"Hey! Artest..." Wu Chen sighed and said again, "What are you anxious about? Didn't I tell you, I'll let you listen in?" Wu Chen's tone was very flat, but he was relaxed when speaking with ordinary people. With a smiley tone, the contrast is great!

This is really frustrating.

"No, brother-in-law...I...Actually I...I am..." Li Ruotai couldn't explain it at all, and he was a little confused because Wu Chen knew what he did.

"Okay, I know, I will find someone." Wu Chen hung up after saying that.

Without Li Ruotai's explanation, Wu Chen guessed what was going on.

Before Wu Chen saw Laodao, the only person who could bring pressure to Laodao was Li Ruotai. Naturally, his subordinates would not make up their own minds, and Li Ruotai just said "it's hard to say what he did wrong".

The answer is obvious.

It was Li Ruotai who talked to the old swordsman who woke up in advance!

He was a little anxious, what Ding Ruilong did this time really made him angry, so he wanted to know first, he must be threatening Laodao! Said some harsh words! Li Ruotai is ruthless enough, he can do what he says! Lao Dao must have known him before he came to the East China Sea, so... he has to run right away!

He knew that if he didn't cooperate with Li Ruotai next time, Li Ruotai would probably break him directly!

If you don't run right away, you will wait to die, and running will give you a chance to survive.

Li Ruotai obviously realized that he did something wrong after Lao Dao ran away. It may not have been a mistake at first, but if he didn't watch Lao Dao, it was all wrong! That's why he's so "hard to say".


In the hospital corridor.

After Li Ruotai heard Wu Chen hang up the phone, his whole face was wrong again. He felt that his brother-in-law seemed to be angry. In fact, Wu Chen didn't say anything serious, but his tone was flat, but he just felt so!

As for Wu Chen, Li Ruotai is afraid that he can't talk about it. He recognizes this brother-in-law more and more, and... he is really afraid of his old sister!

Li Ruotai thought about it, and immediately dialed another number.

It will be through soon.

"Artest..." Li Ruobing's voice rang from the phone.

"Sister, that..." Li Ruotai paused.

"Huh?" Li Ruobing's tone changed immediately. She knew her brother too well, and she immediately understood her tone, and asked in a cold voice, "What's wrong with you? Say it!"

Li Ruotai resolutely explained the situation again. In fact, the biggest problem with this incident is that it will affect Li Ruobing's future!

Old knives are very important! Wu Chen wants to talk to him, it is to deal with Ding Ruilong! Li Ruotai talked with Lao Dao in advance, and forced Lao Dao to run away immediately. He didn't watch anyone, what was wrong was not only Wu Chen's business, but also Li Ruobing's business!

Li Ruotai is very afraid that the old lady will beat her!

And, very self-blame!

Li Ruobing listened to Li Ruotai without saying a word. She was silent for a while, and this silence made Li Ruotai panic.

"Sister! I know I'm wrong! I will definitely find someone! Sister, you believe me!" Li Ruotai said first, not giving Li Ruobing a chance to speak, and said, "That's right, sister, I told my brother-in-law, and my brother-in-law seems to be angry... …”

"He's angry? He's scolding you?" Li Ruobing asked immediately, her voice rising, and she felt a "crack" in her heart, because Wu Chen was never angry, if he was really angry... Li Ruobing's scalp would feel numb!

"Yeah, I didn't scold me, it just... I feel like..." Li Ruotai said.

"You! You! What do you want me to say about you!" Li Ruobing was breathing heavily, she wanted to scold, but she didn't even have the heart to scold, "Hurry up and find someone! Get me back right away! You Brother-in-law, I'll tell him! I'll say good things to you."

After all, Li Ruobing felt sorry for her younger brother.

She even felt that if Wu Chen was really angry, it would be much more serious than the old knife running away!


In the office of the president of Symphony Fashion.

Li Ruobing hung up her brother's phone and immediately dialed Wu Chen's number.

It will pass immediately.

"Darling, Artest told me that he has too much personality..." Li Ruobing opened her mouth to explain to Li Ruotai, and called him "Dear" directly.

"I'm not angry." Wu Chen said directly, and smiled lightly, "I can't lose anyone, I'm driving to see Lao Dao."

