The two older sisters have had children in their families for a long time, including his parents, they all live in the place called "Pumen" that is rich in black tea, and live an ordinary life.

For the old swordsman who is ruthless and frightening but has countless enemies, being known about his family is his biggest worry!

"It's been twenty years, and you haven't dared to contact your family. I heard that your mother visits your grave every year..." Wu Chen opened the box on the coffee table and picked up the pistol inside.

Lao Dao held the knife in one hand, and the other hand was already supporting the armrest of the sofa, and he would jump up, dodge, or pounce on Wu Chen at any time.

"Actually, I think you're right." Wu Chen continued. He picked up the gun and pulled out the magazine to take a look. There were bullets in it, which were actually for Lao Dao to see. He stuffed the magazine back again. Then he pulled the holster and loaded the bullet.

"Protecting family members from harm is what every man should do."


After Wu Chen finished speaking, he slapped the pistol on the coffee table, and then slid in the direction of Lao Dao with just the right amount of force. The pistol slid to the side of the coffee table and stopped, and Lao Dao could get it as soon as he reached out his hand.

Lao Dao's pupils shrank, Wu Chen actually gave him the gun!

"I'll give you a chance..." Wu Chen smiled at Lao Dao and said relaxedly.

Chapter 0199 Two black materials

"You can pick up the gun now and kill me with one shot, or let's have a good talk." Wu Chen smiled and looked at Lao Dao, "I believe that you are a smart person, and you will do what is best for you. choose."

Wu Chen gave Lao Dao a chance, a chance not to be threatened by Wu Chen with his family.

But in fact, Wu Chen didn't give him a chance.

At such a close distance, Lao Dao has no chance at all! For top players, if the distance is too close, the gun is not as easy to use as the knife, because the gun must be aimed at the person in order to cause damage, and the knife is a full-angle attack!


Lao Dao wouldn't know that Wu Chen didn't give him a chance. Wu Chen's ability is beyond anyone's imagination. Even Li Ruobing's current understanding of Wu Chen is only the tip of the iceberg!

Lao Dao would think, this is really an opportunity!

"Do you think I dare not kill you?" Lao Dao's face was a little uncertain, and his question was full of temptation.

He aimed at Wu Chen, then at the gun, holding the armrest of the sofa, as if he was accumulating energy and could move at any time.

"You Laodao, killing is no different from killing chickens. It's not a question of whether you dare, but whether you will." Wu Chen smiled at Laodao, "You have very few weaknesses, and you dare to take your life, so you say , there is nothing you dare not, just whether or not you want to."

"So why do you think I don't want to kill you?" Lao Dao immediately asked Wu Chen.

"You don't have to tell my gods by talking, it's meaningless." Wu Chen smiled indifferently, "And I know that you didn't take the gun right away, you were wondering if I had moved the gun in advance, and I was also guessing if I was in advance. I have told others about your information, and I can answer you directly. I haven't moved the gun, what was your original name, and where did you live, and I didn't tell anyone."

Lao Dao looked at Wu Chen silently.

He had no idea what Wu Chen meant! court death? ! He didn't even think it was a temptation, he was courting death! No matter how good Wu Chen Dao is, and how well he can fight, it is his old sword who can get the gun the first time!


To gamble with your life?

He really didn't know Wu Chen, otherwise he would definitely know that Wu Chen never risked his life, and he didn't like to leave the unknown to the uncertain possibility.

The silent old knife never touched the gun.

Wu Chen said it clearly, although he doubted it, he thought he had the opportunity to kill Wu Chen directly! But he just didn't move, he didn't realize it right away... In fact, this was his instinctive fear of Wu Chen!

In response to Wu Chen's crash plan, he suddenly decided to arrange it immediately, but it failed immediately! Everyone was caught!

In the elevator, seven kills one, Wu Chen won!

After escaping from the hospital for more than an hour, Wu Chen had just arrived at the safety point!

Wu Chen dared to give him the gun!

Lao Dao is extremely confident in his ability to fight to the death with a knife in melee combat, and he is indeed confident in his ability! But Wu Chen subverted his cognition. Since then, his cognition of Wu Chen has been raised to an unimaginable level.

And, I admire it!

Just like the Lao Dao Wu Chen knew, if you want to talk to Lao Dao, the main premise is to win him. He is very obsessed with Dao. Those who can beat him with Dao will become special in his heart.

Only from the point of view of fighting with cold weapons, Lao Dao would think that the opponent is powerful and invincible!

This is the psychology of an extremely confident person after being defeated! He will feel that he can't even beat himself! Who else can win? ! And Wu Chen didn't beat him alone, but beat a total of seven people including him! Fight together!

Wu Chen just wanted Lao Dao to think for himself.

