son of a tea farmer. His current real age is only 41 years old. Not only his parents are still alive, but his two sisters are also still alive. .

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