"Huh?" Li Ruobing reacted before blurting out, "Do you know where Lao Dao went?!"

Chapter 0196 is not coming? Still not here?

On Binjiang Road, the blue Lamborghini is galloping!

"The old knife is here..." Wu Chen said after a pause, then smiled and said, "I'm not sure."

"Not sure?" Li Ruobing also didn't know whether Wu Chen was really unsure, or whether he deliberately cheated on him. He was always mysterious and didn't like to talk about it.

"I haven't seen anyone yet, how can I be sure?" Wu Chen replied with a light smile.

"Okay..." Li Ruobing didn't ask any further, she could vaguely hear the loud "wind noise" from Wu Chen's side, it wasn't because the windows were open, but the speed was too fast, so there was such a clear wind noise." Concentrate on driving, first."

"It's done." Wu Chen said.

Hanging up the phone, Wu Chen stepped on the accelerator again, the speed of the car increased again, he was already overspeeding! But the problem is not big, all the illegal kings will deal with it.

The green light ahead, Lamborghini flicks through the intersection...

Actually, Wu Chen was taking a detour.

It's less than three o'clock in the afternoon, and it's not a rush hour, but in a big developed city like Donghai, whether it's a rush hour, there are a lot of cars on the road, and there will definitely be traffic jams during peak hours.

Wu Chen wanted to ensure the speed of the car, so he had to take a detour and choose the road with fewer cars!

He knows Donghai too well!

So in this way, he can get to his destination earlier!

Thirty minutes later.

Shuangqiao in Xicheng District.

Shuangqiao is an informal place name. It originally referred to two bridges crossing the river not far from each other. They were both old bridges built in the 1970s and 1980s. Because of the long time, they gradually evolved into two bridges facing the west. The name of an area in the city!

Even the bus stop here is called Shuangqiao Station.

The Shuangqiao area, in the current East China Sea, is naturally an old city, and it is not the main city of the East China Sea any earlier. With the beginning of urbanization in the new century, the area of ​​the main city has expanded. Xicheng District.

A very remote place, far from the city center.

Double bridge.

Xinmin Second Street, Baoan Lane.

Wu Chen parked the blue Lamborghini on the side of the alley, then took off his suit jacket, threw it on the co-pilot, and tidied up his white shirt before getting out of the car and walking into the alley.

The alley is not narrow, and it is no problem to open to traffic, but the twists and turns are not straight, and few cars will pass here, because there are many small shops on both sides of the alley, which are all street-side shops, small restaurants, and clothing stores. , hardware stores, stalls, duck necks, there are many small shops, and there are many people coming and going.

This is a very lively place. If you walk in Baoan Alley, you will have a feeling of coming to a small city's downtown snack street. In fact, it is not that exaggerated. It is not just for food, but also for everything. , it is only because there are a lot of rental houses in this place and there are more foreigners, so a kind of "prosperity" has gradually formed.

Almost every city has this kind of place. It is far from the city center, but it is very lively.

Wu Chen walked further and further into the alley.

At this time, there are quite a lot of people here, but it is far from crowded.

When passing by a small shop with a sign of "Clearance and Sale, 10% Off Sitewide", Wu Chen turned his head to take a look and walked in. This is a small shop that sells clothing, all of which are very cheap. One hundred yuan can buy two pairs of trousers, as well as all kinds of broken shoes, known as the last order of foreign trade.

As far as Wu Chen knows, this store has been "clearing and selling goods" since the day it opened, but it was just a gimmick to sell things.

Wu Chen went in for two minutes and then came out.

He bought a white peaked cap. Although the peaked cap didn't match a suit, Wu Chen didn't wear a suit jacket, just a white shirt. With the peaked cap on, the whole person's feeling changed, a very young and sunny feeling!

Continue walking down the alley.

Wu Chen crossed the entire alley, from the east to the west, to the other end of Baoan Alley, and he was about to see the main road at the other end, which was Xinmin 3rd Street.

Turn left.

There are many forks in Baoan Alley, all of which are seven-storey old buildings, and more than half of the houses are rented out.

This is the last fork in the road.