When Wu Chen gave him the gun, he would unconsciously go further and improve his awareness of Wu Chen's abilities!

Moreover, Wu Chen was eliminating the discomfort in his heart.

It comes from the "discomfort" caused by Wu Chen threatening him with his family! The information obtained through threats may not be fake, but! Loyalty obtained through threats is definitely not true loyalty!

In fact, Wu Chen can already continue talking with Lao Dao, and he doesn't need to play this game, but he doesn't play. According to his original plan, Lao Dao will eventually become his person! At that time, there will be problems with his loyalty. He will feel that he is being threatened by doing things with Wu Chen to protect his family!

If this is the case, then after he investigates it clearly, he will definitely attack Wu Chen! Will "eat the master"!

not like this.

So Wu Chen gave him this chance! Wu Chen didn't use his family to threaten him, if so, he can go get a gun! If he doesn't take it, this is his own choice, and it will greatly affect his psychology.

Lao Dao was the first person Wu Chen saw in reality, no matter how tortured he was to extort a confession, he would not say anything!

Extremely strong combat effectiveness, extremely complicated life experience, not only is his personal ability extremely strong in handling affairs, but he is very strict with his mouth after the accident! Never sell "Big Brother"! And he is really not afraid of death, he dares to do anything!

The reputation of Lao Dao at the border of Yun Province is accumulated, and there is no trace of moisture!

If he hadn't met Wu Chen, it would be impossible for him to "overturn" when he came to the East China Sea this time!

Now, Wu Chen must accept him! Take him for your own use!

"What do you want to know?" Lao Dao asked Wu Chen again, he was still paying attention to the gun, still thinking about it, or looking for an opportunity, "If it's about the Ding family, I'm sorry, I won't tell you, Li Ruotai mentioned it to me, but I didn't tell him, and I won't tell you!"

"Those things, you don't need to tell me, I know." Wu Chen smiled lightly at Lao Dao.

"You know?" Lao Dao asked back.

"Yes, I know, very clear!" Wu Chen smiled and looked at Lao Dao, "For example, Wang Ruida was killed by you! It was Ding Ruilong's meaning."

Wang Ruida's death is another deadly black material of Ding Ruilong!

No one ever thought that Wang Ruida's death was actually arranged by Ding Ruilong, because in the period before Wang Ruida's death, let alone conflict with Ding Ruilong, he had never met face to face and had no business conflict.

After hearing what Wu Chen said, Lao Dao's pupils shrank.

Who is the mastermind behind killing Wang Ruida? Only three people in the world should know, Ding Ruilong himself, Lao Dao, and the boss of Jinhua Group! Ding Ruilong did not arrange for Jiang Chuan to find someone to do this, but Ding Ruilong called Laodao directly!

"By the way." Wu Chen didn't wait for Lao Dao to say anything, and continued with a smile, "I once took a photo of the elevator, and right after we finished, I sent the photo to Jiang Chuan and asked him to pass it on to Ding Ruilong. ...So now, Ding Ruilong should think that you are all dead! Even the overseas Jinhua will think that you are dead!"

Lao Dao's expression suddenly became extremely subtle.

If everyone thinks he is dead, then he has the opportunity to "feign death" again! But this thought was only for a moment, and he gave up! He had already fallen too deep and was engulfed by darkness, and there were only two paths left for him in the future, either to die or to work until he died! There is no third possibility!

"Also..." Wu Chen smiled at Lao Dao, and his smile was a little subtle at this moment, "I also know that Ang Tun was killed by Ding Ruilong!"

The old knife changed color dramatically!

This is what the old knife can prove, Ding Ruilong's second black material! In fact, Lao Dao doesn't know who killed "Ang Tun" at all, and he doesn't have any evidence to prove who killed Ang Tun, but it's a wonderful thing, as long as Lao Dao believes Wu Chen's words, he will go to another People say, then he can become a witness to Ding Ruilong's killing of Ang Tun!

Lao Dao's eyes widened, he couldn't believe what Wu Chen said was true, he had been investigating the death of "Ang Tun" for a long time back then, and he didn't find any clues! How could it be Ding Ruilong killed?

I don't believe it, and I can't figure it out!

Lao Dao thought, the flesh on his face was shaking!

"I know, you might..." Wu Chen had to say something.


Lao Dao quickly picked up the pistol on the coffee table! The gun was instantly aimed at Wu Chen!

Chapter 0200 I Need You To Tell A Lie

The timing of the old knife was very precise. As Wu Chen said, he was distracting Wu Chen through language, so he didn't decide whether to touch the gun or not, so he started talking to Wu Chen, all he needed was Wu Chen's momentary distracted.

Lao Dao is a knife player, but his marksmanship is also top-notch!