Wu Chen walked in.

In fact, Wu Chen can enter Baoan Alley from Xinmin 3rd Street, and enter the alley from the alley on the west side. It is naturally closer to enter this fork without crossing the entire alley, but Wu Chen is detouring far away. What he considers is that if the car is parked in the west Outside the entrance of the alley, it is very likely that the old knife upstairs will be seen through the rear window.

Of course, Lao Dao knows about Wu Chen's blue Lamborghini.

And from that private hospital to here... Lao Dao should have come in from the alley on the west side, so he didn't need to go far.

Not too far into the fork, Wu Chen stopped in front of the unit door of an old building.

Holding the brim of the peaked cap in his hand, he looked up at this old building...it's this building! According to the results of Wu Chen's investigation in the Millennium Reincarnation, Ding Ruilong was in the East China Sea and prepared some houses for his subordinates to escape.

Similar to a "safe house".

The difference is that the safe house is not safe. If a serious incident is committed, the police will be able to find it sooner or later, so these houses similar to the safe house are only used for temporary settlement. And prepared some things for the "fugitives" to escape.

There are so many places like this in the East China Sea, all of which are the most secret, and some that are not so secret... Naturally, this is the place that Ding Ruilong's people in the East China Sea can provide.

Although there are several places, there are many possibilities.

But Wu Chen still felt that Lao Dao might come directly here.

Because this is the only "safe house" that was prepared before but never used! Several other sites, although undiscovered, have been used in the previous four years.

Only here has not been used, the safest and most confidential!

This time Jiang Chuan invited Lao Dao to come over to do business, because Lao Dao’s identity is very special, and he can even be considered as a top killer invited from abroad. If he has an accident, the problem will be very big, so use it here... Jiang Chuan's cautious Personally, it's possible!

And in the entire East China Sea, the only one who knows about this place is Jiang Chuan, who has already left.

The people who work with Lao Dao are all scumbags. If something goes wrong, they also escape separately and will not come here. The consequences of their arrest will be too small!

Everything is Wu Chen's inference.

Still need to verify.

Wu Chen entered the unit door and went upstairs.

The corridor was very dark, and it felt dirty everywhere. There were all kinds of small advertisement stickers on the walls, and there were cigarette butts on the ground. Wu Chen's footsteps were very light, and there was almost no sound. Soon, he reached the fifth floor and stopped in front of door 501.

It is this one, the owner of this suite is a native of the East China Sea, but in fact the owner behind it is Ding Ruilong! Ding Ruilong instructed Jiang Chuan, and Jiang Chuan arranged for someone to buy it three years ago.

Wu Chen paused, then turned to look at the meter box on the wall.

He raised his hand and touched the gap between the back of the meter box and the wall, frowning at once, because... the key is still there!

It is the key to Room 501!

If someone comes here, the key is definitely not there!

Lao Dao didn't come here? !

Wu Chen frowned as he thought, and immediately thought of a possibility, not that he didn't come... but that he hasn't come yet! still on the way! He was injured so badly, and he was wearing a hospital gown. He must have to find a way to change his clothes on the way, and he had to avoid being tracked by the people arranged by Li Ruotai, so he may or may not come quickly!

Wu Chen thought about it and took out the key.

Whether Lao Dao is not coming, or not yet, he can verify it as long as he enters the house! Find out if you have prepared something in advance.

Wu Chen took the key to open the door.

at this time.

Bang bang bang!

There were very heavy footsteps downstairs, and there was some cluttered feeling. It seemed to be unsteady, but it felt like walking in a hurry.

Someone came upstairs.

Chapter 0197 Why do you have to?

Wu Chen stopped the key to open the door, turned his head and looked down down the stairs, his expression indifferent.

I'm not sure who is going upstairs, if it's an old knife... he can't beat Wu Chen, and he can't escape at such a close distance!

Wu Chen looked at it.

Soon, the sound of heavy and messy footsteps approached, and a middle-aged man of five or three thick staggered to the fourth and a half floors. He was wearing ordinary clothes, his clothes were a little greasy, his hair was messy, and he was a little fat.

Apparently he drank too much, he leaned on the stair railing and staggered upstairs.

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