It's just because his melee fighting ability is too strong and belongs to the top level, so no one mentions how his marksmanship is. However, he received orthodox training in Myanmar, and the Golden Flower Group is the border of Myanmar. A small warlord organization! Lao Dao's marksmanship is definitely at the level of a first-class gunslinger, but it just can't reach the top.

Wu Chen kept his voice, with a very indifferent smile on his face, and looked at the old knife that held the gun and pointed it at him.

Very calm.

Don't panic!

Wu Chen didn't stop Lao Dao at the moment when he tried to touch the gun, not because he couldn't react, but because he didn't need it.

Because Wu Chen knew that Lao Dao wouldn't shoot.

If it was before, Lao Dao suddenly touched the gun, Wu Chen would definitely grab the gun in an instant, but Wu Chen has already said about "Ang Tun", so there is no need for it! For Lao Dao, it can be said that who killed Ang Tun was very important!

Not only because he and Ang Tun are brothers, they have a very good personal relationship!

It is also because Ang Tun is one of the core figures of the Golden Flower Group. He is from Burmese, understands Chinese, and is the nephew of General "Kun Han", the leader of the Golden Flower Group! It can be called a right-hand man!

Because Kun Han's two sons were killed in the conflict in the early years, only one daughter was left, so... In fact, before his death, Ang Tun was one of the strong contenders for the succession of the leader of the Jinhua Group. one!

Kun Han valued him very much!

Five years ago, Ang Tun disappeared in the territory of Yun Province, and there are no dead or dead. At that time, Lao Dao was one of Jinhua's affairs leaders in China. It was Lao Dao who led people to track down this matter. He found some clues. , but can only be sure that Ang Tun was killed, but it is impossible to find out who did it.

Kun Han was furious at this! He directly suspected that it was done by another warlord organization on the border of Myanmar, because the two sides were opponents! Too many conflicts before! Kun Han threw the fire on this opponent, secretly arrested many of the opponent, interrogated and pressed questions, but got no answer.

Because of this incident, both the Jinhua Group and the rival group suffered considerable losses. They fought back and forth, and a lot of people died, and they finally negotiated again!

Lao Dao did not find out the truth.

Although the matter has passed and it has become an "unsolved case", Lao Dao has never been reconciled.

Wu Chen has already said who killed Ang Tun, and he only started at the beginning. He didn't say more details, and he didn't prove the truth. In this case, Lao Dao definitely wanted to listen. He wanted to know, So... if he wants to kill Wu Chen, he shouldn't touch the gun at this time. He can ask Wu Chen first, listen more, understand everything, and then find a chance to touch the gun.

Lao Dao held his gun and slowly narrowed his eyes at Wu Chen.

Wu Chen still had a smile on his face, always indifferent.

"Aren't you afraid?" Lao Dao asked Wu Chen.

"I believe, you won't shoot me." Wu Chen smiled.

The old sword swears! He had never seen such a calm person! You must know that the reason why he came to the East China Sea this time was to accept the employment of the Ding family to kill Wu Chen! Although a lot of things happened in the middle, but he is now holding a gun at Wu Chen, just hook his fingers, Wu Chen will die! Mission accomplished!

But Wu Chen was calm as if he had not received any death threats!

The old sword, who was originally afraid because of Wu Chen's fighting ability, at this moment, in addition to being afraid, he also admired Wu Chen even more! He really didn't know, Wu Chen really wouldn't gamble his life, he knew Lao Dao's psychology and controlled Lao Dao's psychology!

Of course, even if he doesn't play psychology, Wu Chen is not afraid, because he still has the biggest hole card - reset!

Lao Dao suddenly withdrew his gun, and at the same time dropped the knife in the other hand, and returned to take the cushion of the sofa chair.

He held the pillow and folded it in half to wrap the gun, and then pushed the muzzle against the inner side of the sofa armrest!

The action is very fast, in one go!



The outer side of the handrail collapsed a little, and some sawdust splashed!

The old knife shot!

This gunshot is very dull, and the sound is not low, but it is far from being very loud, and it is much lower in decibels than the normal gunshot! Some like the sound of the cork popping out after shaking a wine bottle! The neighbors next door may not be able to hear the sound, and even if they did, they would not think it was a gunshot.

Because it was "silenced"!

There is no silencer, but the thick cotton pillow wraps the muzzle of the gun and is against the sofa... These actions are used to silence the sound! Mainly by the pillow package.

After the gunshot.

Old Dao was stunned.

He really didn't want to shoot Wu Chen, and in the end he even guessed that Wu Chen lied, he had played with guns, so he wasn't afraid at all!

However, it turns out! He guessed wrong!

The gun works! Wu Chen is really fearless in the face of a gun that can kill him at any time! Have the confidence to control everything!


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